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Posts posted by cheshiremusicman

  1. Looks like you've gone to a great deal of trouble to build your greenhouse and it looks great. The best of luck with whatever your planning to grow in it. Last year I bought 'ridged plastic sheeting' from a local building supply firm, which came in 6m lengths. This was used to replace the green horticultural netting on top of my 6m x 6m car port and I was very pleasantly surprised as to how much heat it keeps off the vehicle underneath whilst still letting lots of light through, and of course it now makes it waterproof whilst allowing good air circulation around the vehicle. 

  2. One of the questions I would ask you is 'Where do you live here in Thailand?'

    I am 76 and live in Hua-Hin and stopped paying for health insurance when I was 70 when the premiums were increasing at an almost exponential rate each year. 

    I have used the local Government hospital and the Military hospital here in HH and had excellent service from both of them that cost me a pittance compared to the private hospitals. Example, I needed to have an urgent brain operation and was quoted 1 million Baht for the operation and 1 million Baht for aftercare. I had the operation at the HH General hospital and the total costs to me were just under 50,000 Baht. It is more than likely that the neurological surgeon that operated on me could have been the same one to operate on me in the local private hospitals. One of my neighbours had a hip replacement at the HH General hospital and again the cost to her was substantially lower than using the private hospital. 

    The choice is obviously up to yourself. I wish you continued good health. 

    • Like 1
  3. On 7/12/2019 at 9:44 PM, wilcopops said:

    All this pseudo-science has categorically been shown to be ineffective quackery.

    There is no such thing as "alternative" medicine....if its proven tobe effective its called "medicine".

    By whom the FDA ? The FDA suppress anything that will take money out of the big pharma's profits and are only too happy to club the little guys with a very big stick. Unless you've got million of dollars you don't stand a cat in hells chance of getting it approved by the FDA, even though it's been approved by other countries. It's very similar to the Boeing fiasco where the FAA were allowing Boeing to 'self certify' and look where that got them! 

  4. On 7/12/2019 at 12:28 PM, Bert Jones said:

    I used to spray up with 100% deet until I started to get severe headaches. When googled 'side effects of deet' it seems the US are the largest consumers of the product in its various guises and a result, 54 Americans die every year from the neural toxic effects from deet! shocking! - so be careful of this stuff! The products they sell in 7-11 etc, also contain deet but reduced to about 12% - still gives me a headache if I occasionally spray it on when I run out of my own home made repellent.

    I have concocted my own repellent...made from citronella oil, lemon eucalyptus oil and lavender oil. It smells nice and works 100% providing you re-apply every 3 hrs or so. Its a real pain in the backside having to slap on the protection every time I venture outdoors...I'm quite lazy - but the thought of getting dengue frightens me - so I slap it all over -  every time!

    It would be interesting if you would explain precisely how you make your own repellent. Do you buy the concentrates and where from? If it works for you, then I'm sure we'd all like to try it out.

  5. 17 hours ago, Frotting said:

    I am surprised that in this topic so far 4 pages, that nobody has mentioned the best known cure for Dengue; and it is free - yes free.  This treatment has been known about for centuries in Asai, but with the growth of Big Pharma, and the fact that they cannot patent natural plant compounds, and hence make shitloads of money, the treatment has been conveniently 'forgotten' about.  Forget the vaccine as it has not been properly tested and apart from being very new, is not guaranteed to work and likely has undesirable side effects.  So the best thing for Dengue is to actually get it, recognise the symptoms and then cure it yourself, and this is the way:


    The initial symptoms will be pain in bones muscles and joints that don't appear to have a reason - i.e. you have not been lifting anything heavy or doing hard exercising the day before.  The pain can be anywhere but tends to the ribs and intercostal muscles.  After a while, the fever starts and listlessness (lack of energy) and very bad flu-like symptoms.  In the Carribean they call it 'break bone' fever - so this gives you an idea of the pain.  If you want to be even more sure it is Dengue, leave it for another 8 hours os so they you will get severe pain behind the eyes, right in your eye sockets, and at this stage you will not be able to get up and move.  So if you intend to treat Dengue you need to recognise the symptoms early and get onto it.


    Find yourself a papaya tree that is fruiting.  The fruiting trees have more phytonutrients and therefore more of the compounds present that you want.  Take 3 or 4 leaves from halfway up the tree (not too young an not too old or they won't contain enough of the compounds).  Theke the leaves home and wash the dust off them in clean water, finally washing in clean drinking water.  Shake off the water and pat dry with kitchen paper.  Now take the leaves into the kitchen and with a sharp knife and chopping board, trim out all of the thick veins and hard parts of the leaves until you are left with the thin dark green leaf material.


