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Posts posted by cheshiremusicman

  1. 11 minutes ago, Sheryl said:


    Yes, this is a major flaw with the system.


    Even people making minimal wage, this is a lot of money -- especially since they are often having to pay back their employer fir the substantial cost of getting legal status (about 20,000 baht and for  4 years with an additional 2-3,000 at the 2 year point and that is just for the visa, does nto include the health cover). 


    I pay the health cover cost for my employees and the only migrant workers I know of with it, same story. They can't pay it on their own. Nor can any of them afford to pay up front for getting the necessary L-A visa. I also pay that, including re-entry permit.


    Including costs of visa and health cover etc, I am paying as much for my Cambodian staff as a Thai would earn -- if I could find a Thai to do it, which I can't, hence the migrants. Most Thai employers won't do this. Some foreigners won't either.


    The problem is that many employers are unwilling to provide decent benefits or go to any trouble or expense  their workers, as they hire migrants in the first place in order to save money. And the laws and regulations do not put any clear onus onto employers of migrant workers. 



    More power to you for your morals in looking after your staff. As you say "you can't find Thai staff to do it, which I can't, hence the migrants". Sounds a bit like the UK where the bone-idle live off their girlfriends and the state, the gf's pretending that they are single parents whilst their bf's are shacked up with them in housing provided by the state because they are 'single mothers', whilst old age pensioners can't even afford to have adequate heating, never mind the little 'luxuries' like decent food. The UK's 'Foreign Aid' program sends millions to Pakistan (yes they are the number one recipient) whilst this blxxdy country can afford to spend some 20%+ of their GDP on rockets etc and support terrorists - blxxdy scandalous. The UK should cease their Foreign Aid programs, most of which seems to end up in bank accounts which it was never intended to end up in. Look after your own first and foremost is my motto and sod the rest. 


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  2. 21 hours ago, StephenB said:

    No there is grout between the tiles. I still puzzled a bit.

    Presumably, the reason it's just happened is that we are in the time of the year with the highest temperatures and this has just exacerbated the problem which has been building up over the years, caused by continuous expansion and contraction. Thanks for the info re silicon expansion joints and max length of tiling recommended, you learn something new every day. 

  3. I've just returned from the main Hua-Hin immigration office which is situated way out of town - Thai logic building it here?

    My 90 day reporting was due on the 21st April and I had used the online 'service' for the first time to do this and printed out the document which said that it was being 'processed' and didn't hear or see anything ever again. 

    I didn't want to fall foul of IM and thus went to do my reporting. I usually go to 'Bluport' in HH to do this but found that it is shut so went to the 'main office' way out of town.

    I had been to the bank yesterday to do some transactions which required them to copy my passport (when don't they?) and it was only later when I got home that I discovered that they had not replaced my printout of my online 90 day reporting into my passport, so another lesson learned to make a second copy of important documents like this for safe keeping. 

    I handed in my passport at the IMO and there was no mention of my online reporting or questions about the bank balance and I was out in a few minutes with a new 90 day reporting date of the end of September.   

  4. Personally, I think this is a no brainer! Take the old one out and get the new one in place BEFORE  redecorating etc. I've heard from a good friend that he'd been doing some research on the 'inverter' type of units and had been told that if they go wrong they are much more costly to have repaired, so he plumped for a non inverter installation. I don't know how much more efficient the inverter type units are compared with the older system but I'm sure that there are many people on the forum that have got expert knowledge that they can share with us. One thing for certain is that long feeds for AC units definitely impairs their efficiency.

  5. 17 minutes ago, doctormann said:

    Stephen Hawking was undoubtedly a very clever man but I wonder just how much his fame was owed to his very unfortunate disability.


    There are equally brilliant physicists and mathematicians out there who do not get the same acclamation.  Roger Penrose comes to mind.  Hawking's equal in many ways but how many people outside of the scientific community have even heard of him!


    Well I for one, a very great scientist.

  6. On 4/8/2020 at 2:28 PM, PETERTHEEATER said:

    Ha ha! Anti-cough spray screens to protect the Coca Cola.

