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Posts posted by ourmanflint

  1. The problem has been made far worse with so many kind hearted (ie stupid) farangs setting up animal shelters and such, to encourage Thais not to do what they have normally done with soi

    dogs previously, and that is poison them or call the "meat" man to round them up and ship them off to Vietnam. Any foreigner who feeds stray dogs should be forced to run naked covered in gravy through Klong Toey at midnight.

  2. ...

    Really! I have to explain the difference to you? Discriminating against someone because of a facet of their genetic make-up, ie skin colour, sex, disability is not the same as discrimination against someone who makes choices you do not agree with.

    The logic of your argument would also allow students to turn up naked, drunk, smoke in class, bring their pet goat or masturbate whenever they want, all are personal choices, and I'm guessing you would defend these choices equally?

    What a poorly thought out response, perhaps take a little longer to think about it. All of the other scenarios you give could give others a genuine inconvenience therefor it is not prejudiced to exclude these activities, besides turning up naked of course, which I would support anyway, and why not?

    By the way, the explicit similarity which you appear unable to grasp, is that all of these prejudices, racism, sexism and classism, involve an assumed inherent difference between the people other than their race, sex or in this case, tattoo. An inherent difference is just not actually there and so it is prejudiced to assume that there would be, get it now? And I'm surprised I have to explain this but there you go, I must be on TV.

    First of all having tattoos is not related to class discrimination, it just is not. And secondly you might say that being a free masturbator or an alcoholic is not the same as they are "genuine inconveniences", but that just goes to prove that there are somethings that we all agree to be disruptive, but try telling that to the alcoholic or monkey basher, and they would think you are just being a fascist for not letting them do what they want as in their opinion it is not harming anyone.

  3. ...

    people who discriminate like to discriminate against people "not like us"...

    Skin color, sex, tattoos... it's all based on prejudices and in this case, prejudices that have ZERO to do with getting an education.

    No, no, no... disliking tattoos is not in any way the same as racism or sexism. If you have a properly thought out argument tell us, just don't fall back on old cliches, that really have nothing to do with this. It is the argument of the dim witted, and I didn't take you for that.

    The commonly held prejudice against tattoos is one of assumed class, the association of tattoos with activities deemed 'low class', even crime or violence as in this case. Are you saying that you think there is an explicit difference between classism, racism and sexism? If the difference is so easily defined, then please explain.

    Really! I have to explain the difference to you? Discriminating against someone because of a facet of their genetic make-up, ie skin colour, sex, disability is not the same as discrimination against someone who makes choices you do not agree with.

    The logic of your argument would also allow students to turn up naked, drunk, smoke in class, bring their pet goat or masturbate whenever they want, all are personal choices, and I'm guessing you would defend these choices equally?

  4. .....

    people who discriminate like to discriminate against people "not like us"...

    Skin color, sex, tattoos... it's all based on prejudices and in this case, prejudices that have ZERO to do with getting an education.

    No, no, no... disliking tattoos is not in any way the same as racism or sexism. If you have a properly thought out argument tell us, just don't fall back on old cliches, that really have nothing to do with this. It is the argument of the dim witted, and I didn't take you for that.

    it's not cliche, but let's test that...

    you explain to us what tattoos have to do with academic ability...

    there you go, the floor is all yours...

    tattoos and academic ability are not at question here. Having a tattoo makes you no less academic than someone of a different sex or skin colour. But then that really has nothing to do with what is happening.

    They are not saying people with tattoos are not or cannot be as academic as other students, but that those with lots of highly visible tattoos are likely to be disruptive and will lead to a lesser learning experience for other students.

  5. I find it interesting that so many people, under the argument of "it's their right", for people to have tattoos, but don't give private intities the same "rights" to choose who they allow in.

    Your level of 'interest' has clearly not led to more than a simplistic level of thought on the matter. Do you find it "interesting" that black people wanted equal rights? Did that not do away with the whites "same" right to deny them those rights?

    people who discriminate like to discriminate against people "not like us"...

    Skin color, sex, tattoos... it's all based on prejudices and in this case, prejudices that have ZERO to do with getting an education.

    No, no, no... disliking tattoos is not in any way the same as racism or sexism. If you have a properly thought out argument tell us, just don't fall back on old cliches, that really have nothing to do with this. It is the argument of the dim witted, and I didn't take you for that.

  6. Although everyone has the absolute right to do what they want with their own bodies, that is a given. A tattoo, or piercing your body is a choice, but all choices have consequences, and some consequences of your choices may limit what you may achieve in life while others will not.

    Whilst it is your choice to do whatever you want to your body, this in no way means that everyone else in society has to condone your choices. You make the choice you deal with the consequences.

  7. As has been mentioned many times before and in the original OP , NO ONE IS BANNED FROM LEARNING!!

    They are just being separated. All the "welders and mechanics" can just go to night school instead. Why TVF posters feel the need to defend these young kids with tattoos all over and rubber bungs in their ears is beyond me.I'm also sure if one of them turned up to date your 16 year old daughter you wouldn't be so magnanimous.

  8. As mentioned, plenty of Schools and Colleges in the USA and UK, have dress codes for teachers, which do not generally allow piercings (except one 1-2 in ears and nose) and no visible tattoos. Why on earth would they do that do you think?

    Also in the UK it is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to have a tattoo anyway, so schools and technical colleges should not have to do anything if it is already illegal.

