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Posts posted by ourmanflint

  1. Allowing unfettered migration to europe will inevitably lead to a rise in the right wing, this will be particularly so in countries like Germany, where a large proportion of voices are being ignored in favour of the middle ground leftist voice. The very least we should do is full background checks on immigrants where possible, as the chances are those that make the trip across Europe on foot are not ordinary nice people, but those looking to exploit soft touches like Germany, criminal types and the like

  2. The heirarchy in Thailand is wrong. At the very top of society should sit the law, it should be far above the petty feuds of its citizens, it should be above politicians, capitalists, and even generals. Thais do not accept this yet and never have, the law is seen as a tool for those that are in power to wield as they want. The law has no teeth because of this simple fact, a fact that every other "civilized" country in the world understands.

  3. I think the most serious problem Thai society has right now is the ineffectiveness and neutrality of its legal system. Every citizen in Thailand should be treated the same under the eyes of the law, but we all know this is not the case. The law needs to be applied systematically and fairly. The police should be involved in apprehending wrong doers only, they should not be allowed to do re-enactments or anything else until the accused have actually been to court to be found guilty. Sentences for crimes should be applied equally across the country irrespective of criminals status or wealth. This is what is meant by the law has to be blind, it cannot and should not ever be influenced by anyones position in society, and neither should its outcomes be influenced by and perceived effect on the economy, both local and national.

    "Since the 15th century, Lady Justice has often been depicted wearing a blindfold. The blindfold represents objectivity, in that justice is or should be meted out objectively, without fear or favour, regardless of money, wealth, power, or identity; blind justice and impartiality." Wikipedia

    It is appalling that those that have been in power in Thailand have purposely ignored this simple quality of law, implementing it would by itself bring about a radical change.

  4. its not him! far too tall, stand him exactly where other guy and overlay CCTV image, I doubt he will be the same height.

    do you just read headlines and look at pictures?? Read the article, it says he assisted with handling the bomb, not of being the bomber.
    I said that because in another thread the police said he was going to re-enact his bombing today. So yes I am confused as to wether this guy has admitted he was the bomber or not?
  5. I really do despair at all the idiots who are encouraging these so called refugees to come to Europe. For every one that makes it, they will then send for each and every member of their families. Allow 1000 in get 10,000 a year down the line. The situation is just crazy and will lead to years of problems for countries accepting them. But the bleeding hearts don't care about that do they, they just want to be seen as caring and compassionate, so they can feel better about themselves.

  6. It could have been a bull shark, but injuries would have been pretty serious if it was, ie chunks missing or leg hanging off. Reef sharks like one in photo are not aggressive or very dangerous and highly unlikely to ever bite anyone. Marlin? Are they serious? Barracuda, possible, but they tend to attack shiny objects that catch the sunlight, so wearing shiny jewellery when diving is silly if you know barracuda are around.

    One other possibility would be a Titan Triggerfish protecting its nest, they can inflict serious bites but unlikely to cause fatal bites, have been bitten myself by one in Maldives and same happened, just bit back of my leg and bumped into me a few times scaring me away from nest. They are a pretty big fish and next on open sand near reefs.

  7. There's nothing quite like a good ole TV lynch mob to hand out justice is there?

    Can there really be anyone who believes that the RTP managed to earn their reward and catch two of those actually involved with the bombing? Or is it more likely they "stumbled" literally onto an unrelated gang smuggling people through Thailand?

    Are any of the photos of bomb making equipment shown by RTP legit?

    Can we believe that the bomber conveniently kept his phone that he used on CCTV at Erawan shrine so police could confirm it was the one used?

    At what point are statements of "fact" by the RTP enough for you all to have already convicted these two guys?

  8. It's been reported he told them the precise route he took to enter Thailand, including the fact that he bribed officials at Sa Kaeo immigration 18,000 baht so he could enter Thailand without going through a regular immigration procedure.

    Because of this 'lack of cooperation' chief of Sa Kaeo immigration police, Pol Col Pairat Pukcharoen, and five other officers have been suddenly transferred to Bangkok for an indefinite period...

    Sounds like cooperation to me!

    If true, then how did he get to Cambodia in the first place? He would have had to fly in from somewhere nearby like KL.

  9. A search of Room 9106 found traces of urea fertiliser, grey powder, four wristwatches, radio controlled toy vehicle, black and blue electric wiring, a table clock, a pack of bolts, and decorative tree lights. All these could be used to make improvised explosive devices.

    I bet a search of any serving police officers homes would also result in such items. Hardly conclusive evidence of bomb making.

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