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Nigel Garvie

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Posts posted by Nigel Garvie

  1. 2 hours ago, Logosone said:

    She added:

    I am proud of the UK that explores the new frontiers of the 21st century


    I guess what Liz Truss is referring to here is the UK exploring the ultimate frontier of how much debt a country can take on.  With household, financial, and business debts standing at 420% of GDP in the 21st century the UK certainly is a pioneer in the exploration of the debt frontier.


    This is a matter of interest not contention. I recognise that UK debt is embarrassingly high, and our balance of payments deficit makes it worse every year. However I could not find the 420% figure. I did find this for external debt in 2016.










    I suppose, since our GDP is around 2 trillion, then the debt is 4 times that, or 400+%.

    I am not involved in finance, does this look right?


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  2. 11 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


    Biden will probably use Bloomberg's money, staff, offices and data clearinghouse which are all paid through November. All of which are said to be the best ever assembled. Do you find that bothersome at all?  What did Dylan say?    "In a soldier's stance, I aimed my hand at the mongrel dogs who teach. Fearing not that I'd become my enemy in the instant that I preach".

    "Equality I spoke the word, as if a wedding vow" ah but I was so impassioned then, I'm wiser than that now. (Excuse the changed wording).


    We live in a world where now our deadliest enemies are hatred and populism. So many European populist leaders have been funded by Putin, and surely 45 as well. Both Trump and Putin love their corrupt dictators - so easy to control. If in reality Biden stands a better chance of beating Trump then we have to accept that the excellent policies of Bernie will have to wait. By little steps are great things achieved.

  3. 1 hour ago, CG1 Blue said:

    As I've already explained, the disruption caused by France and Germany trying to take over the UK financial system would be disastrous for global financial markets, would take years, and will simply not happen.

    Ask yourself why France and Germany have never made a dent in the UK's position as the financial services hub for Europe, even before we were conned into joining the common market. It's not what they are good at. 

    I tend to agree with Rookiescot here. The financial markets, and the shakers and movers doing the backroom jobs have changed dramatically. lloyds may remain an important insurer of insurers, but the kids writing algorithms, the data scientists and the programmers, can work from anywhere. There are four (All around 30 years old) in our family, they work wherever they want. They only need a good wifi connection and they are off. In Maths and related subjects, you peak early, the older financiers are way out of their depth with this stuff, but are shrewd enough to employ younger folk for whom it is second nature. Why not Paris or Frankfurt, or Goa for that matter. 


    I'm afraid your  "Disastrous for global financial markets" line is completely out of date, it belongs to a stable era of jobs for life in big offices, which has been disappearing for a while. 


    A certain amount of wishful thinking going on IMHO.  

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  4. 2 hours ago, Loiner said:

    It's all very well those Remainers rushing for an Irish EU passport. But what has it done for them? Nothing.
    Where are they all now? Exactly where they were pre-Brexit.

    If life is so good in the EU states why haven't all those new paddies rushed off to Connemara or some of the other countries their freedom of movement guarantees them? No answer necessary.

    It is not only Remainders applying for these passports. Anyone who wants to avoid visas, and longer queues when travelling in future to anywhere in the EU, would be utterly daft not to get one if they qualified. However if you can't stand that foreign food, and all those nasty foreigners not showing us the respect we believe we deserve, you can stand up for Britain and have your holidays in Southend or Skegness. God knows we are going to need the money!

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, bannork said:

    Anyone living in the UK who has either Irish parents or grandparents is entitled to an Irish passport, as well as the British one.

    Almost a million Irish passports were issued in 2019, Dublin has revealed. The record total was hit because of a surge in applicants from the UK.

    Connemara, one of the most beautiful spots on this earth, on a sunny day!



    Yes my nieces have them already, lucky girls.

    Even for someone who spent their teens living in Kintail and Strathpeffer I have to admit that is a fine view. We got sunshine occasionally as well!

    • Like 1
  6. 5 hours ago, vogie said:

    Bit like the EU then?????

    BIT being the operative word. We send a VERY SMALL proportion of UK taxes to the EU and receive back large amounts in Grants, and the huge financial benefit of being part of a massive trading block. Unlike Scotland sending ALL their taxes (Except local council tax of course) to Westminster. 


    I admit that exactly the same idea occurred to me initially, till I thought about it more.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Kwasaki said:

    I respect your post. 

    A United Kingdom is what I see as a good future now we are out of the mafia club,  maybe Scotland see's England as the mafia. ????

    No no, that's the Kray brothers you're thinking of! The family and friendship ties between all the home countries are vast. One main issue we have though, is that you keep on electing self-important public schoolboys to rule us all. Friendship will be better maintained at a mutually respectful distance.

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  8. 2 hours ago, rhyddid said:

    BS BJ do not care anything, his goal it's his ego, careless that tax fro British will increase and life will be worst.
    Well done Brexiters !

    I simply don't think BJ has the actual intelligence to realise that if he stuffs business - the service industry in particular - then the country is going down the tubes even faster than it is already. He is a posturer, famously weak on detail - a perfect Brexiteer in fact.

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  9. 3 hours ago, bartender100 said:

    Who cares? We are out, let them squabble over their budget


    We can buy where we want now, if they don't want to trade to their previously biggest customer up to them


    I am sure the people in the streets of the EU will have a different view in the years to come when M&M are history

    We can buy where we want now...............nutty comment, we always could buy wherever we wanted to.


    if they don't want to trade to their previously biggest customer up to them.............factually incorrect, the US was and remains the EUs biggest trading partner,  and also customer, they sell more to US than UK.(See stats below from Wikipedia)


    Thats 2 out of 2 wrong, near average for a Brexiteer the it comes to facts!


    I can't comment on M&M, are they the many coloured chewy sweets.



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