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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. My local IO office transferred everything without any copies required, just the letter I got with my new passport asking IO to transfer details. I think it depends which office you attend.
  2. Part of the "Promise" to receive arms/munitions was that they would not be used to target Russian soil directly.
  3. Bad luck, no Soi dogs on the table..
  4. I wonder if he'll get the one trillion baht fine for puffing on the beach? Or is that reserved?
  5. Bob Hope and No hope... ????
  6. They've restructured or just borrowed more?
  7. When are you going to seal the deal on these submarines, and when is our railway going to be done? The personal visit will be interesting.
  8. Smiles are covered with masks, spicy street food is subjective depending on the vendor, feeling of wind on your face and smelling of cooking oil mixed with vapours from the sewers, polution covering your hair, whislt gliding through the the city as you're wiped off your motorcycle by a red light runner to avoid being ripped off by a Tuk-Tuk... I agree Bangkok certainly hits the mark.
  9. The brother of a top judge killed helped keep the interest going?
  10. The buffet must have been good.
  11. Or just the world slowly getting back to normal.
  12. If they're not reported you won't ....
  13. 3 people I know were infected last week, 2 more over the weekend. Not saying it's killing anyone but sure as eggs is eggs it ain't over, or getting better as some like to preach.
  14. That could have started back in January, but the government was too slow to make a decision. Now rocketing prices coupled to inflation will make people think hard before spending on long haul flights.
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