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Posts posted by BigSnake

  1. The Thai, Muslim relationship is quite good, many Thai Ladies are Muslim, however I have seen very few with Farang Husband or boyfriends. Having said that this is the land of smile and many things are accepted,(ALMOST anything goes) so my guess if you are a Muslim guy walking hand in hand with your Thai lady no on would think much of it. :o:D:D

  2. Fined the other day - No licence, and some garbage about doing a U-turn.

    He had some fat, balding, black, Thai bloke trying to gain brownie points by pointing out offenders.

    Anyway, the <snip> took my expired Australian drivers licence... and said he said "I'll wait for you here"

    I just went home and tore, chewed on it until it was totally unrecognisable and spat it off the balcony.

    Who knows what germs I ended up with.

    I didn't go back to the cop or to the police station and don't plan to either.

    So, what happens now??

    Do they hunt me down and put me in jail???she doesn't know who I am and that she hires the motorbike out to stupid farangs.

    Whats the worst that could happen and what is most likely to occur.

    Do they list me at immigration so when I return to Thailand it comes up after they've sighted my passport?

    Or does nothing happen??

    A Thai friend told me that because the motorbike is in my girlfriends name, the fine will come up when she renews the motorbike licence and she can just say

    Thanks for the responses

    "fat balding black, Thai Bloke" you sound a bit racist to me my friend. You are lucky or this is a made up story, in most cases a cop worth his SALT would not let you walk away saying he would wait for you, you must leave something that will insure your return pal, i.e. your car, your bike, mobile. Beware they have your name on their copy of the ticket, along with the make and modle of what you were driving. HINT Buddy: Watch your back, enlist the help of a mate just in case you need to be bail OUT> :D:D:o:D

  3. Number one annoying behaviour are the young kids(13 or 14 years old) cutting in front of you and when you honk the horn to remind them they look like, who me, what's your problem Farang(?) Number two are those darn whistleblowers at Lotus, Marko, Central, Big C, where ever, forgive LORD, but I would like to take those DARN Whistles and put them where the sun don't shine.

  4. Yes, so sad indeed, RIP all. Hope the rest of the Holiday period will be better. :o Hope the police and their helpers can keep as many DRUNKS off the road as possible and Court throw the book at those that are caught, and little HARD TIME please, Thailand's roads are crowded, one drunk driver can take out many people. These people need to learn a lesson BEFORE they kill somebody. NUFF SAID!

  5. In the last year I have changed my female companions from the employees of drinking and dancing establishments to the lovely ladies who make up the higher echelons of the Thai social strata. These women are sometimes aghast at my low class Thai vocabulary.

    They have told me I should not use words that are quite as earthy as I am used to.

    I am cool with trying to upgrade my vocabulary. But the new ladies are embarrassed to tell me the Thai words for common subjects of conversation like clitoris or do you feel like back door sex tonight.

    I don't have any problems saying these things but I wondered if there is a web site that gives rather less vulgar ways of talking about common bodily and/or romantic functions.

    My guess is most of these women don't REALLY care as long as you have some Baht for a few drinks and a good night around town. :o ENJOY!!

  6. My Thai friend of 3 years has become involved which to me looks suspicious:

    He goes to "Buddha" houses where a "teacher" has installed a shrine made of hundreds of Hindu Gods, (so not Bhuddhist), and goes to pray and help others who seem to be volunteer in helping the "teacher" in making flower arrangements, statues and other religious items to be used in ceremonies.

    Each time he goes, he puts in some money in a tray, as others do, under a statue.

    Since yesterday has been told not to eat beef or pork and has told me everything in his life is now clear.

    All fine, but I was myself in a cult many years ago and have become sceptical, and this seems like a little guy sets himself up as a "teacher", gets all his friends and others to help does some religious items, pay for them and gives some advice on their life. The "teacher's" room is small and looks very pious to the eye, but obviously collects about 2-3000 Baht per day from visitors.

    Has anyone else come across this type of thing in Thailand?

    MAYBE a bit of a SCAM, however it's no secret that (red meat) beef or pork is not heart healthy. From my many many visits to the Wats(Buddha houses) it seem quite normal to leave a little donation and help with small task on your visit. I would keep an EYE on the TEACHER, checkout his lifestyle, i.e., does teacher have a DVD, TV, radio, Rolex or other high vaule items this could be a sign of a bit of a SCAM by teacher.(??) just my thought :o:D VISITORS beware.

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