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Posts posted by ourmanflint

  1. If it was not possible to live on the minimum wage, then why are there not millions of people starving and homeless in Thailand? If you were born in Thailand chances are you can easily make do on 300 baht per day, what you cannot do though is buy your kids ipads and iphones & pay the HP on your new pickup. This is what this is really about. it is not about surviving on 300 baht per day it is about aspiring to be something else on 300 baht per day.

    How do you compare what 300 baht per day gets you when compared to living somewhere like London, where many workers see 60-75% of all their earnings go in rent, the same would not be anywhere near true in Thailand where the cost of renting for a thai in a property of similar size to one in London would be less than 30% of his monthly wages and maybe only 15%.

    As many have pointed out the west relies on workers in other countries being paid what seems like very poor wages to them, if production costs rise in these countries then corresponding wage rises should also happen in the west to cover rising costs. Only it hasn't been that way for nearly twenty years now, wage rises in the west have stagnated at zero percent for as long as I can remember.

    In the end it is the purchasing power of western economies that will determine what workers in other economies will be paid unless they disentangle themselves from the grasp of globalization.

    Asean is a huge step forward in this, I only hope the Thais see it for what it really is.

  2. Ok. let me get this straight.......... Jenner identifies as a woman, and feels that he was a woman all along. Fine. I get that. He or she is whatever his/her biological make up dictates. However, Jenner identifies as heterosexual and is not attracted to men but is attracted to women. This is where Jenner loses me. If Jenner is a female and heterosexual, then the attraction should be to men, not to women. If attracted to women, then Jenner is a lesbian because Jenner is a woman.

    I would hazard a guess that Jenner requires additional counseling to sort out what Jenner is because Jenner is all over the place.

    I have seen parts of that movie he was in with the Village People - the movie that spawned YMCA and the infamous horrific musical number "milkshake". Jenner can be whatever Jenner wants to be. I just hope he doesn't try to be an "actor" again.

    Transgender people can be either straight or gay. Gender identity and sexual orientation are different.

    It does get confusing, though and it might be interesting to hear how Jenner ends up after transitioning. The transgender lady that I know was absolutely straight as a man. Like Jenner, she was married with children and professed no sexual attraction to men. After transitioning, she has a boyfriend.

    There is a very vocal section of society who would have you believe that sexual attraction/orientation is not a choice but is genetic. This is not true, at least it is not true for everyone, as you transgender friend must know quite well.

  3. The CIA and Wall St have turned meddling into an artform. The architects of globalization do not care about anything other than their own profit margins, they pay lip service to such things as slave labour as it is expedient to do so in a quasi-democracy. But in truth so long as they are making vast amounts of money they would not care if all Asia and all Africa were ruled by tyrants with armies of slaves to serve them. They are the most odious creatures the world has ever seen.

  4. Doh! What a waste of money and time.

    This is just about the most ridiculous thing any government can do, the list of possible precursors is vast and includes dozens of common chemicals needed for hundreds of industrial processes. There are at least ten ways to make crystal meth/ice or whatever it's called in Thailand, each one using a different source.

    They might as well try and regulate the free movement of air.

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