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Nigel Garvie

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Posts posted by Nigel Garvie

  1. 14 minutes ago, blazes said:



    Yes, yes, you are 100% correct.  It was Johnny Foreigner who started all this mess that finally took us into two World Wars and a Common Market (oops, sorry, European Union).

    Thank God the Saxon people of 2019 (not forgetting the people of Wales) have finally found their voice.

    I hope the final cut of January 31 will be announced from Hastings....

    I enjoyed that.

    We are all immigrants really, there was no one here 10,000 years ago when the ice retreated. We are apparently also all related to the emperor Charlemagne. So really we are the Johnny Foreigner who you blame for "All this mess". What about the Angles, and Jutes BTW!?

    • Like 2
  2. 12 minutes ago, Oxx said:


    Actually, it is, even if it's just pennies.  It is fundamentally wrong that an unelected, unaccountable individual who simply has their position because of who their parents were is utterly immoral and unconscionable.  Such an individual most certainly shouldn't be living a life of extreme luxury sucking on the tit of the British worker.

    Fair enough, I agree wholeheartedly with the principle. It should be extended to cover many of those whose wealth is based on the work of others, not just the Royals. I think the main thing is that they could do without the money from the taxpayer. They are vastly wealthy (The whole family) and could live off the interest alone. Tax avoidance by the UK rich, and Amazon/Google etc gets me more worked up I must admit.

    • Like 1
  3. 36 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    Yes Iran, you have the Hezbollah, The Ayatollah, and Cleric, leadership.  They are the

    enemy.  Maybe it is time for the people of Iran to have a rebellion and get the Military

    who are not brainwashed to rise up and take over the country as a military dictatorship.

      Put Religion back where it really belongs, in the religious places.



    As popular as dictators and dictatorships appear to be with Mr. Trump, they are not generally considered to be a good thing! Even military ones (Possibly happening in a place near you) are only good for the manufacturers of medals.


    Iran does have elections which look fairly honestly run. Sadly religion is the problem. Separation of religion and government is always necessary. We shouldn't be just blaming Iran about it though, the obnoxious religious fundamentalists in many countries wield far too much power, not just Iran. Orthodox Judaism, Salafi/Wahabi Sunni muslims in Saudi Arabia, Nutty evangelicals in the US, Catholics in Poland and Ireland (Formerly).


    "Put Religion back where it really belongs, in the religious places." I agree completely, though hopefully one day it will be in the museum, and the ancient history class only.

    • Like 1
  4. 48 minutes ago, Oxx said:


    So, I'm 100% correct, and you can't find any inaccuracy whatsoever in what I wrote.  And you're simply reduced to a slur, "toxic", because you've got absolutely nothing to back up your apparent stance.

    I don't think his stance is apparent, unless he is actually standing somewhere else! I may be mistaken, but I think you introduced the word "Toxic".

    You said:-

    "hordes of worthless East Europeans (drug dealers, people traffickers, thieves, pickpockets, &c.).  These people get services for which they have never contributed, and are treated far better than British natives and expats who've paid British taxes their entire adult lives.  Plus they are a drain upon social security, schools, doctors and hospitals, and disproportionately clog up our prisons.

    Wow - powerful stuff - have you considered writing a column for the Daily Seig Heil. You'll probably have to avoid mentioning that all the government statistics show that EU immigrants are net contributors to our economy by many millions of pounds. With that information (Easily available - look it up) it looks like virtually every thing you wrote is inaccurate. I would suggest also, that we have shown ourselves able to supply our own drug dealers, and thieves. Our empire was built, to a very significant extent,  on profits from the slave trade, and opium sales to the Chinese. However they were British gentlemen drug dealers so perhaps that doesn't count. 


    You could start your column "The only place that (the) England has become toxic for is the English white man."

    Though in the interests of balance you would have to consider the alternative "England is not the only place that the English white man has become toxic for"!


    Meghan has probably found the views expressed by your beloved "English white man" in the gutter press toxic to her. 

    • Like 2
    • Sad 2
  5. 8 hours ago, mokwit said:

    You got that part right. I can't stand virtue signaling hypocrites.


    P.S I am English and consider myself an extreme centrist as many normal people are. I am no fan of the hawk Republicans and anyone who knows Trump's business dealing finds it hard to be a personal fan of the man. HTH. You had me boxed and labelled as a Trump supporter/hawk Republican for no other reason that  I don't like Liberals/false narratives, it seems.


    PPS Do you work in PR on behalf of the Clooneys? Sure seems like it.

    The thread has moved on, in posts, though not much in quality, sad to say. I was working, but on return I am replying to your post above. 

    Although my comment didn't actually say you were American, it could easily be read as implying that, my mistake, apologies.


    The idea about being centrist in politics anywhere, is that it cannot be extreme by definition. You can have extreme left and right wing, but being extremely in the centre is a strange concept.