    Next you need a juicer.  The slower ones are the best as they don't get hot and destroy the enzymes and plant nutrients that you will need.  Juice the green leaf parts - cut them small first as they are tough and might stall your juicer.  Once done you will end up from 4 leaves with about 150ml of dark green juice.  Papaya leaf extract.  This is what you need for the Dengue fever.  It must be kept in the fridge in an airtight container and it only has an effective shelf life of around 3 days so you need to make it often in small batches.


    Hopefully you have not let the disease progress to far before doing this.  Take 50ml of the green liquid.  A warning here, it tastes like faeces, so get it down quick and wash it down with some orange juice or something.  You will need to repeat this every 3 or 4 hours.  It is not a magic bullet so does not work instantly.  Within 10 to 15 hours, depending on how advanced the disease, you will feel relief and the symptoms will be much less, you can get up and walk around.  After 20 hours you should be 95% symptom free.  You now can revert to taking the liquid 4 times per day (50ml).  You can take more if you like, but I am not sure if it will clear the disease any quicker.


    Now remember this.  The Papaya leaf extract does not kill the virus that causes Dengue.  It helps your immune system fight it and protects the red blood cells and platelets from destruction.  This means that even though you might feel better you must keep taking the extract for at least 2 weeks.  The virus actually has a short life span of 2 weeks and they all die off by attrition in 2 or 3 weeks.  You will notice that if you stop taking the extract before then the symptoms will come back quickly.  If you get this start taking the extract again until you know all the virus load has died off.


    Now something about Dengue.  Firstly it attacks platelets - these are the cells that promote clotting of the blood.  So whatever you do, no matter how bad the pain, never, never take non-steroidal painkillers like Aspirin, as these thin the blood and you will bleed out.  Those people on heart medication that thin the blood (Warfarin, etc) - beware, you are the highest risk.  Get the papaya extract down you and stay off other medications with the exception of Vitamin C and Vitamin D.


    Dengue fever if left alone has a low mortality rate in healthy people.  However, it has residual effects like damaging your organs like the liver and kidneys, and this is why you feel so bad for months afterwards even after the virus has gone.  The leaf extract prevents all of that.


    There are 4 known strains of the virus, all with similar symptoms, but the worst one (which is rare in Thailand at the moment) is the Haemorrhagic for of Dengue.  You know when you have this, as apart from all the other symptoms you will bleed from the gums, nose and sometimes eyes, and of course internally as well.  This kind is usually fatal, but thankfully rare.  Recorded evidence suggests that having survived one strain of Dengue you cannot get it again for some time after due to natural immunity - but you CAN get another of the remaining 3 strains.  So difficult to immunise against all.


    If you think the above is <deleted> - then fair play to you and go and suffer as is your choice.  But for those who like to listen, then I have written this for you.  I know a lot about Dengue, and other diseases, because I have studied natural and alternative medicine and know it works.  This is the way I cured Dengue in myself, and the way many of my indigenous friends have done so over the years in Malaysia and elsewhere.


    You live in a pharmacy.  Every plant around you has a medicinal use, but you need to get to learn your land.  Take responsibility for your health and 'take back your power' from Big Pharma.


    Only one problem I can see and that is this:  What if a tourist from say, the UK or USA, comes here and gets bitten, then goes home.  Dengue can take 10 days to incubate before you notice anything.  So they are back home and present symptoms that no local doctor will have a clue about.  Papaya trees do not grow in Europe.  A horrible thought.  So for those of us that live here, no problem, we can fix it.


    I hope this has been of some use.  If you are worried, go and buy yourself a decent juicer - you can use it for other things too.


    Your health.



