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  1. Ah fair enough. Maybe just give that part of your body a complete rest for few months and build up your legs and core to beast level.... Remember, that's the part that gives you a solid foundation for all the other stuff. So it can only be good further down the line I am interested in PT and sports nutrition, considering doing it part time, so I'm interested to know how you get on....
  2. Maybe it's coming terms with not being able to bulk or build muscle in your 50s.... I guess it sounds like you shouldn't push it in terms of weight limits. But there is a lot of other fitness stuff you could probably do more of that you perhaps neglected when your routine was based around trying to lift heavy weights..... You might actually enjoy getting improved cardio, core, balance note than you think....
  3. Has anyone used Zoom Phone to make telephone calls? How do I access it? I am using a fully updated version of the app on an Android phone, but can't see the option to call a telephone number..... Cheers in advance guys!
  4. Ah really...... Never known people on Twitter to take the piss out of anything.... Probably best scrap the whole project then.
  5. Haha fair call..... Just think Champers, you can fit 3 Reebok Stadiums inside there
  6. The transport issue / size of Phuket is the main reason it's not my favourite
  7. Having hit the big 4-0 and still playing a lot of sports I'm realising the importance of rest days.... The problem is when I take a day off sport or gym, even with a bit of walking factored in, I struggle getting to sleep. But if I do a bit of gym or play sport, it ceases to be a rest day.... Any tips on how to sleep better during these recovery days. If I did a 10 minute run just to sweat, would this defeat the purpose? Cheers
  8. I mean the lacrosse balls you use to loosen the muscles.... Should you a) roll it up and down against the general tight area to break up the knots (like with a foam roller) Or b) roll it against the affected area until you find the pressure points (you know the feeling I mean) and then hold it there on the pressure point There seems to be a difference of opinion online and I'm not sure I'm using it correctly
  9. If you want a gym where everyone is there to work not look in their phone or the mirror... for a fraction of the price. Work out at a good Muay Thai or boxing gym. Of course the equipment won't be as good but the attitude will be a lot better. Btw... I don't mean you need to do Muay Thai. A lot of Muay Thai gyms will have gym areas and are more than happy to let you work out there for a small fee.
  10. What about the present era Chip Butty? How are we so bad? Any chance of signings in January?
  11. Again, we don't know what happened. Neither bouncers or drunk Russian tourists have the best track record here.
  12. You don't know what happened. If he was resisting and throwing punches at them, he was asking for a beating, and probably would've got one from many bouncers not just in Thailand.
  13. How are we chaps? I only saw the goals but that looked like a schoolboy game last night.
  14. Cross trainer or running on treadmill? For years I walked uphill on a sharp incline on treadmill. I'm very sure this led to shin splints so now I'm trying to switch up my routine. Which is worse in terms of shin strain.... Cross trainer or running? Running is high impact but it feels like crosstrainer is more strain on shins......
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