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Posts posted by ourmanflint

  1. Ran into difficulties trying to get married in Phrae, thought I had everything stamped and certified from MOF in Chaeng Wattana, but amphur says I must have a copy of my passport also translated and stamped at MOF. I never read this anywhere so am a bit stuck, have no time to go back to bangkokto get passport translated and go to Phrae again. Any advice?

  2. Oh dear, trying to re-establish the German ghettos with moslems instead of jews is a one way ticket to disaster. A cynical person would think that only a criminal mastermind would undertake such a venture to guarantee the rise of the ultra nationalist right wing once again in Germany, with a new and improved enemy at the gates. I don't think anyone in Europe will have sympathy for what is to unfold in Germany over the coming years, as they have clearly brought it upon themselves.

  3. A great speech to hear from the Labour Party, it doesn't matter if the sentiments contained within it are the same as those from 30 years ago does it? Does the UK need Trident, no it doesn't, ask the average UK citizen if they would rather speak Russian or whatever language a purported invader would speak, or be nuked and I'm guessing they would rather live. Nuclear arms will never be used, and if they are it will be the end for all those involved, so no Trident is a complete waste, and anyone who thinks they are a deterrent is deluded.

    Dodgy Dave is on his way to being the single most loathed prime minister the UK has ever seen, even surpassing Thatcher in the enmity he has unleashed in the British public. The time is right for JC.

  4. This crime is getting difficult for me to follow. The police lie so much,change their story regularly etc. i have a hard time grasping anything I feel is real or believable. I find it a complete waste of time to make sense of the investigation or arrests. Will wait till the courts are finished with the scapegoats and forget about the whole thing like a thai would.

    That's sort of my feelings too about the judicial system here. They don't necessarily need the actual perpetrator to prosecute, they just need someone convenient to prosecute.

    Not just someone convenient, but someone to who the charges will stick. It's taken them a while but they have now realised Karadag cannot prove he didn't plant the bomb, ergo he is the bomber.

  5. I am and the Thai people are grateful to the police that they caught this guy early or it would have been worse as the police said there were enough to build 10 bombs. I feel disgusted by these farangs hungry for more innocent deaths by saying he is not the bomber when CCTV clearly show it is him including cell phone records.

    You must be thai! Brainwashed and no imagination whatsoever. And why does not believing he is guilty before he has been to a court of justice make anyone hungry for more death? There is strange notion we have in the west called innocent until proven guilty. I know you like to make these judgements before a court case because you know you are right.
  6. Strange why foreigners even think of investing in Thailand, when clearly there is enough information out there.

    1) Foreigners do not have any rights in Thailand.

    2) In most cases foreigners are not even acknowledged by Thais or by the Thai system.

    3) To Thais, foreigners are only ATM's on legs, nothing more.

    4) Foreigners will never be accepted by Thais as equals.

    5) There is no legal justice for foreigners.

    6) Thailand is only for Thais.

    Keep your money out of Thailand, only rent, then you will be fine.

    If you don't understand the above, best not to even come.

    This should really be imprinted on every new arrivals eyeballs. Top post!
  7. As I have said before all this is very easy to verify if they wanted to. Just make him reenact what he did and view it from same CCTV camera as before, if its the same guy his height will give it away, if he's not the guy the CCTV footage will be obviously different

    I don't get it you guys didn't see the news by the Nation posted this morning 1am or are you guys ignoring it the picture shows him clearly after he changed clothes at Lumpinee Park


    Mork calling Orson, come in Orson!

    What planet are you from?

  8. The police had to get this guy to confess one way or another... otherwise someone might have asked them to give back the 3 million baht reward !!!

    Sorry But your kind of stupid sxxx stirring post is what puts TV posters in the eyes of Thailand down. Just one question how often do you clean your keyboard a day?

    My veiw is this a too serious matter to take the piss Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind.

    My view is that people who listen to anything the RTP have to say hoping to fathom the truth are too trusting. There is no way this guy was the bomber or someone would have positively ID'd him by now. And who cares what anyone in Thailand thinks of the free thinkers on Thai Visa, there is more truth and knowledge shared here than in any Thai newspaper.

  9. Blame the Jews for their own genocide. Judeophobia -- the gift that keeps on giving. To add the guy I am addressing constantly posts bizarre Jewish related conspiracy theories and has even openly said he is sometimes antisemitic when it serves his purposes.

    Like I said before I am not thrilled with these cases against B and C level Nazis because it stirs up the mentally ill Jew haters.

    The Jew obsessed somehow can't even consider there Might be a good case against this lady. Instead their energy is focused on blaming Jews.

    I just want to know why so many people hate the Jews?

    Half the problem it seems to me are questions like this. Any negative attitudes towards the holocaust seems to be enough to be called a jew hater or anti-semitic, when that is not the case. For a lot of people the holocaust is just another something you learn in school, it does not stand out from any of the other atrocities that are taught in modern history.

  10. Surely there are more people who are more culpable than some young german girl working a telegraph. How about the train drivers who drove the trains?, the farmers who supplied the camps with food? A large camp like Auschwitz did not arise out of nothing and was not self sustaining, there were thousands of people directly and indirectly responsible for its ongoing operation, and these it seems to me are more culpable than this young girl who is being targeted just because she was there.

  11. Shanghai - BKK flight last week, entertainment system terrible. Two English movies: Ben Hur and Mary Poppins.

    What kind of Luddite uses the 'entertainment systems'? Load up some movies or TV episodes or books on your phone or tablet, and enjoy content you've chosen for yourself.

    Anyone who actually evaluates any airline on the basis of the 'entertainment systems' isn't credible. Anyone who uses those 'entertainment systems' is of sub-par intelligence.

    What a ridiculous post. Of course people rate airlines in part for the in flight entertainments, it's a very important part of flying long haul.
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