    Thanks Frotting for a very interesting post. I don't know if you have ever come across the use of the Sadao (I think that is the correct spelling here in Thailand)  or Neem tree in India and elsewhere for treating colonic problems like diverticulitis, as very few people I know have come across it. I was diagnosed with this problem after having a barium concoction injected and special x-ray tests when I was in my early 50's and was told by the specialist that there was no 'cure' for this and the probable outcome would be that I would end up having part of my colon removed (not a very pleasing thought). I did a lot of research and came across a vague reference to the use of the 'Neem tree' in treating this problem along with other colonic problems. I was able to buy neem capsules from a company in south Wales at very reasonable cost, some 5 pounds sterling for 50+ capsules. The recommended dose was 1 capsule 3 times a day, but as there were no known side effects I decided to dose myself and took 4 capsules 3 times a day for one month and then gradually reduced it each month until I was taking 1 capsule 3 times a day. After two months I was completely relieved of the excruciating pain I had been having on and off for over one year. I continued taking one capsule 3 times a day for 6 months and returned to see the specialist who I told the story to. He told me that it was all in my mind and was rubbish and when I offered to undergo the barium scan again he refused. My own Doctor was very open minded and when I told him about my experience he asked me for details to onpass to his patients - some 15 of these having identical symptoms to my previous self. One year later my Doctor told me that some 12 of his patients had tried the Neem treatment and 10 had told him that they were almost completely free of pain and the other 2 said that the pain was drastically reduced.

    Here in Thailand the tree grows in profusion along the roadside and if you take the leaves and dry them you cam make an infusion with them in boiling water to drink, or you can crush the dried leaves and take them in dry form, even filling your own capsules. Makro used to sell empty capsules in there pharmacy department.

    I am now 76 years old and have never had a recurrence of my previous problem; so much for the specialist telling me that it was 'all in my mind'.

    Once again, thank  you for your very interesting information on treating Dengue Fever, I hope that our readers take note of it for future reference.   

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    • Thanks 1
  6. On 3/10/2019 at 9:27 PM, Thailand Outcast said:

    You mean immigration's new method of making money.  (must use visa agent) 

    Anybody know of a reliable 'Visa Agent' in the Hua-Hin area. If you do please PM me. I'm trying to help a friend out who is struggling with the new regs. I'm lucky enough to be able to go down the 800k deposit route the next time, but I will then try to use the 65k pcm from then on. 

  7. On 3/9/2019 at 11:06 AM, wgdanson said:

    I have recently made my 65k transfers to my Bkk Bank from First Direct, and was very pleased when the last one on 1st March arrived within 24 hours, in GBP, and was FREE OF CHARGE.

    Just spoken with them and was assured that there are no fees when sending GBP to Thailand.

    I'm seriously looking at using the 65k transfer per month instead of the 800k in the bank routine. Do you have to prove that the 65k per month is coming from pension schemes and the second question is that my visa renewal on the retirement basis is not due until the end of January 2020, so if I could show the 65k per month from now until the renewal date would that be acceptable to the Immigration here in Hua-Hin? I presume that those of you already doing the 65k route can spend the money that you receive unlike the 800k route where you are constrained for 5 months in total before you can drawdown to 400k max. I really don't want to have all this money tied up in my bank account so hence looking at the 65k per month route. Any help on this matter would be most appreciated.

    Incidentally, I tried a 'trial transfer' with TransferWise and found it to be excellent in all areas.

  8. 14 hours ago, Moonlover said:


    Sorry, but that's not really a fair comparison. Supermarket chains worldwide have, for quite some time been supplying bags that break down quickly in the environment. Kept in the home, away from sunlight and the elements and they will survive longer of course.


    But none the less. kudos to you for keeping and reusing them. ???? 





    Correct me if I'm wrong; but refuse bags get dumped into landfill sites so no sunlight (or very little) ever reaches them within a short space of time as they are normally covered by more rubbish and hence a very very slow degradation of the plastic will occur.

  9. 1 hour ago, dotpoom said:

    See many questions similar to this one on here

    ....whether it be birds, snakes, reptiles, insects etc.,...and wonder why people wish to know the name of the species ...does it really matter?

    If you don't ask you will never find out. Trying to learn something new every day keeps the brain ticking over and you feel better. 

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, robblok said:

    I enjoy fishing a lot, but take care to minimize suffering. For instance in those lakes your not allowed to use an extra barb on your hook to minimize damage. Not allowed to take the fish out of the water. Any wounds are treated with anti septic on the fish. 


    Studies are still ongoing about the suffering and I am sure that some fish do suffer especially if no care is taken. 

    It's very nice to know that you can enjoy your fishing without (to your knowledge) causing harm to the fish. It must be one helluva thrill to catch such an enormous fish on a rod and line. What kind of poundage line (if that is the correct terminology) are you allowed to use when fishing in these lakes? 

  11. 2 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    Oh that arsenic.Well yes there is another arsenic it's the "little bit that's not enough to kill you" kind of arsenic.So let me rephrase my question to see if I can get the appropriate response.How does the arsenic you mentioned in your post get in the rice as we grow rice and we don't knowingly add arsenic to the rice,I realise some may enter from upstream in the water but I was wondering if you would share your knowledge instead of .......

