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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. When you get a new passport you're given a letter with it. Take said letter and passport to your provincial immigration office. They will transfer any required stamps to the new passport and enter the new passport details into the system. This is done free of charge.
  2. Usually more than one for a lasting result.
  3. No balloons were injured during the melee.
  4. Price of eggs has risen again I see.
  5. Probably telling the truth.. he got someone else to hand it out.
  6. Pie in the sky and go-go bars.
  7. I'm sure the girls will be thrilled at the news... and on the next flight out.
  8. Some people {Tom Jones} as an example are born singers and performers. Instead of sitting at home dying of old age they prefer to do what they love to do. Sing... and Tom still has it .
  9. The right thing usually goes out of the window when people split up. Name on documents is a safer way to go.
  10. I'm sure it was a scary moment... very understandable under the circumstances.
  11. I thought menu prices had to be stated on the menu?
  12. Witnesses said smoke and flames started in the ceiling, which then started to drop burning material down on the occupants below. Q: what's in the ceiling space? A: Electrical wiring and flammable sound proofing. Conclusion... Fire caused by electrical malfunction.
  13. The usual cash you have hanging around for those out of pocket expenses.
  14. Don't prod a real one.. the response isn't good.
  15. So move out to a different location, find a good partner and leave the idiot behind. Have a good life, now you've ruined yours.
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