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Nigel Garvie

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Posts posted by Nigel Garvie

  1. 7 minutes ago, vogie said:

    If the EU says chlorinated chicken is safe to eat, that should be good enough for you, shouldn't it?



    Err not exactly


    Washing chicken in chlorine and other disinfectants to remove harmful bacteria was a practice banned by the European Union (EU) in 1997 over food safety concerns, the ban has stopped virtually all imports of US chicken meat which is generally treated by this process.

    It's not consuming chlorine itself that the EU is worried about - in fact in 2005 the European Food Safety Authority said that "exposure to chlorite residues arising from treated poultry carcasses would be of no safety concern", but the EU believes that relying on a chlorine rinse at the end of the meat production process could be a way of compensating for poor hygiene standards - such as dirty or crowded abattoirs.

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  2. 13 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    British people will then stop buying expensive EU products and either go without or start making the things themselves , which will benefit the UK economy 

    Try and think this through. EU people will buy less of our more expensive goods as well. We will both suffer the loss of trade, but they will be much better placed to cope with this than we are because our manufacturing industry is smaller than Italy's and we are basically a service industry economy.


    I hope Brexiteers will enjoy going back to apples, carrots, and turnips, since there are many things we simply can't grow, or no longer have the skills to make.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Miami007 said:

    Spidermike. 11 hours ago

    An arrogant person considers himself perfect. This is the chief harm of arrogance. It interferes with a person's main task in life - becoming a better person.

    Leo Tolstoy 


    “Patriotism is, fundamentally, a conviction that a particular country is the best in the world because you were born in it….”

    — George Bernard Shaw


    “Every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud, adopts as a last resource pride in the nation to which he belongs; he is ready and happy to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority.”

    — Arthur Schopenhauer


    “Nationalism is an infantile thing. It is the measles of mankind.”

    — Albert Einstein


    Yes, and also.............The problem in all of this is that many European countries went round the globe in the colonial era, turning people into 2nd class citizens (If not slaves) in their own countries. Exploiting their raw materials and cheap labour, and indoctrinating them with our unpleasant, guilt ridden, Middle Eastern religion. 

    We never ceased making it clear that we were superior people, and sadly from TV posts it looks like many Farangs living in Thailand still actually believe that they are superior still. Without commenting on the man behind this unacceptable remark, we would be idiots not to realise that there is still a great deal of resentment among people who get the 2nd class citizen message from us. Why are we surprised?


    Of course a sensible person judges people from different parts of the world on the way they behave as an individual, not on the way their nation behaved in the past. 

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  4. 1 minute ago, melvinmelvin said:



    Guessing that wasn't trial in the month of May, but Theresa May, or maybe a clever double meaning. I believe the Dickson file was handed by Thatcher to Leon Brittan and it was brushed under the carpet. There was talk of a paedo ring. Later the document had mysteriously disappeared. 


    Don't quite me on this, from memory not from Google.

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  5. On 2/6/2020 at 7:30 PM, englishoak said:


    Whoa slow down with your stawman BS


    I specifically avoided mentioning a party or a nation .Thats why i said another scumbag MP without even mentioning the SNP let alone highlighting the country, its a Scottish political thread and its a Scottish scumbag MP. Thaivisa isnt going to report it, if you thought it meant anything other than the facts then you are projecting. Or are you trying to excuse scum like him by pointing at others ?  i doubt it  but you are being overly sensitive. All pedos found guilty should end up doing the Tyburn jig imo


    Trust me if I wanted to say  scottish SNP pedo scumbag or thought they had a pedo monopoly I would have done so, get some air pal your clearly not thinking straight. 

    Kindly calm down, The point I was making, was simply that sadly this type of thing is not at all rare in politics. If you have hundreds of MPs or MSPs some will be paedos (English not US spelling) or gay, or whatever same as in the general population. 


    "I specifically avoided mentioning a party or a nation".

    Let's not be silly, the thread is about Scotland, your post said  "Derek Mackay: Scottish finance secretary". 


    "Or are you trying to excuse scum like him by pointing at others ?".  This is offensive, I don't excuse him, or anyone like him, and never indicated in any way that I did. 


    I said that it was an embarrassment for The SNP before......it is, a big one. The greater matter though is his personal behaviour, disgrace, and possible criminality. You will probably note that most Con, Lab, Lib, and SNP MPs have stopped striking a self righteous pose when a member of an opposite party does things like this, let those without sin ......ect. 





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  6. 1 hour ago, englishoak said:

    Another scumbag borderline pedo MP bites the dust. 

    Derek Mackay: Scottish finance secretary quits over messages to boy


    An embarrassment for the SNP no doubt. 


    Of course it is virtually unknown for members of any other political party to behave like this.




    hmm maybe not.

  7. 9 hours ago, AussieBob18 said:

    Your reality is false.  Learn some history - the Jews have existed there for thousands of years - heard of Jesus?

