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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. More of a beer bottle top collector, not in the millionaires club for sure.
  2. Bungalow Katie, nothing upstairs in the attic, everything is downstairs.
  3. Then 2 days to retract what they said or be charged with deformation?
  4. Oh dear they've let him out again.
  5. Anarchy rules..... public confusion follows
  6. Thailand is ordering the bare essentials.. not all the extras that make it what it is. It's like window dressing.
  7. Mostly domestic cases one would surmise, nothing to do with international arrivals.?
  8. Absolutely.. freedom of choice, you do as you wish.
  9. Here's an idea, you believe in what you want, that's your right. let others do the same, that's their right.
  10. Good advice, vote with your feet.
  11. No it's what they're forced to witness.
  12. You'd think this would be normal practiced in an oraganised resort. Not an order to clean up there act.
  13. I have reservations about that... I would rather think CCTV strategically placed and monitored would be a better choice. I'm sure bullies don't want to be recorded.
  14. The spiritual Thai doesn't have much going for them, letting them have a little belief in something costs nothing. Why should they have to follow the rest of the world?
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