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Shoeless Joe

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Posts posted by Shoeless Joe

  1. Yes, my wife and I went there maybe 3 weeks ago on a Sunday for some lunch. We hadn't made a reservation and the staff were busy preparing for a big wedding later in the day. However they said for us not to worry and set up a single table out on to the terrace by the swimming pool. We had a very nice lunch, the service was excellent and friendly (and we were also entertained by a free dress rehearsal of the post-wedding musical and dance entertainment).


    Happy to recommend.





  2. Nothing in Pantip and nor in the 3 Daiso branches I visited BUT thanks to a friend's advice I bought one (150baht) from a car accessory shop (of which there are many!), along the road from straight across from Narawat Bridge heading towards the super highway.


    Thanks & Regards,



  3. Does anyone know where this (or something similar might be on sale in Chiang Mai?


    I've tried the various auto part suppliers in and around Big C and there's nothing at Tesco Super or in any of the malls. I could buy one from Ebay, Lazada or Ali Baba but due to the vagaries of the postal system and other deliveries here in Doi Saket, would prefer not to.






  4. NancyL said:

    ""I was about ready to pull out one of the Truevisions boxes and haul it back over to KSK, demanding my deposit to be refunded"


    I moved house in June last year and took my 2 TrueVision boxes with me to the new house. I realised I didn't need a satellite dish (or those boxes) because the house was supplied with fibre-optic cable. We went along to the TrueVision shop / kiosk at Big C, Hang Dong and returned the boxes, explaining that we now wanted the cable service. We were told our 2 x 2,000 baht deposit would be refunded within 45 days and given a receipt.


    6 months later, In November, after numerous pointless conversations (with me being told they couldn't trace the 2 returned boxes, despite providing the information on the receipt), I made my feelings known on the TrueVision FB page. I kid you not, within 10 minutes I had a response from TrueVision customer service telling me that they had finally agreed to refund the deposit. We were told that the delay was caused because a TrueVision engineer had "mistakenly" taken the 2 boxes from the kiosk before they were returned to stock.


    So if you do decide to return your TrueVision box(es) it maybe best to take them to a "proper" shop at one of the malls or to the TrueVision office. But whatever you do, definitely get a receipt.






    PS: I'm not sure the "new" film channels are any worse than the previous HBO selection of films (although I do miss the re-run of The Sopranos). The biggest probem for me is the seemingly continuous re-runs of films, which seems to indicate that they (TrueVision) only have relatively small library.


  5. I do enjoy playing the new True game of "Guess the Film" because they've not yet managed to update the film "information" (even though they knew  when the changes were occuring"....)


    Regards and a Happy New Year,



  6. 48 minutes ago, thonglor10 said:

    Hi Carib,


    Thank you for confirming my hunch someone would find some way to attack me anyway.


    Listen, that's NOT an attack it's alegitimate comment and what did you expect?

    AND why do you want to know?

    Worried about making a mistake?

  7. Don't get put off and  certainly don't worry too much about hyped, exaggerated reports. There are many other bars to try in and around Chiang Mai old town and around the moat, with live music etc. Come to Thailand, relax and have a good time.





  8. 1 hour ago, mesquite said:

    Same here.  I thought something was on fire.  I'm thinking of going to Doi Saket this AM, but may cancel.

    It's only misty here in Doi Saket. Same as yesterday and then cleared with wall-to-wall sunshine from around 10.30am through to the evening.





  9. I don't know any store that provides this service.


    Are you unable to get out? If so, it might  be easier for you to ask a friend to buy the perfume and gift wrapping paper and then have it delivered by UPS or similar.






  10.   10 hours ago, stament said: "ES is a member"


    Can I ask, ES a "member" of what, is The Hangout a club? I thought it was just a bar with mediocre food. (OR, do "members" get better food / service and a working TV)?

    Unfortunately I don't see the "IN" crowd driving circa 10k's on a regular basis (even to enjoy fantabalous live music, and having  a good time) when there are similar / better entertainment venues in Chiang Mai city.

    It might also be wise not to so casually dismiss the "God's Waiting Room Crowd". They are precisely the sort of customers who can provide added revenue during the daytime when the "IN" crowd are recovering from the night before.





  11. 9 minutes ago, hml367 said:


    Is someone trying to say something informative here or just putting random words together?


    Anyway, I went to The Hangout a couple of Sundays ago in the late afternoon. The place was almost empty except for 4 farangs seated around a table. There were (different) sports being shown on a few screens but then there was a problem and ended up with nothing being shown. It looked as if the system neede re-booting but no-one was really interested. The service was average - to- poor, the food was (just) OK, and there was no atmosphere at all. A friend told me that it's better at night with occasional "live" music being played by CM musicians.





  12. "Manop was arrested on MONDAY. He had fled from police during his arrest and his vehicle had overturned. ......following the accident he was taken to hospital to treat his injuries then after he was incarcerated in the cells at the police station. Doi Saket police said he was found dead at 6am on WEDNESDAY".


    It makes me wonder what was happening / happened with the prisoner through the circa 30 hours of Tuesday and Tuesday night and from midnight on Tuesday evening through to 6am on Wednesday?





  13. 2 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    Boring,been bored,mentioned a lot,never been bored with anything

    my whole life,too much to do,life is much too short to be bored,

    "Chiang Mai could be boring if you are sitting in a beer bar all day"????????

    regards worgeordie


    Worgeordie, I generally enjoy reading your comments but (maybe unwittingly?) you've proved my point...the post is about TV Forum being boring, it mentions nothing about sitting in a bar all day. So why go there?





  14. "chiang mai forum is not fun any longer"


    I like the topic and I agree with cmtg1. TV Forum isn't fun and it seems to be more noticeable following the recent "upgrades".


    Mainly out of habit I still skim through the headlines but in the main it IS dull and boring, just like these awful monochrome pages (and how long will they be in place?).


    I offer that one reason may be because threads are hijacked by the usual suspects, but being completely unable to make a cogent comment on the original subject, simply post  their inane, off-topic comments instead.  As an example...this topic, which has already migrated to discussions citing "Dukes, CM Expats Club, young farangs, red light districts and shopping malls".






  15. Since the UK Brexit result in June, the pound has dropped in value by nearly 12% against the baht (May 31st = 52.3 baht to the pound, October 7th = 43.4 baht to the pound).

    Are UK ex-pats worried about failing to meet the Thai government's 800,000 baht savings or income requirement because their pensions have been devalued so much?





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