  9. Big business outside Thailand couldn't give a shoot about the coup. The only thing that matters is the bottom line, if operating or investing in Thailand makes good business sense then the green light is given no matter who is in charge. It's only when big businesses "arrangements" come under scrutiny that things change, and the new government is definitely poking its nose into lots of dusty corners.

    I posted this some weeks back, but from personal experience I know of a fairly large offshore owned Thai based company who were declined bank support (by HSBC) for their planned expansion in Thailand. The bank advised it would not do so whilst Thailand remained under a military junta as policy. The same company got the finance for the new factory in Indonesia. Subsequently they've made the corporate decision to relocate the current factory to the same country - 1000+ jobs gone.

    Vietnam too, is doing very, very well from the Thai problems.

    I think we are agreeing more than disagreeing. If HSBC thought the risk was too much, then for them that was not "good business sense", and we are in agreement. I'm pretty sure there are other benefits to relocating to Indonesia vs Thailand as well.

  10. Big business outside Thailand couldn't give a shoot about the coup. The only thing that matters is the bottom line, if operating or investing in Thailand makes good business sense then the green light is given no matter who is in charge. It's only when big businesses "arrangements" come under scrutiny that things change, and the new government is definitely poking its nose into lots of dusty corners.

  11. I think this is a step in the right direction. If it discourages young kids from getting massive tattoos where everyone can see them, then I'm all for it. Personally I think tattoos are really ugly and make those that have them look unapproachable and unfriendly. There are other ways to show your individuality that are more subtle than a mahoosive celtic design running across half your body.

    If places at colleges are at a premium why should they be wasted on individuals who are less likely to benefit from them. Employers have the absolute right to hire who they want, how someone looks is relevant to a company if they are representing that company to the public.

  12. thanks to this guy thailand now have a military junta running the country.

    Please also remember the phrase: Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    Elections will be continually delayed indefinitely. Prayuth will not give up his position readily because as a puppet of the elite class they will not let him.

    It is important to those people to keep demonizing Thaksin so no one pays attention to their oppression. Keep 'em uneducated, barefoot and pregnant so that the upper classes can continue to enjoy a lavish, entitled life style.

    You sound very familiar.

  13. thanks to this guy thailand now have a military junta running the country.

    Yes thank god for this guy, like him or not he is the only reason the Shin clan are not still running things in Thailand. I shudder to think what could have happened between the coup and now had there been no Suthep.

    Now there has been a coup and a military government keen to set things right, I think he should keep quiet for a few more years.

  14. The EU is totally overfishing waters in its area. Britain's fishing fleet, once the largest in the world, has been decimated over the last 50 years and certain fish species are verging on extinction.

    I have no respect for anything that is dictated by EU bureaucrats.

    However nobody in the UK threatened to blockade ports or menaced legal boat owners. I have no sympathy at all for Thai boat owners that have invested in expensive equipment that potentially can destroy fish stocks in the Gulf of Thailand. Sea food is going to get more expensive either way.

    I think you are a bit behind the times. the EU do know what they are talking about as they have been trying it for the past 20 years


  15. ^ The real world is not a place is it? it is "the realm of practical or actual experience, as opposed to the abstract, theoretical, or idealized sphere of the classroom, laboratory,etc.:"

    If you think any students anywhere in the world tend to be anything other than idealistic then we are too different to ever agree. That you think these propaganda fed small world country kids are anything other than idealistic is absurd. That anyone would encourage these students is plain crazy

    Yes, I wonder if Ghandi would have agreed with you.

    My son and many of his friends were students, he and his pals were nothing like these kids, all they were interested in was playing football, shagging, and getting shyt faced!! and it's more likely you who hasn't clue, so you've traveled all over the world to form opinions that students are too idealistic then? Sounds like you've never lived nor been in the real world either.

    Your a bandwagon jumper, I bet you also believe all backpackers are the great unwashed too.

    Those who encourage these kids all believe in one thing... the Junta are NOT the people to be running this country, and anyone who supports living under a military power is every bit as crazy as these students.

    So basically you want another red shirt revolution to set the country back on track? What stone have you been living under to not see that Thailand as it is now is a far better place than it has been for almost any time in the past 15 years?

    Why would you think any Thai would care what you think is wrong with the previous govts. Why would you think they would care if you think it is better under the junta for you. Newsflash, they dont give a rats whether you think the junta is good for them or not.

    The only thing that matters to Thais is whether THEY think it is better. Farmers from the north, no matter how dumb your condesending thinking considers them have a lot more say and reason to say it than you. Those scumbag farmers and deadbeat students are still part of Thailand and deserve a say in who runs the country just as any yellow shirt elitist in the capital. And thats a lot more say than you have.

    So no matter how dumb you think them their thoughts and considerations on however they want the country to be run must be considered.

    I don't think I ever said any of those things of which you seem to be accusing me of.

    What I did say is students at university no matter where they are tend to be idealistic in their views, and that these Din Dao students were brought up in a world where the Red Shirt Propaganda Machine worked 24/7 365 days per year.

    All I am saying is that anyone who encourages these students is also encouraging the next Red Wave of political firebrands, of this there can be no doubt, and when the last Red Shirt insurgency did so much damage to Thailand I simply cannot understand why anyone would want to see that again.

    I have nothing against farmers.

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