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Shoeless Joe

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Posts posted by Shoeless Joe

  1. I was led to understand that the owners of El Patio also own / owneded Beer Republic. But the owner(s) haven't been around recently, so maybe Beer Republic has been sold and is now under different ownership?


    El Patio (maybe because of their high prices for alcohol and reputation for highly-priced poor food) seem to be struggling for customers and there's no live music on Fridays and Saturday evenings from The Bluesman's excellent band.





  2. Such pompous assumptions.


    It's not just about the clientele of the pub. Do you not think that an art exhibit(ion) would be interesting for people other than the the patrons of the UN Irish pub? There's no reason at all why other art lovers and non-patrons might not go along to see it.









  3. Really? You're  happier with the opinions of the TV "experts" rather than pay a few dollars and go to a qualified clinical dermatologist for "proper" treatment and medication? For goodness sake, get yourself to McCormick Hospital or Bagkok Hospital or Ram Hospital and stop looking for a TV miracle cure.





  4. This might be the one....the owners name is Fa. His shop is 2 minutes from the Promenada Mall, he supplies glasses to many of the farang community, gives a personal service at a reasonable price and in a reasonable timescale too (sometimes 1 or 2 days) . His shop is in a soi on the right of the road heading from the Promenada to Saraphi. Probably a good idea to call him first 089 632 0691 and he'll give you directions and even wait at the corner of the road to guide you in!





  5. 4 hours ago, tyznd said:

    So no one can say whether or not this place is open yet? 


    I often wonder why anyone bothers coming to this forum as either you often get wrong information or no answer at all.  Not worth the time to post but now that I said that I'm sure the posts will come rolling in.

    Maybe it's just not that important to other people? But of course instead of whining about a lack of response you could go and see for yourself!





  6. My sympathies to Connda, I know exacly where he's coming from.


    I too didn't have a recent happy experience in the well-known 2nd hand book shops around the ThapaeGate area. I had a number of books (20) in excellent condition, all novels and recent titles and decided to try and swap them for some other 2nd hand books, figuring I could get a 2 for 1 deal (2 of mine for 1 of theirs).  In the first shop, the vacant, disiniterested woman took a look at my books and offered 500 baht for all of them and wasn't interested in a "swap deal". The second book shop said they weren't buying books but that she would do me a favour and keep them if I wanted to leave them with her! The third book shop didn't want to pay cash but offered me a 4 for 1 deal, which I declined. I did notice that in all of the bookshops, the books in good condition were priced on average from 350 / 450 baht (and more) and those in poor condition from 100 / 150 baht. OK, I know they're in business to make a profit but a more surly, miserable bunch of chisellers is (in my opinion) difficult to find.


    NB: There is a 2nd hand book warehouse near to Central Festival, stacked to the roof with books. I don't think they're buying, but the prices for books in good condition is very reasonable.





  7. Jeez, was my post that difficult to understand?


    I was merely pointing out that there were 2 TV stories with diametrically opposing views (which are still there) and asking the question, which one was right?:

    1) That the baht is strengthening

    2) That the baht is weakening


    With the exception of the response from  KonKhaenCowboy (thank you, I hadn't thought of different timescales...duh!) most of the other answers are way too over-complicated.









  8. 7 hours ago, Bill97 said:

    Joe :

    Baht against what currency? They are not all the same and do not all move the same way.

    Bill97 - Re for both of your comments (and as you clearly misunderstood what I was getting at). I wasn't highlighting the baht appreciating or depreciating against any currency.


    The topic  was / is merely that there are 2 stories on the same subject but with contrasting headlines which can be seen on the sidebar and lower bar of the same TV page. So, which one to believe?





  9. "Thai Visa Team"


    1) From the sidebar - "Baht Depreciation Expected"

    2) From the lower bar - "Baht expected to strengthen to 21 month high"


    So I suppose that, as the baht hasn't moved much over the last 6 months it's an indicator that both stories are right (and wrong!)





  10. One of these flew into the house this morning, it made me jump I can tell you!      :shock1:


    Wingspan about 4" and about 4" long when it fluttered its wings it was bright red by the body on both sides. I released it onto some grass where it seemed happy before flying off.


    Anyone know what it is?






    PS: This is NOT a picture of ME with said insect....555

    big bug.jpg

  11. 2 hours ago, happyas said:

    Looking back at the post maybe because you gave the name as  Grakcu instead of Gracku led to confusion?

