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The Old Bull

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Everything posted by The Old Bull

  1. Throw a bucket of cold water over him.
  2. Isn't most electricity generated from burning fossil fuels? Do the networks have the capacity to support a switch to EV's?
  3. Trump did not fold. The sanctions were never intended to happen. Two things were at stake, first testing blowback from his own people and second tightening up the Canada and Mexico borders. He achieved both goals with a bluff, a good poker player. I don't think he is as stupid as he pretends to be.
  4. He would loose his mind in India where everybody leans on the horn.
  5. The climate is changing but the reasons are up for debate. Through out history there have always been climate changes.
  6. Bringing back the seniors discount would be a good start. It went when Thai Airways took over Thai Smile.
  7. I overheard some one talking in the bar, sounds like the going rate is ฿200,000 in a brown envelope.
  8. Remember Timothy Leary, Nixon called him the most dangerous man in the USA. I think he was promoting acid.
  9. Sure they are on hold I would have bet on it. Why do you think he gave a couple of weeks notice , he was seeing how much blow back he was going to get from his own people. Also by holding off he can get brownie points for being a reasonable guy. He has the makings of a good poker player.
  10. If you want a small business start with a large one and wait a few months
  11. In the US throwing people in jail is a business. Putting people in jail for a bag of weed costs the tax payers dearly, money that could be spent on health and education.
  12. In the 40's just after the war when butter was rationed we would get it from family in Wales. It would come wrapped in a rhubarb leaf as there was no plastic
  13. War is good for business if you are in the death business.
  14. How many bad decisions are judges allowed before they are removed?
  15. Why isn't the US on this list they are the ones screwing the UK not China?
  16. Sto handing money to Ukraine and buy Russian gas. Tell the US that if they can match Russia's prices you will buy their gas.
  17. Canada and the UK don't have a working man's party anymore. In Canada the NDP has been taken over by queers and tree huggers. In the UK ,New Labour has been taken over by fancy lawyers and public school boys. As peoples standard of living improved trade unions became less relevant, I think that's the problem, people have forgotten that without trade unions they would be making$1.50 an hour.
  18. I hated Latin in school, dropped out after a year. It was a requirement back then if you wanted to go into law, so I became an engineer not a lawyer. Win or loose a lawyer gets paid even if his client hangs. With engineering you have to win every time or you are in a load of trouble. That's why I would have preferred to be a lawyer, less liability ,less pressure.
  19. Right now the US is strong enough it can bully anyone but when that changes and it will, there is a long list of nations ready to stick it to them.Trump is making the list longer.
  20. No ,we need to keep the government out, if they are in control we will only get what they want us to see. Bad enough with the corporate news outlets. They have managed to close off most Russian news sources calling it propaganda while calling their own propaganda news.
  21. Yes polarization is a problem. I am never in agreement with everything any party stands for. I agree with more of what the Dems have to say but that does not mean that the GOP doesn't have a few good points.
  22. Zuckerberg owns the site, he can ban whoever he wants. Giving Trump $25 million is disgusting, for sure he bought something but we will never know. Outright corruption with no attempt to hide it.
  23. Once a month isn't too much ,wasn't Prayut on every night interrupting scheduled programs.
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