    It would help you being identified as a UK not US citizen if you didn't use the word "Liberal" in it's negative US way, where anyone to the left of Franco is a Liberal (Doubtless a Commie loving traitorous one as well! ). We have a Liberal party in the UK, they are generally considered to be centrists, moderate in their political views, although arguably a bit "Wishy washy".


    Virtue signalling hypocrites rolls of the tongue for sure, but the virtue signalling bit has become misused to the extent that it no longer has any meaning. Is anyone who does anything that shows that they care for their fellow man/woman, virtue signalling? How hypocritical are the Tory MPs who claim that "We are all in this together" and then subject the poor to years of austerity while they stash the cash away in the Cayman Islands?

    • Like 2
  6. 15 hours ago, mokwit said:

    Clooneys are not real celebrities. They appear in the media because they have a huge PR campaign behind them. If they stopped paying for that they would vanish from the public eye.

    Oh dear mokwit, you clearly have some serious problem about the Clooneys, repeated in later posts ad nauseam. They are talented, highly intelligent, and whatever petty fault finding you might raise, actually contribute generously to charity. She is a top human rights lawyer who has taken a number of cases that she cares about deeply, on for free. He is a talented actor who has had huge success. Their riches have been gained by their own work. He is very handsome and she is beautiful. 


    Not only are Harry and Meghan friends with these unspeakable Clooneys, but Hilary Clinton also - how awful is that!


    Why use this topic which is about H & M to flaunt your right wing US political views?


    Incidentally on the subject of charity, please note that the Trump family record has resulted in their charity being closed down, a $2M fine, and the brats being forcibly re-educated on what a charity actually means, and a ban on being allowed to run any charity in NY.  Glass houses - stones?

    • Like 1
  7. 7 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

    There is no equality in this relationship. She rules as a manipulative dictator. He’s completely lost his manhood. Perhaps he one day regains it. I hope so. 

    I can't help getting the impression that you are speaking from personal experience! I trust that I'm wrong, but if not I hope you got yours back.


    Anyway from the posts that have followed yours, the judgemental drivel goes on and on, wave after wave of bitter resentful stuff about how she has let the side down and is not good enough for "Us". The truth is the reverse, she has seen little England in all it's pathetic self importance led on by a rabid press like the Seig Heil, and has said "F##k yous I'm offski". Fortunately Harry has grown a pair, and is prepared to support her against his dysfunctional family, and the twisted tabloids. Go for it hen. 

    • Like 2
  8. 49 minutes ago, JAG said:


    There have been many occasions when past Labour governments have been elected due to the  number of Labour MPs returned by Scottish constituencies.

    Simply not true. Blair's victories did not depend on Scottish Labour seats, they were surplus to requirements, even in 2005. I'm not absolutely sure about Harold Wilson, but remember in the 1950s Scotland returned a majority of Tory seats. They certainly say that Scottish votes have never affected the outcome of UK elections since WW2. Surprised that we feel disenfranchised?

  9. 1 hour ago, evadgib said:

    What's all this 'on your knees'? The tail has been wagging the dog since B-liar gave everyone except the ???????????????????????????? a Parliament 20 years ago & the ???????????????????????????? are getting fed up with it and have finally woken up as seen yesterday.

    I'm not quite sure what happened on the 12th has anything particularly to do with English Nationalism, English independence from the UK was not an option. I am totally in favour of England separating from the UK (And thus disbanding the union). I wish you well; kindly take your Etonian leaders and your army of cap doffing, subservience loving,  toff ar#elicking, little Englanders with you.


    Oh and BTW, don't bother with your sad standard line of it's the EU that controls us, Yawn, Yawn, ........wake up....... its the English rich that took you for a ride. The EU is just watching the sad spectacle of a once great country turning itself into a playground for bigots. 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
  10. Thanks for your replies. Actually I was talking about emigration i.e. leaving, but I guess that's what you mean by Immigration, that is covered by the Immigration department. 

    46 minutes ago, My 2 cents said:

    Imagine the positive effect on the tourisme numbers... welcome in the land of ....TM's ?
    TM6, TM28, TM30, TM47


    Book a tour, day by day excursion, hotel-immigration office every day another city, leave the immigration office, just time enough to travel to your next city/hotel... next morning the local immigration office awaits you... another TM28 for you and a TM30 for the landlord...


    Don't worry, feel safe and welcome...

    The best what TAT can offer.... 

    Absolutely, but the documents would not have to be given to tourists, on the grounds that they would - at least in theory - be staying in places, hotels etc - where they would not be concerned with TM30s which would be the responsibly of the place that they stayed.

  11. A friend has a problem that I can't answer. He has been in Thailand for under 90 days on a number of occasions. He has (And had before) a one year multiple entry non-immigrant O (Not O-A) visa based on retirement. 

    He stays with his girlfriend in her house, but only recently (Older person and not always up with events, which is why I am asking for him) heard about the TM 30 form. He is quite happy to fill this in, in the future, but is going home soon, and is worried that when he presents his passport at Emigration in Swampy, they may be looking for a TM30 slip.

