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Posts posted by fordguy61mi

  1. 1 minute ago, Lacessit said:

    I had the same problem with my GF's visa to Australia. In my innocence, I thought the Australian Consulate in Bangkok employed rational human beings.

    Eventually, I employed an AUSTRALIAN lawyer specialising in visas, which was successful. At considerable cost.

    It's all based on ensuring Thais return to Thailand. Which is absolute BS, when you consider Australia is absorbing Sudanese who are creating a crime wave of their own once they get to Australia. Or the son of a Sudanese general, on Centrelink benefits, who has attempted to purchase a $2 million property in Narre Warren.

    Yeah kind of like the US that has no problem it seems to come across the southern border illegally but God forbid they let a Thai come here on a legal visa. Crazy.

  2. I live in the US and thoroughly researched this subject before deciding my then fiancé wasn’t going to get a tourist visa so I didn’t even have her apply. I didn’t want her to have  any visa rejections on her record when we went for the K1. I found that very few Thais get approved for tourist visas because simply put, a lot of them never return. They’ve screwed it up for everyone. You have to have strong evidence that you’ll return in order to get one. Her friend did get one and she has a good job as a nurse at a major hospital. My girl was only a waitress so she didn’t have much of a chance I reckoned. She also had 2 friends that were rejected for a tourist visa. You can’t “sponsor” someone, they have to be able to support the trip themselves. In fact, if they think they’re going to see a boyfriend they’ll reject them based on that. They figure they’ll get married while there and skirt around the visa rules and fees that go with it. It does happen, people do get tourist visas to the US and the UK, but from what I’ve read it’s hard to get one. I ended up going there 5 times in one year to visit her. We had our K1 visa approved and she’s now my wife. Good luck to you.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Minnehaha said:

    What is the rush with paperwork? 

    1. Thailand recognizes the mother first and only. Birth cert is issued. 

    2. Claiming paternity is done through your embassy - they will request docs for their purposes. If you are married the child is yours by default soon as you claim it. Or she makes claim in your home country. So this issue is solved. No need to send anything. 

    3. If you question paternity and want dna test .... good luck. If u r not dad what will you do as you are still married? Now you get to make a choice.

    4. If you dont love her and want children why are you married?  Get someone else to clean the house, as you say. 


    How the hell do people wind up with such nutcases in marriage? They are as demented as the spouse in my opinion



    Right. You know there were many red flags before they said “I do”.

  4. Reminds me of being a young US Marine in the early 80s. I was stationed in Okinawa and the Okinawans in town would smile as we handed them our money but we all knew they hated us. We were their income so they had to be nice. I think it’s probably the same everywhere in tourist areas. I think you can cultivate relationships and make genuine friends outside of those areas, but you really shouldn’t expect too much from them in those areas. It kind of amuses me that someone goes to someone else’s country and then complains about their prostitutes.

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  5. On 1/28/2018 at 2:05 PM, The Theory said:

     I love all Thai women as long as they are not my wife. I'm not afraid of losing any of them. I won't get married to make her stay with me (that is when all troubles begin). 

    I Just keep it this way and enjoy my life.

    certainly not all men think the same and not all go through marriage troubles. 

    I’m married and relatively happy but I’m not afraid of losing her. There are no guarantees in life and you never know how people might change. It could always blow up in your face tomorrow. It’s always a gamble. You have no control over it so just enjoy your life now and if this chapter ends start a new one. This is my third marriage, first to a Thai. It is what it is. Plenty of other people out there.

  6. On 1/15/2018 at 8:35 AM, LionofMedaCM said:


    Thailand, neither other 3rd world countries asked or can influence European laws, but Europe is not a zone of racism and xenophoby neither a zone that needs others t scam them! European laws are democratic, Humanitarian, fair, yes each country have its own immigration policy and this policy can show how is democratic and honest is the country

    Asking a bunch of paper and money from foreigner husbands staying in Thailand is not a power as you think otherwise you won't be sunk in the world bank debts!

    is just taking advantage or a social phobia turned into politics 

    That liberal immigration policy is allowing terrorists and undesirables into their countries and ruining them. There is nothing racist or xenophobic about not wanting your country ruined. It's called sovereignty and it's how countries keep their culture and security. A country can't take care of the whole world. It's duties are to it's citizens.

  7. 13 hours ago, kenk24 said:



    but keep at it - being able to speak Thai is quite handy and fun if you live here. It will greatly enhance your Thai experience and enjoyment. 

    I'm working on it. We have 6 more years here in the US before I get a pension, then off to Thailand at least in the winters (We live in Michigan, beautiful summers here). Hopefully I can manage enough functional Thai by then to get by without my wife talking for me all the time.

  8. On 11/12/2017 at 7:17 AM, kenk24 said:

    Most Thai that I know would feel it rude to criticize especially a guest or stranger. This does not mean that they would not be judgmental of someone acting poorly, though they might not voice it. 


    The closer the relationship, it seems, the more likely they are to be critical. Eg. My wife would never be critical of you speaking Thai incorrectly, whereas if I pronounce something incorrectly, she might let it go, or she might critically correct me... possibly depending upon her mood. 

    My wife outright laughs at me when I try to speak Thai. How's that for criticism. lol

  9. I always see these questions. Is she just out for your money? The women could ask a similar question. Is he just out for sex with a younger woman? If both people are getting their needs met, then no one is being taken advantage of.

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