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Everything posted by mikeymike100

  1. "Justice Minister Defends Thaksin Over Prolonged Stay Outside Prison" Justice Minister, isn't that a contradiction in terms?
  2. "Thai Tourism Minister Unveils 2023 Foreign Tourist Figures" What exactly counts as a 'tourist' according to the figures?
  3. You are insulting animals, they are lower than animals, maybe amoeba?
  4. Correct, even Xi, admits the economy in Chins is not doing well!
  5. So this Danish guy has been in custody/prison for a month for allegedly stealing a bag? He said he was sick at the airport so when he was arrested surely he should have been flown by helicopter to the police hospital, instead of languishing in prison, there is a precedent for this??
  6. No I don't believe he was, but my point is valid, in that picking items up that don't belong to you should be OK, providing you do the right thing and turn them in to the police?
  7. Well in most developed countries, if you find something on the floor that is not yours and pick it up then take it to lost property at the airport, in this particular case, or the police, wouldn't you you be doing someone a favor?
  8. You make a fair point, obviously no brown envelopes were passed around!
  9. Didn't he spend around half a day behind bars, or at least in prison?
  10. Maybe someone well known owns the 'famous pub', like a police general? I have no evidence of such, but I would not be surprised!
  11. Presumably, immigration want to see where the passenger is coming from, just in case they need to send them back?
  12. He is not actually THE prime minister, but more like the proxy prime minister it seems?
  13. Phuket again? It seems that most problems that are anything to with Taxis mostly always happens there. Is it that the tourists are 'bad' or is it the taxi drivers are?
  14. How much longer can this farce go on? Nothing will come of any petition or even an investigation, Thaksin is far too rich and far too well connected!
  15. Correct, except in Thailand they operate on reverse logic and if sales are down they put the prices up?
  16. Absolutely, they are hardly gonna say yes he has had special privileges and he is not actually sick, because he is so rich and famous we felt the need to treat him much better than a common criminal?
  17. Worse than TB, that has killed over a billion Humans in the last 200 years?
  18. Whilst I love your sarcasm, many Saudi's, muslims, do imbibe, when outside of KSA?
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