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Posts posted by BigSnake

  1. A minor query for my first post. I notice that there are two different 1000 baht notes in circulation. The ones without the metallic strip on the side seem far less common (and have a different signature on the front). Are they old ones being phased out? Because I still get the occasional brand new one in my atm transactions
    Don't know, don't care(old new whatever just spend the thing) however if you have any you want to give away I know there will be many taker :o
  2. I am thinking of moving from Gran Canaria to Thailand; Jomtien Beach to be specific. and wondered about finding a place to rent there.

    Would it be better to find an agent online and obtain a place through them or arrive, book in somewhere temporary and then check the places out visually?

    I know the agent will be charging extra on top of the normal price but what is a normal price for a studio with two ring cooker, fridge, TV, hot shower, posssibly ASDL or wi fi? :D:D

    Someone living there already would have gone through all the rip offs and be streetwise now and might pass onsome tips to a novice.

    How about it!


    You said it and you are right on in my view, "book in somewhere temporary and then check the places out visually." This will give you a chance to see up close and personal what will fit your needs for now and the near future. Most online agents of just out for a quit BAHT, don't really give a dam about your needs, been there done that. :o:D:D
  3. What you need is a good THAI Lawyer and fast, before this lady take you to the cleaner, my friend. Having to put most everything in the Thai citizen name is a big old pitfall in the land of smile, WHY do the law require your as a farang to do that, simple to protect the Thai, now what does that tell you, yes you are fighting and up hill BATTLE, again find, if you don't already have a GOOD Thai Lawyer. Best of Luck. :D:D:D:o:D Love gone SOUTH

  4. A man's in bed with his Thai girlfriend.


    > After having great sex, she spends the next hour just stroking his

    > penis, something she had lovingly done on many occasions.


    > Rather enjoying it, he turns and asks her, 'Why do you love doing

    > that?'


    > She replies: 'Because I really miss mine'.

    Your Daughter(??) Oh, well what ever, a good laugh. Thanks for sharing. :o:D:D:D

  5. A beginner challenged the local golf pro to a match, with a $100 bet on the side.

    "But," said the beginner, "since you're obviously much better than I, to even it a bit you have to spot me two 'gotchas'."

    The golf pro didn't know what a 'gotcha' was, but he went along with it.

    And off they went. Coming back to the 19th hole, the rest of the club members were amazed to see the golf pro paying the beginner $100.

    "What happened?" asked one of the members.

    "Well," said the pro, "I was teeing up for the first hole, and as I brought the club down, the jerk stuck his hand between my legs and grabbed my balls while yelling 'Gotcha!' Have you ever tried to play 18 holes of golf waiting for the second 'gotcha'?"

    Yep, he was PLAYING with your "BALLS" :o:D

  6. OK,I'm only a new person here both in Bangkok and this forum.

    Since I have arrived here with my fiance I have tried to 'fit in' and somehow not working.Women I met here are nice but very snobbish.They look at waht you are wearing,what clubs you belong to,where you live and what you do.This is mainly the embassy people my fiance socialises with.

    I feel so out of place because I don't work and can't afford to buy expensive things.We have a nice place in Sukhumvit but I feel people look down on me mainly other women.Sometimes I really want to go home.My fiance is good and supportive and he tried many times do help me get over this just not working.

    Anybody else here like me? What did you do to get over this culture out-of-place feeling?

    Yep, those embassy type can act a bit SNOBBISH, best advice don't socialise with the snobs, not worth wasting your time. :D:D:D There will always be those that look down on other, just remember they can ONLY make you feel down it you let them :o

  7. Yes, great story on back cover page of 1 April 08, Bangkok Post. The bad side is they treat us like third class citizens, with all the requirement for marriage visa, i.e., show income, pics of inside of house, report every 90 days although most have live at the same address for years on end, sad but so true, oh well TIT. :o:D

  8. Tough new requirements before foreigners can get driving license

    It will be officially announced later today that there will be a new Thai language requirement before a Drivers License is issued to all foreigners.

    After an exhaustive investigation, a Government Committee has decided that all foreigners should be able to read Thai as one of the conditions for the issue of a drivers license.

    The Committee was convened during the 1st Thaksin administration before being mothballed by the CNS only to be revived by the new Government of Samak Sundaravej.

    Their findings showed that the inability of many foreigners to read Thai led to them being confused whilst driving. This had in turn led to a disproportionate number of foreigners being involved in major accidents whilst driving in Thailand.

    It was thus deemed neccessary to bring in the new condition and with immediate effect all drivers license renewals must be submitted with a Thai Language Reading Poficiency Certificate. The proposal to make it a requirement with immediate effect for all license holders was dropped due to the uneccessary hardship it may cause some foreigners.

    The language test will be administered by the major Department of Land and Transport Offices to ensure fairness and continuity of standards. It is accepted that the more rural offices will not have the resources to oversee the new requirement so all foreigners will now have to renew their license in a large city office.

    To help foreigners meet the new language conditions each Department of Land and Transport will be running a language school in the 12 weeks prior to license renewal. Fees have yet to be determined but 500 Bht per hour has been suggested as 'reasonable' by a Department spokesman.

    It has not yet been determined how non-resident foreigners, mainly tourists will be affected by the new requirment but it has been suggested that a short test be taken by anyone hiring a vehicle. The test should be kept simple enough to be performed by an employee of the hire company.

    Source: TNA - 1 April 2008

    Darn you had me going there for a second. :o:D
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