    Palestinian Muslims primarily practice Shafi'i Islam, which is a branch of Sunni Islam - a very violent branch.

    Stop watching left wing media and websites - they are fake news and lie.

    "Stop watching left wing media and websites - they are fake news and lie." 

    I don't need to be told what to watch by you or anyone, it appears you think you are someone special, giving out instructions. 


    The fake news line is Trumps favourite, this from a man who has told 10,000 plus verifiable lies in just a few years in office. The fake news comes from Breibart, and Fox. When you sent Rupert Murdock to the West you poisoned the world with the spawn of Satan.


    Odd that you choose Mel Gibson for your personal picture, one of the worlds most famous anti-semites.

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  8. 7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    To become petrol car free means people have to buy a new electric car. That's millions of new cars in "10 years" ( your claim ). Even if everyone could afford to buy one, which they can't, where is all the raw material to make those millions of cars going to come from? The materials are rare and sourced in few places. China is the biggest producer of rare earth materials- they ain't going to make it easy for foreign countries to get.

    Even if everyone could buy one, where is the power to charge them coming from? You do know that Holland uses coal to make electricity, don't you?

    Where is all the raw material to make those millions of cars going to come from? ...........The same place as the raw materials to make the same number of petrol cars they are replacing came from. The rare earth metals (Only used in small quantities in these cars, more important in mobile phones etc) were not entirely grabbed by China, and the West woke up and found some more deposits - it's an old story. Can you imagine millions of people buying electric cars and all being blissfully ignorant of where the power comes from? The Netherlands are reducing their reliance on fossil fuels just like other sane countries are.





  9. 7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Inventing much?

    Why would you think I expect "respect" from some child that I've never met?


    One day she's going to wake up and realise that the adults that should have cared for her stole her childhood to further their agenda.

    Oh Dear, read my comment again saying don't take it personally, general comment etc. 


    One day she's going to wake up and realise that the adults that should have cared for her stole her childhood to further their agenda....................you won your free pass to the daft conspiracy theory club.

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  10. 3 hours ago, Logosone said:


    Oh come on, the decline of British industry has nothing to do with the EU. It long pre-dated EU membership. British industry was in decline by the 70s already, in fact that was part of the reason why you were so desperate to join the Common Market at the time. By facilitating free circulation of goods the EU actually helped you, but the decline of British Industry was unstoppable.


    In the past 30 years, the UK's manufacturing sector has shrunk by two-thirds, the greatest de-industrialisation of any major nation.  <Snip>




    But the thing is this, with debt you have no way out. Your reduction in your manufacturing base has put millions of people out of work. So you have a huge percentage of the population claiming benefits. You have a huge contingent of older people, despite your ailing and terrible NHS, that will need to be funded. Not just with NHS payments, but also the UK has to go to the capital markets to fund the payouts it gives its huge older population. The younger taxpayers are syphoned as hard as possible, but their tax is not enough to fund the handouts to old age pensioners. So your debt will grow. You will keep having to go to the capital markets to get the money you pay the older population. And guess what? Moody's has already downgraded the UK.

    Yes the manufacturing decline is simply a matter of historical record, no amount of flag waving hysteria will change that. Possibly singing "Lloyd George knew my father" can temporarily insulate people from the economic reality. The decline was hugely increased in the 80s by Thatcher, when high interest rates made it impossible for UK manufacturers to retool and compete with the Japanese. Germany and others did. 


    My major concern is the demographic problem alluded to in the last paragraph above. We are not the only country with boomers, and our unemployment rates are not dramatically higher than many other countries. How are the young taxpayers going to support a vast army of pensioners, a huge mass of people on benefits*, and all the other state employees who have negotiated for themselves large underfunded occupational pensions, (While the basic state pension, which is all 31% have, is the lowest in the OECD). The answer is they can't, so we have to borrow large amounts of money all the time.


    Our NHS has been seriously underfunded for a long time, and if the Tories get their way they will simply sell it to the US, but to describe it as terrible is way over the top. We are still proud of it, and the wonderful dedicated staff. Sadly Brexit is causing many of the best to leave. 


    * No this is not immigrants, every government survey shows that they are NET CONTRIBUTORS  to the UK economy. 

    • Haha 1
  11. 7 hours ago, nauseus said:


    Looks like we do a lot better on trade ex EU.



    And why don't you show the national debt/GDP charts too?


    4 hours ago, Logosone said:


    You have failed to grasp the underlying fundamental issue at hand. The UK's economy is 80% services. It produces few goods others want. So you will not do better with the trade deficit outside the EU. You are now a nation of servants, you have nothing to trade with, goodswise. Only services. It will just get harder for the UK to sell its services outside the EU to its main trading partners, as that chart you posted shows that is the EU. <snip>

    4 hours ago, sharksy said:

    UK is still a major manufacturer, no 6 in the world I believe?

