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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. Police seem to be adamant that the exits were definitely locked.. maybe this was reported by fire crews trying to enter the building?
  2. Unlucky for the survivors who have horrific burns... a lifetime of misery and pain lays ahead for them. I hope the owner has deep pockets, they will be paying out for decades to come.
  3. How many facilities are like this? The police as we know collect rent money every month, yet this continues to happen. Operating without a licence should mean it's closed down until a licence is produced. But as we know a blind eye is turned as long as the money keeps rolling in.
  4. Renew their licence every year, a fire/safety assessment done to gain the licence. Then spot checks done by the fire stations, without warning. Lock emergency doors, inactive fire suppressant devices means owner/manager gets jail time.
  5. Why don't you find a shop with a deli counter... then you will be happy?
  6. On the way home from making merit no doubt... but not at the temple.
  7. Lets see... I say self elected into place as apposed to voted into place in 2019... so +8 years from then.
  8. Who has she given it to is the better question.
  9. This'll have many service industry recipients running scared.
  10. A percentage of those were tourists. But hey why spoil a good fantasy.
  11. Safety inspections should be done annually with more spot checks by the fire departments. Licences must be endorsed with a fire chiefs stamp of approval.. Licence what bloody licence. Thailand is a joke.
  12. Too bloody late.... these establishments are allowed to operate under the watch of chiefs and police. Time to drain the swamp.
  13. Maybe unfair in your eyes, but might just prevent a similar event and others being killed or injured.
  14. Welcome to safe trusted Thailand.... death trap
  15. Maybe time to bring in the services of a canine tracker team, searching on foot and just looking is like trying to find a needle in a proverbial haystack.
  16. China is holding an exercise.... no commercial airliners would be targeted and destroyed... even by accident. China is playing big brother by trying to control the area, and Thailand is playing along with the game.
  17. No speed reduction then.. just drive like normal.
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