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Posts posted by BigSnake

  1. Thaksin urges Thais not to believe fortune-teller

    BANGKOK: -- Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra Saturday urged Thais not to believe a fortune-teller who predicted bloodshed next month.

    Before boarding a plane to Cambodia, Thaksin said the people should not be serious about predictions by fortune tellers.

    He was approached for comments on a prediction by well-known fortune-teller Warin, who predicted that bloodshed would happen in May and Army Commander-in-Chief Gen Anupong Poachida would become the prime minister.

    Thaksin said all sides should cooperate to try to solve the country's problems.

    -- The Nation 2008-04-05

    What this really all about? I wonder? As I recall he once had his Fortune told by a reknown fortune teller in Chiang Mai. :o

  2. My guess is they will Chilly over the next week or so with the hot weather coming on, they will take their ACT underground/inside. For sure if they have any sense at all they will not be there during Songkran. Darn they would make for some GOOD Target pratice. :o:D

  3. Yes, yes, you should be well off on US$1000 per month, I assume you have no Thai girl, is so forget, mostly likely she will get Greedy AND have a sick mother or grandmother, if this case come about 1000 dollars would be out of the door in a day or so. :D:D:D:D Hope you have a great stay in Chiang Mai, nice Vinyards in the area. :o

  4. Just the local cops in need of a little extra CASH, I doubt if it will be strictly enforce 24/7. Just be aware if you really must smoke. Thank my lucky star I never had the HABIT> :o:D:D:D:D

  5. I know that two tier/double pricing topic has been discussed many times before on Thai Visa forums, but, I would like to know if any actions, such as a class action lawsuit could be brought upon establishments who are doing this. I feel that the two tier/double pricing policy is racist by those who are initiating it. This does not include having reduced prices for children or seniors. It is the policy of charging more just because you are not Thai.

    Would it be possible for an Expats Club, for instance, to make a case of this on behalf of non-Thai resisidents of the Kingdom to make a point?

    On a recent holiday I noticed a number of places charging much more for farang, than for Thais. Included are Chiang Mai Night Siffari--250 baht for a Thai, and 500 for the Farang partner. Tiffany's Cabaret (Pattaya) 250+baht for the Thai and 500+baht for the Farang. They even have the nerver to put the Thai price in Thai script so the Farang won't know. We all know the national parks more than double the prices for Farang. It even went as far as hotel reservations and a membership card at the Royal Twins Palace in Pattaya. A loyalty (discount) card for a Thai is 300 baht, and 350 if in the Farangs name. When my Thai partner called for a room rate with the loyalty card, the quote was 1290 baht. When I called with the loyalty card number, the quote for the same room type was 1790 baht.

    My whole arguement is not just the money differential--it is the principle of the way Thai businesses and institutions discriminate and charge Farang more because we lack "colour".

    If a class action suit is not a possibility against the establishments and institutions who do this, I was wondering if we could establish a list of every place in every City and Town that has this policy, and as residents, we could decide beforehand if we wish to patronize places that do have this practice of two tier double pricing.

    I realize that many of us foreigners are alot wealthier than most Thais, but their are many Thais that are wealthy, too--and why are they not penalized as well with higher prices, so I would appreciate posts be left out stressing that we have more money than they do--so we should be expected to pay more--be more directed to the topic that it is "unfair" and "racist" to charge more to people of different colour.

    I agree, however as I recall this issue has been raise many time in the past and mostly the response from the power that be and the general public at large, if you don't like it get out go home. :o:D Good luck anything is worthy of a try.

  6. Here is a new game called 'What's this artwork ?" (It's based on Neeraman's "What's the City")

    All you do is post a photo of a more or less famous artwork (painting, sculpture,...) not a portrait of your mother in law tending the sick buffalo :D

    Clues can be given or not. If no-one guess, you can post a photo of another artwork by the same artist.

    Here is the first one.

    Sorry this pic is a tad small but that the biggest I found on Goggle.

    Reason for edit: add a rule and apologize for the small pic.

    Queen Mary :o
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