    Close enough, i know, but TIT.

    Why buy all these high price products when you can but the Thai version of Viagra for 100-150 pkg of 4?

    Your choice of course.



    Thanks for your unwanted advice...1) GraKCU is a herbal product which would suit me better... 2) Viagra and / or Cialis have some unpleasant side-effects for me and finally 3) Here's a picture of the GraKCU tablets - please note the spelling






    NB: If you do want to be helpful - exactly  where can one buy the Thai version of Viagra for 100-150 pkg of 4 and what is the product called?





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  12. After reading with interest about the efficacy of some of the potential solutions, I went with Folk Guitars suggestion to try Grakcu. I presented myself to the assistant at a huge PharmaChoice and said "Grakcu please" she looked at me and said, "Cialis, Viagra?". I repeated my request for Grakcu, "Ah, sorry...don't have". "OK, do you have anything similar?" Which was how I ended up with 2 boxes of "Plays" at 580 baht for 2 capsules BUT buy one box, get one free.


    Has anyone heard of these "Plays" or used them? I'll report back on their effectiveness (or not) in a little while.





  13. 52 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

    This has been going on for almost 3 years now that everybody knows but not one person is willing to come forward with any credible evidence to prove as to what everybody knows. Maybe it is true that everybody knows but if actually nobody knows anything credible it would be the same outcome.

    So in your opinion....everybody knows:cheesy::cheesy:





  14. 4 hours ago, scottiejohn said:

    How do you know they are 'genuine'.  If it is the same woman who does the rounds of Lhoi Kroi/Night Bazaar area during the day you can bet they are fake.


    Anyone who wants to buy 'Genuine' drugs on the internet or from a street walker wants their head examined by a qualified psychiatrist!

    Wellwe don't really know anything except they are just as likely to be genuine as fake, but she seems to have had a thriving business for at least 2 years, with plenty of customers. I'm guessing if they are fake she wouldn't be so busy. Regarding your final comment - tell me, how would you know a qualified psychiatrist from one who is unqualified?


    Oh and by the way, why do you have to be so disagreeable?



    • Like 1
  15. Everything you (both) say is true, but the fundamental mistake you are making is to apply your western mentality and driving standards to driving in Thailand (and throughout S E Asia).


    You should have realised by now that neither are of the slightest consequence to drivers of lorries, cars and motorbikes in Thailand! Until the government can stop sweating the small stuff (why is the PM SO interested in a Thai girl's dance routine?) and divert some resources to simple road safety, defensive driving skills and respect for other road users, yours (mine, our) protestations will go unheard.


    Until that happens be safe out there and look out for yourselves.







  16. 9 hours ago, t8769 said:

    Wow - there are some seriously bitter, twisted people on this site. 

    I'm not even going to try to understand what problems they're suffering.



    Thanks Nancy.


    I've used Co-working spaces in BKK and CM if I have much work to do, but its good to have a nice place to work for shorter times.





    I'm unclear why the OP thinks that my comments regarding his freeloading habits are a result of me being bitter and twisted (or suffering from some problem that he can't understand). In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. I was merely pointing out that his wish to turn a coffe shop into his personal free, comfortable, air-conditioned workspace was simply a deplorable misuse of the available facilities. Nancy L's concluding comment was " It spoils my coffee time when I see the space around me being misappropriated", a sentiment I echo entirely.


    Anyway, apart from being mean, I don't understand why it's so difficult to work from home if it's for a short time (2/3 hours?), or budget to pay circa 250baht for a legitimate workspace for a longer period of time.


    Not bitter or twisted.



  17. Selfish beyond a joke and a free-loading nuisance!


    So what you really want is to turn a coffe shop into your work area. Preferably with air conditioning; enough room to spread yourself out and work uninterrupted for hours on end; with your laptop, mobile phone etc all neatly arranged to take up as much of the available space as possible (space needed by "legitimate" customers). All this for the price of a cup of coffee (that's assuming you will at least buy a cup of coffee!), because you're too mean to pay 250 baht for a legitimate workspace.Do you know (or even care) that they have overheads and that they are in business to make money, not to support you?

    I'm ever hopeful that you and others like you will be asked / told by the coffee shop proprietors at least once every half-hour that you have to buy something or move on.







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