    Have you ever-seen anything so blxxxy stupid, and don't you just love the drapes in the room?

    I suppose the 'Surprise visit' was notified well in advance, so that the roads could be cleared for his  eminence to speed his way to HH; wouldn't want any other traffic to delay him would they?

  7. 41 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I saw the original press conference. He didn't actually tell people: "inject it" but he suggested it as a cure. He also suggested strong light.

    I leave it up to you to look for the video, it should be easy to find.

    And that is obviously only one of those thousands of occasions were he demonstrated how stupid/ignorant/crazy he is.

    You can certainly say that again, but he's very keen on telling his country how wonderful he thinks he is. The guys a moron.

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  8. On 5/16/2020 at 8:42 AM, Lacessit said:

    I played in the Scottish Senior Amateur Championship back in 2003. First two days, beautiful weather. Didn't make the cut, caddied for one of my fellow Australians that did. Wind and driving horizontal rain. We both had waterproofs from Australia, both soaked to the skin after four holes.

    I remember it was a pretty strong field, and only one player on that final day broke 90 to win.

    Ah, the joys of playing golf in the UK, been there and got the 'T' shirt. Can't remember the number of times I've got back to the clubhouse feeling like a drowned rat. Thank goodness for hot showers.

  9. On 5/10/2020 at 7:41 PM, ConsulZ said:

    ok, thank you to all..


    I think the best idea then is to rent a cheap condo and motorbike for a few weeks in HH and drive around a bit and have a look around.. 

    If you are interested in a very nice gated community some 10 mins south of HH and close to the best beach in HH please pm me. 

  10. 20 hours ago, lee b said:

    worried about saliva? Would the pools chemicals like chlorine not kill the risk of that???

    Have you considered the 'Dilution' of say one persons saliva to the volume of treated water in a swimming pool. My own chlorinated/salt water pool contains approximately 100,000 litres of water, so let us say that the saliva from one person is absorbed by this what do you think is the % dilution of saliva to chlorinated water content? Let's say the 'saliva' is 1ml (1 thousands of a litre - probably far far less than this) in volume this would work out at a dilution content of 1 part in 100,000,000.

    I would suggest that the 'risk' from saliva is extremely low and not worth consideration.

  11. 5 hours ago, actonion said:

    Its not driving here its "Aiming"    brake failure or failure to brake

    More like 'BRAIN' failure. I had to laugh, when I read a few years ago, that the Thai Government and road authorities claimed that they based the Thai driving rules of the road on the UK one's.

    It really doesn't matter what 'rules' are applied, unless the police enforce the rules and this is never going to happen in Thailand, they are a blxxdy disgrace and about as useful as a chocolate teapot. 

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  12. 14 hours ago, fishtank said:

    I would never had thought anything else. ????

    Just like everything else in this B.S, country. What was the last vaccine (a few years back) they claimed they had discovered was it AIDS or HIV? All to go deadly quiet a week or so later. I don't think that anyone in the world apart from the brainwashed poor Thais will believe in anything that comes out of Thailand. What was the old saying "You can kid some of the people most of the time, but not all of the people all of the time". I just feel sorry for all the poor Thai people who are suppressed from getting a decent education so that they can understand and reject the B.S. they are fed every day by the people at the top. I sincerely hope that my cynicism is unfounded and that they HAVE found a cure for the covid19 and I will be the first to applaud them - this surely would gain a 'Nobel Prize' - the first ever for Thailand I think!  

    • Thanks 2
  13. 19 hours ago, SteveK said:

    Thanks for the input. Going to send both electronically and via post, but it's the kind of thing where they need the original. It seems in Ubon DHL is the only option so will have to go with them.

    As far as I am aware, a 'Faxed document' is still accepted as a legal document in the UK. There are some free fax services online if this is any help. I find it odd that a 'faxed document' is acceptable but not a 'scanned document', unless someone knows better?

    I had to send a legal document some months ago and used one of the online fax services and of course the very odd thing is that you scan the document and send it to them to fax on your behalf - how odd is that?

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