    1) Is this the case, do they check for them?

    2) If it is the case,  what is likely to happen when they don't find one, what will they do?

    3) Would they look back at previous visits?


    Any help would be appreciated..........thanks.


    On the more general topic, how is anybody supposed to find out about TM30?

     They don't advise you about it when you get your visa

     They don't advise you about it when you arrive at Immigration

    If you are the sort of person who keeps to yourself and lives a simple life here in the country, without much contact with other Falangs, how would you know.


    A little information sheet on A5 tucked into your passport at Immigration, wouldn't that simple move be helpful? 

  12. 19 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    I also believe he has claimed the title for "the most mocked man in the world". I wonder if he knows it, is aware of it, if he cares, or if he is just oblivious to that, as he is to most other things?


    16 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

    Try this checklist out for yourselg and do the maths. A dangerous man.



    It is important to note that Trump is not actually clinically insane. He is not Psychotic per se.  He doesn't have Schizophrenia, nor is he Bi-polar. Unfortunately that's about as good as it gets. 


    He suffers from pathological disorders to such an extent that there is - to all intents and purposes- not much difference.

    This article is helpful:- https://www.euronews.com/2019/08/14/unpicking-donald-trump-s-psychopathology-helps-explain-the-toxic-reality-facing-america-vi


    A brief excerpt;-


     Just after the 2016 election, three psychiatrists wrote to President Obama expressing “grave concerns” over Trump’s “widely reported symptoms of mental instability—including grandiosity, impulsivity, hypersensitivity to slights or criticism, and an apparent inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality.” This is a textbook description of narcissistic personality disorder.

      More recently, Yale psychiatrist Bandy Lee edited a revised version of the book ‘The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump’ in which 37 mental health professionals warn that Trump suffers from a dangerous mental instability.


  13. It seems hard to imagine that any one man, could possibly epitomise so many aspects of those parts of American "Culture" that are truly vile. However there was one, they found him, a man with hardly a scrap of basic human decency,  and elected him president.  The prospect of having to see his mean, smug, brutish, self satisfied face on a regular basis over the next few years, is not appealing.

  14. The Europeans (Or continentals I suppose we may now have to call them) recognise that the young of the UK who voted stay got rogered by a bunch of sad old imperialists, many of who believed what they read in the "Mail" and the "Sun" - yes their brains are really that tiny. It is refreshing to read Mr Claffey's human and informed comments. UK Immigrants are not all looking for free handouts, they do in fact make a significant overall contribution to the economy,  the evidence of this is indisputable. I wonder how many of the bold expat Brexiteers whose pension Pound is now worth 44 Bhats not the 55 it was a year ago realise that they shot themselves in the foot?

  15. 16 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:



    Welcome to the forum.


    I would like to correct one error in your post straight away. Republicans have big brains. Our brains are bigger than Democrat brains. We have the biggest brains in the entire world. 


    But you bring up a valid point. It is true that the Clintons, like all powerful politicians, are constantly under the microscope by the opposition who is just hoping to make an accusation stick well enough for that politician to lose power. 


    The other sideof that coin is the politician develops a team that works day and night to insulate their person from the accusations of wrong doing. Simultaneously,  there are behind-the-scene manuevers and phone calls being made. 


    These people are power brokers and the bigger the politician then the more power and influence they have available to "broker" a fsvorable outcome. 


    Sometimes these politicians can hide behind state secrets. 


    This is obviously not limited to one party or another. 


    The Clintons happen to be some of the best at the game of politics and have also developed into the most powerful power-brokers in the US and their ties, as we have seen by recent exposure of the Foundation, extend even greater Internationally. 


    Victories against such powerful people do not end in convictions. Each exposure ends in some smoke. We may get a glimpse of the brokering and deal making, for instance, the discussion between husband Bill and Attorney zgeneral Loretta Lynch the day before hillary was possibly being brought up on charges. 



    we will never see a politician holding a smoking gun with a corpse on the floor.  The best we can maybe do is show that the politician and the corpse were the only two people in the room and draw our own conclusions.


    As an example, the hillary emails.


    It is my understanding that hillary never used the gov't server provided her but only the private server which was not open to any scrutiny from the Freedom of Information Act. 


    If hillary never conducted any business on the secure gov't server, and all of her email correspondence as Sec of State was on private server, then does it not stand to reason that some of those emails would include topics deemed Top Secret or that would require some security clearance? 



    This is a lot of interesting information, and indeed I don't imagine for one moment that any politicians anywhere are beyond reproach, however in Europe we generally elect ones who, although corrupt, do not cause us too much embarrassment by being "Intelligenter" like GWB. I assumed that your "Republicans have the biggest brains in the world line" was tongue in check - but possibly not, however what I said did not make a general assertion about this, only that the smallest ones should understand that nothing (Actionable) found -sometimes at least - means nothing there.

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