    I have no idea why this graph was chosen, as it goes against the case that you are trying to make. We have a current account deficit with ALL the places mentioned. We do more trade with the EU than anywhere else so the deficit is bigger - simples. Stopping trading with the EU will reduce that debt, but as Logosone has correctly pointed out we are no longer a leading manufacturing nation. Services is most of what we do and what we sell. Since late 1990s when we were 5th in manufacturing, we managed to lose our place. "The country’s relatively strong showing in 2015 follows a long slide down the global manufacturing pecking order as developing nations made inroads" *

     We are now 8th. Our output declined from around 4% of global output to 2.1%


    As I said "Stopping trading with the EU will reduce that debt". however we will still have to buy what we need from SOMEWHERE, the overall debt remains the same.


    "And why don't you show the national debt/GDP charts too?" I'm not going to display any graphs, but on debt I would say this:-

    Britain has the 2nd largest overall debt in the world, after the US. It is much higher per capita,  and as a % of GDP,  than similarly sized countries in EU, Germany, Italy, France and Spain. 





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  12. 1 hour ago, Boombum said:

    Surely nobody is taking the alleged conovirus seriously ?? its a manufactured virus from the Rockerfella controlled Big Pharma as an excuse to VAXX poison into the population ....que Bill Gates and his amazingly quickly developed VAXX... China being an easy target with a compliant subordinate population ....perhaps if the Actual Statistics were revealed about the no of Deaths caused by the Vaxs we would see where the REAL health risk is!! 

    so far more lives are lost in one week on Thai roads..

    I thought this was in jest, but it appears that you might be serious. I thought you were trying to mimic what a stark raving mad conspiracy theorist would say, but maybe you actually believe what you wrote. 


    Vaccines have saved the lives of billions of people. Deaths are a tiny number, and none that I have heard of, have been caused by the vaccine itself, rather it has been given to someone with depressed immunity by oversight. 

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  13. 3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I'll be very happy to see everyone that lives in a city HAVING to give up their polluting gas guzzlers and drive electric cars or take public transport. They prefer driving a big car by themselves than taking the bus or the train.

    Of course, electric cars will be completely unaffordable for the vast majority of people to buy, so it'll take till all the petrol powered cars to rust out before electric cars make a difference. I'd say most people in NZ drive second hand cars, which are very cheap, but how long till electric cars are that cheap? Then, if the batteries need replacing, who would be mug enough to buy them?


    Anyone living in the country won't be forced to give up their petrol car as an electric car doesn't have the range to be used.

    My son just bought an electric car, it was about €25k I believe, I've never bought a new car, but I believe that's not an over the top price. Amsterdam will be petrol car free in 10 years time apparently.


    How long did it take us to get petrol cars to be as efficient as they are today - 100 years or so. Technological improvements don't just stop, electric cars are getting better all the time.

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  14. 3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I'm amazed that anyone thinks a 16 year old has the experience and wisdom to "change the world". Some of us can see that she's a puppet for adults to use for their agenda, IMO.

    That she is popular with other kids is not surprising. I'd have supported anyone that got me out of boring school.

    Afraid, hardly; scornful, yes.

    I'd love one of the school kid "experts" to come and try to debate me, but of course none ever do.


    They can’t dismantle her arguments,

    Since when was accusing me of "stealing her dreams" an argument? It's what I'd expect a child to say when having a tantrum.

    I may have missed them, but I haven't heard a single solution come out of her mouth.


    frankly, she has bigger worries on her mind.

    I made the point some time ago that she's a kid and should be enjoying her childhood, not running around thinking she's important, but I've seen the sly grin she has when she has a bunch of reporters clustered around her- she's lovin' it.

    When she grows up and the attention has moved on to the next big thing, she's going to become extremely depressed, IMO, when no one takes any notice of her anymore.



    It appears from your replies that - unfortunately - you didn't really get it. You confirm precisely  that  older men with computers are getting irritated that this young girl is not treating them with the respect that they believe their "wisdom" and seniority deserve.


    "Since when was accusing me of "stealing her dreams" an argument?" .........don't take it personally, it was a general comment, saying that the older generation as a whole have damaged the environment, that she and her generation will inherit. It was a statement not an argument, and of course like most statements it is only part of the picture. 


    "When she grows up and the attention has moved on to the next big thing, she's going to become extremely depressed, IMO, when no one takes any notice of her anymore."

    I think your crystal ball is overheating, maybe check your blood pressure. 


    If climate change continues at the current rate (Unprecedented temperature increases over a relatively short time period) there is no way it is not going to carry on being the "Big thing". 


    " Some of us can see that she's a puppet for adults to use for their agenda, IMO".

    If it is IMO, then what you really mean is:-  I can see that she's a puppet etc...........clever you.

    Given the vitriolic attacks she is endlessly subjected to I think she needs to have some supportive adults around her. 





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