    I read recently that the arsenic in the rice is derived from the soil/water the rice is growing in. This is why it is a very good idea to soak the rice in about 5 changes of water before cooking it. I seem to remember that the author said this reduced the arsenic level in the rice by some 90%. Long term arsenic consumption is said to impair brain function from a medical point of view; but again this is only what I have read but I am sure you can google this subject and read it for yourself.

    • Like 2
  12. 4 hours ago, Benmart said:

    I ozonate all my fruit and veggies, even those purchased in traditional stores. Don't bother postulating the negatives of ozonation. My choice.

    I understand, correct me if I'm wrong, that ozonation will merely kill off any bacteria present on the fruit or veggies and is very effective in this regard. How does it have any effect on the contamination inherent in the fruit or veg being treated?

  13. I live in gated community of some 40 villas and for my sins am on the Committee that tries (it's best) to look after all the general things that require doing within the community.

    I am looking into trying to set up a CCTV system to monitor the coming and goings of vehicles and people. The whole system would have a minimum of 6 cameras, with 3 of them being some 160m from the recording device mounted as a cluster in an elevated position with line of sight to the recording device located in the entrance guard house. Has anybody got any experience of using WiFi cameras at this range? There is no problem of supplying a D.C. supply to the cluster as we have a mains supply some 5m from the cluster from where where we could locate a ad/dc converter. Obviously, the farther away you get the weaker the WiFi signals get, but I believe that we could use amplifiers to overcome this problem. 

    I understand that we could 'Hardwire' the cameras, but I would prefer to use WiFi instead to overcome slinging cables. 

    I would be most grateful to hear of anybody that has had experience/knowledge of problems that might occur.

  14. I live in gated community of some 40 villas and for my sins am on the Committee that tries (it's best) to look after all the general things that require doing within the community.

    I am looking into trying to set up a CCTV system to monitor the coming and goings of vehicles and people. The whole system would have a minimum of 6 cameras, with 3 of them being some 160m from the recording device mounted as a cluster in an elevated position with line of sight to the recording device located in the entrance guard house. Has anybody got any experience of using WiFi cameras at this range? There is no problem of supplying a D.C. supply to the cluster as we have a mains supply some 5m from the cluster from where where we could locate a ad/dc converter. Obviously, the farther away you get the weaker the WiFi signals get, but I believe that we could use amplifiers to overcome this problem. 

    I understand that we could 'Hardwire' the cameras, but I would prefer to use WiFi instead to overcome slinging cables. 

    I would be most grateful to hear of anybody that has had experience/knowledge of problems that might occur.

  15. I live in gated community of some 40 villas and for my sins am on the Committee that tries (it's best) to look after all the general things that require doing within the community.

    I am looking into trying to set up a CCTV system to monitor the coming and goings of vehicles and people. The whole system would have a minimum of 6 cameras, with 3 of them being some 160m from the recording device mounted as a cluster in an elevated position with line of sight to the recording device located in the entrance guard house. Has anybody got any experience of using WiFi cameras at this range? There is no problem of supplying a D.C. supply to the cluster as we have a mains supply some 5m from the cluster from where where we could locate a ad/dc converter. Obviously, the farther away you get the weaker the WiFi signals get, but I believe that we could use amplifiers to overcome this problem. 

    I understand that we could 'Hardwire' the cameras, but I would prefer to use WiFi instead to overcome slinging cables. 

    I would be most grateful to hear of anybody that has had experience/knowledge of problems that might occur.

  16. I live in gated community of some 40 villas and for my sins am on the Committee that tries (it's best) to look after all the general things that require doing within the community.

    I am looking into trying to set up a CCTV system to monitor the coming and goings of vehicles and people. The whole system would have a minimum of 6 cameras, with 3 of them being some 160m from the recording device mounted as a cluster in an elevated position with line of sight to the recording device located in the entrance guard house. Has anybody got any experience of using WiFi cameras at this range? There is no problem of supplying a D.C. supply to the cluster as we have a mains supply some 5m from the cluster from where where we could locate a ad/dc converter. Obviously, the farther away you get the weaker the WiFi signals get, but I believe that we could use amplifiers to overcome this problem. 

    I understand that we could 'Hardwire' the cameras, but I would prefer to use WiFi instead to overcome slinging cables. 

    I would be most grateful to hear of anybody that has had experience/knowledge of problems that might occur.

