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Posts posted by BigSnake

  1. Some of the concerns on your list are indeed Valid however for the most part Thailand is fairly safe. Good medical care(ie get what you pay for) yes bad cops, bad roads, BAD DRIVERS, the bottom line here is to enjoy just beware here as well as anyplace you are on holiday at. :o:D CHEERS!! enjoy.

  2. Wrong word my friend, this landlord is GREEDY GREEDY not creepy just sound like a very greedy person to me from what you said here, not to worry if Ms Gai does indeed have great bake goods her customers will follow. Same thing happen to my local Cow Pot Vendor, but me and many of his best customers found him a few Sois over, thank to some helpful neigbhors. :o:D he and the Ms are doing quiet well if not better at their place.

  3. Ear Plugs ear plugs everywhere: almost any shopping plaza/mall, Lotus, also seen some in shops that sell Mobile phone/phone card. Big C sell them as well, haven't seen any at my favorite shop(7/11). :o

  4. :o Good question, seen some dirty tap water in my area also. Hope you aren't drinking the stuff filter are not. Best to go with bottle water from a name brand company you can trust(Nestle for starter). I do know that when they(the city) shut off the water for a repair or what ever when it is turn on again it is Murky for awhile. :D whatever we never drink the stuff in our home.
  5. A no BRAINER the nearest Post Office in your area if not there they will for sure be able to direct you to the right Post Office. Maybe you have a big old box of home made cookies waiting, be a great guy a SHARE with your neighbors and friends. :o:D:D

  6. Short answer NO> a dobble no if you a joining the Monk Hood, might make you look like an ex-gang banger turn Monk :D:o Why not check out a first class sticker shop around your town and have your design made as a Sticker, wear it for awhile, like it, keep it. :D

  7. Only at bed time and only than to recharge the Battery, I am totally 100 per cent serious on this one dude. Can't and will not try to speak for other Thai women, but mine is what I see day in and day out. The Daughter is likewise only saw her turn her off one time other than bed time and that was when she was mad a her girlfriends and didn't want to talk.(10 hours) :D:o

  8. Just return a few days ago, spend five days there didn't seem DEAD to me, oh well I guess it depend on what you are looking for or what you call dead, Jomtien Beach did seem down or dead and for sure not cheap, decent deluxe Bt2500, a bit on the expensive side for my little budget however; I for one don't care to sleep with the BEDBUGs, ie, some of the very cheap short time places(bt250). Oh!! well to each his of her own. :o

  9. Thanks to all for the Kinds and NOT SO KINDS replies to my question. We had a great time in Pattaya, looking forward to a return trip soon. I found a little shop Soi 8, for about Bt30 per hour, however as it turnout very little time for Internet(quick mail) busy :o:D:D:D Again many thanks to all.

  10. The Wife and I will be off to Pattaya tomorrow for about five days for some fun in the Sea and Sand.("A little drop of rain, a little grain of Sand make the mighty ocean and the pleasant Land") Now for those of you who live in the fun city of Pattaya what is the rate for one hour at the Internet Cafe these days in Pattya? I recall about 3 years ago I stayed at the Jomtien Beach it was Bt60 an hour(??) Would save all the fuss and just carry my Lap Top, but the son is home on leave from the Army so we will leave the Lap Top with him. Thank in Advance to any and all that can shed a little light on this subject. :D:o in Pattaya for this old Cowboy.

  11. Sounds like a bit of both. A two year old can be a heck of a pain for the Best of a Mom. Give the wife a break, bring in a NANNY once or twice a week. Take the wife out for a little QUAILTY Time and let the Nanny deal with the little Nightmare(2yr old) for a couple of hours. A no "brainer" just give the nanny your mobile number, just in case. :D:o Good luck, give it a shot.

  12. I for one really don't care for Security Bars I came to Thailand to live in peace and happness not in a PRISON(behind bars); now having said that my I suggest you place smoke detectors in your home, give yourself(FAMILY) a sense of security to be able to get out in case of fire. Anyway to each his or her own. :o

  13. I find foul langauge less offensive than foul breath.

    If you had small children around, maybe you would think different Einstien.

    Excuse sir, but small/young children hear the same or worst on the school yard/street/play ground(Thai) day in and day out; the Key is family teaching(educate) children of right and wrong. When they repeat a bad word explain to them what's it mean and why it might offend someone. :o:D

  14. Mr Charlem chill out pal you are spinning your WHEELs again, this a no BRAINER do your crackdown waste the Tax payer money the booze will be bought a day or so before the holiday, beer will be bought a cool. A better way to go is to try and educate people not to drink party and drive which is bad for your health and saftey and double down for those that are on the road with you. Get with your law enforce buddies and enforce the rules of the road during the holidays. :o:D:D:D:D

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