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Golden Triangle

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Posts posted by Golden Triangle

  1. I am just over the moon that the whole of Thailand and the Thais in general find this so amusing, I just hope that we don't have to read next week or soon after that the moronic plod let them off with a smile and a wave had to go and attend an accident scene when they ended up under the wheels of a 10 wheeler truck or anything else for that matter.


    When is this country ever gonna get serious with the blatant flouting of traffics laws and regulations, those imbecile cops should be hauled in front of their superior told to hand in their uniforms and set free to go & play with the traffic on a motorway somewhere, sheesh this country is so chuffin backwards at times.


    And before some of you want to berate me & and my exasperated attitude ask a few members on here who have been screwed by stupid cops when the indigenous population run into the back of/ side of / front of stationary vehicles and the 3 morons reported on here yesterday or the day before that drove into the side of a Fortuner. 

    • Like 1
  2. Okay, I'll lay my cards on the table, I voted to remain, because it is what I firmly believed at the time to be in the best interest of the UK as whole,  I won't go into the ins & outs of my decision, but I firmly believe that the pigeons are now coming home to roost. And it ain't gonna be pretty for any of us.


    At this moment in time I am completely peed off with our politicians and how they have kidnapped what the British (UK) people voted for, the majority voted to leave and as of today we are no closer to an amicable solution than we were over 3 years ago.


    I want this travesty, farce, stupidity to be over once and for all so that we can all get back to living some form of normal life and not forever fretting over our future and standard of living which has deteriorated rapidly for the last few years.   

    • Like 2
  3. 9 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

    Ok, let's say "when" then. So can you answer the question? 


    What I'm suggesting is that the backstop is not in the WA because the EU are concerned about a hard border.  The backstop is in the WA so that they can retain control over the UK indefinitely. Because if we leave with no deal on 31st Oct, the EU will miraculously find a solution to the border issue. 


    Or do you think the EU will start building border infrastructure on 1st November? 

    Do you believe that to be true ? I would like to think so but find it highly unlikely, david555 poses an interesting question ????

  4. Trust me annoying neighbours aren't only found in condo units, I have a neighbour on one side who is a total bell end, he has the ugliest dog in the world that makes a really noise when it barks, a sort of cross between a bark, a whine and a whimper, oh and it has football eyes, one at home one away, his Mrs will sit out the back talking on her phone at top volume for the whole village to hear and boy does she ever have the most irritating grating voice I have ever heard, and when they actually speak to each other !! well I'm pretty sure that they are both hard of hearing because one and all can hear them talking about the most personal of details.


    I have asked him to keep his noise down but it's like water off a ducks back.


    The other idiot opposite, what can I say ? I could go on for ages, so now during the day if they make a noise I turn up the radio to drown them out, at night I have rechargeable Blue Tooth headphones for the TV.


    I like the suggestion of putting the stereo up loud with the emphasis on the bass and turn the speakers to the wall and bugger off out for a few hours or overnight, do that a few times and he may get the hint. Good luck   

  5. 2 hours ago, dode57k said:

    Wow, that made me laugh. One of the strangest answers to a comment I've read in ages. Your opening post asked for serious/valid replies and what you seem to have is a load of people arguing. I'm on your side, at least I thought I was until I read your answer. I think you and I have totally misjudged each other.

    Just one thing though I won't be told to keep quiet by anyone. IF I break the rules somehow then admins can step in. Suggest you put me on ignore if you don't like what I say. Have you read my two previous post on this thread? Is that not what you're looking for?

    It would seem that I'm guilty as charged, I have read every reply in this thread, what I sometimes don't do is to check who posted what, when I read your comment I took it as a baiting post suggesting I had an ulterior motive or hidden agenda, not so, so I apologise unreservedly. Okay. ????


  6. 4 minutes ago, pkspeaker said:

    If it's just 2 or 3 of them they may have come thru the front door.  I live in a very small condo on a high floor.. been here for 8 years and very rarely had a cockroach, i think about 3 times.. everytime they had entered thru the front door at night in small groups, like 3 of them.

    Not through the front door, the bathroom is the en-suite at the back of the house, the windows are shut and locked as are the fly screens, and as shown in my OP the drains have mesh covers and the sink has the overflow covered with electrical tape (not pretty but effective) and all sink plungers / plugholes have been adjusted so water flows out but nothing like a Roach can come in that way, they only reappeared after I had opened a new 28 pack of bog roll, I would imagine that the factory where they are made or the warehouse that they are stored in is infested with them.

  7. 1 minute ago, dode57k said:

    Maybe not the replies you were looking for then? Pity ????

    I don't have a problem with the replies so far, therefore I don't understand your comment.