  17. I live in gated community of some 40 villas and for my sins am on the Committee that tries (it's best) to look after all the general things that require doing within the community.

    I am looking into trying to set up a CCTV system to monitor the coming and goings of vehicles and people. The whole system would have a minimum of 6 cameras, with 3 of them being some 160m from the recording device mounted as a cluster in an elevated position with line of sight to the recording device located in the entrance guard house. Has anybody got any experience of using WiFi cameras at this range? There is no problem of supplying a D.C. supply to the cluster as we have a mains supply some 5m from the cluster from where where we could locate a ad/dc converter. Obviously, the farther away you get the weaker the WiFi signals get, but I believe that we could use amplifiers to overcome this problem. 

    I understand that we could 'Hardwire' the cameras, but I would prefer to use WiFi instead to overcome slinging cables. 

    I would be most grateful to hear of anybody that has had experience/knowledge of problems that might occur.

  18. I live in gated community of some 40 villas and for my sins am on the Committee that tries (it's best) to look after all the general things that require doing within the community.

    I am looking into trying to set up a CCTV system to monitor the coming and goings of vehicles and people. The whole system would have a minimum of 6 cameras, with 3 of them being some 160m from the recording device mounted as a cluster in an elevated position with line of sight to the recording device located in the entrance guard house. Has anybody got any experience of using WiFi cameras at this range? There is no problem of supplying a D.C. supply to the cluster as we have a mains supply some 5m from the cluster from where where we could locate a ad/dc converter. Obviously, the farther away you get the weaker the WiFi signals get, but I believe that we could use amplifiers to overcome this problem. 

    I understand that we could 'Hardwire' the cameras, but I would prefer to use WiFi instead to overcome slinging cables. 

    I would be most grateful to hear of anybody that has had experience/knowledge of problems that might occur.

  19. I live in gated community of some 40 villas and for my sins am on the Committee that tries (it's best) to look after all the general things that require doing within the community.

    I am looking into trying to set up a CCTV system to monitor the coming and goings of vehicles and people. The whole system would have a minimum of 6 cameras, with 3 of them being some 160m from the recording device mounted as a cluster in an elevated position with line of sight to the recording device located in the entrance guard house. Has anybody got any experience of using WiFi cameras at this range? There is no problem of supplying a D.C. supply to the cluster as we have a mains supply some 5m from the cluster from where where we could locate a ad/dc converter. Obviously, the farther away you get the weaker the WiFi signals get, but I believe that we could use amplifiers to overcome this problem. 

    I understand that we could 'Hardwire' the cameras, but I would prefer to use WiFi instead to overcome slinging cables. 

    I would be most grateful to hear of anybody that has had experience/knowledge of problems that might occur.


  20. On 3/4/2019 at 9:46 PM, Jingthing said:

    For any people that are actually considering this feel welcome to post your specific destination ideas in specific countries. Whether you've been there yet or not.

    Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    I was watching one of Anthony Bourdains programmes the other night and I found Uruguay to be very interesting re a place to live. I do not speak Spanish, but reckon I could learn this a lot easier than Thai as I'm just coming up for 76 years old. Unfortunately I bought property here in Thailand when I moved here 13 years ago and in the present climate it would be almost impossible to sell at a sensible price, so I think I'm stuck in Thailand to see my days out.

    I just wish, that the people who make the stupid rules here in Thailand had a brain between them, plus the very idiotic exchange rates that are prevalent now.

    • Like 1
  21. On 6/15/2019 at 8:19 AM, Fex Bluse said:

    They also grow more rice... 

    Did you know that Thailand's economic efficiency is among the lowest of countries measured?



    So WHY is the Baht so blxxdy strong against all currencies and getting stronger. Surely, exports from Thailand must be suffering because of this, never mind the tourist industries?

    When I first came to Thailand some 13 years ago the exchange rate to the UK pound was some 60+ and now it's 39 - It doesn't make any sense to me!

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  22. I've been here in Thailand for some 13 years and always in the past have had the required amount in my bank account prior to renewing my 12 month extension on the basis of retirement, but I have been thinking of remitting the 65,000 Baht per month instead of the previous method of complying with the requirements. My question is this; my renewal will be in January next year and I could start to remitt the said 65,000 this month.

    How long will I have to show Immigration that I have  been receiving the 65,000 deposited into my account here in Thailand for them to accept this as meeting the criteria, and will this alone be sufficient or does the remitted money have to remain in the account?     

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