    I wasn't looking for any particular type of comment, just that the conversation be kept civil with valid responses, unfortunately as far as I can tell yours doesn't fit that criteria, why would you say such a thing ? do you have an agenda ? Tell you what dode whatever unless you have something other than trolling in mind keep quiet please.



  8. 30 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

    Visit Thailand and not worry about toilet paper - use a bum gun like the rest of us who live here.

    I do live here and I do use the aforementioned Bum Gun, However one needs to dab ones bits dry after use as does my Mrs, don't assume anything until you know the facts sunshine, something you are prone to do - along with bragging of course :cheesy:

  9. I just don't see the EU giving any quarter, they may well have the upper hand here, but other views are saying that without the UK then the EU is stuffed, I personally do not subscribe to that view, will the loss of 39 Billion GBP make a difference to the EU, I honestly do not know, maybe some of you slightly more politically astute members can fill us in, using a neutral standpoint of course.


    I would rather not see the mods close this thread because of extreme views or bickering members but rather gather views from those that will be affected, me included.

    • Like 1
  10. Yes, I know that this subject has been done to death on here, but......


    Is it possible to get some independent, unbiased & logical views on the outcome of a no deal Brexit 


    I have to say that personally I am horrified at the thought of BoJo taking us out without a deal, I think it's stupid and ultimately very damaging to our economy for many many years.


    I didn't start this to provide a platform for uneducated rhetoric, I simply want to know whether or not you members that have a valid interest in this are happy staying in or coming out of the EU. 


    My lifestyle has already been impacted on and it could get worse.........................................


    Over to you.



  11. 38 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

    OP, do you have windows and doors anywhere else in your place, I'm assuming that the bathroom isn't your only room?  You know that they can fly?

    Yes I know that they can fly, I caught out with that about 6 years ago, now I have screens and even UV light killer lamps about the place.


    I realise that some members might find this to be a trivial subject but TBH I don't, I hate the things with a passion, so people have posted that the bar stewards can live on cardboard and tissue, perhaps even laying eggs in packs of bog roll, to me that is not funny and I thank all of you for your contribution, it is close to 24 hrs since I posted this and prior to that at least 3 days since any live critters have been seen. I keep my fingers crossed that we have seen the back of the gits for a while and I will be sorting my shopping prior to storing next time. Thanks everyone.



  12. 11 minutes ago, Jaxxper said:

    Here in Pattaya we’ve been almost free. If it’s half a dozen in 10 years I’d be surprised.

    when we lived in Batam, Indonesia though it was an almost daily battle to keep them at zero. We’d get rid of them and after a week or so away we’d be back to square one.

    Difficult to know how they get in though. Hope you eradicate them quickly. Just out of interest do you have the outside of the house bug sprayed ? We find that helps.

    They used to breed under the patio, it hadn't been finished properly,  but it has now,  maybe I will try the spraying avenue, thanks.

  13. Thanks for the kind replies people, ???? I only really wondered if what I thought was actually feasible, and it seems it is, to me cockroaches are the devil's spawn and I treat them as such ???? the next time we buy some I will unpack them outside and repack in non infested bags ???? I really cannot stress just how much I hate these things.

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  14. Okay, I know that this sounds bizarre but.........


    We have not had a Cockroach in the house for months now, when we first moved in 5 years ago we didn't realise that there was a problem, but with due diligence and ample supplies of Chaindrite spray we have finally got the problem sorted, at one point we had over a dozen living in the wooden architrave around the door between the bedroom and the en-suite. But that is sorted now.


    Working alongside the landlord we managed to slowly but surely deprive them of their habitat and have been Cockroach free for a long long time.


    The Mrs went shopping last week to stock up on stuff we need and on the list was loo roll, we usually buy the large packs of 28 or more and store them in the bathroom for ease of access.


    The pack was there for a few days unopened, and when the last lot had been used I opened the new one, during the night I had to get up for a wee as one does and bugger me a Cockroach was roaming around, it was duly sprayed and flushed down the loo, but the Mrs gets up awful early everyday and found another one, that was also sprayed and gotten rid of. In all I think we found Four, there have been no more for the last 3 or 4 days.


    Now, there is no way that they can come up the drains as we have fine conical mesh filters on the drains, the overflow holes on all sinks has been covered with electrical tape to stop them that way & all sink plugs have been adjusted to make it impossible for a full grown bug to emerge that way, there are no holes in any of the tiles or where the ceiling meets the walls, the windows are shut and locked as are the fly screens, and I don't think it's possible for them to make into the bathroom via the light fittings otherwise we would have them in every room and we don't.


    So, my question is, is it possible that they were in the multipack of bog roll ? I have seen Cockroaches shopping at that well known store down Pattaya Klang before now, ????  Has anyone else experienced this ? I would like to know.


    Sorry that this is so long winded, I wanted to paint a verbal picture so that the reader can understand the problem LOL  ????


    Picture of bathroom drain covers is below.






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