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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. I can remember when we could watch volleyball on the beach... how times have changed. Family friendly Pattaya?
  2. People are getting attacked and injured because "snowflakes" can't face reality.
  3. From the photo it hardly looks like a bend?
  4. Find homes where? The reason they're on the streets and beaches is because no one wants them..
  5. So the total number of strays must well exceed 1,000... set up a home for them.. sorry to say if they're strays they should be put to sleep. End of the problem.
  6. I wish them the best of luck, however it's widely known that without greasing palms nothing gets done.
  7. Such generosity... but then again did they have property insurance?
  8. And henceforth the other 364 days will be known as National Groundhog Day.
  9. Road manners look to be the same on two wheels as they are on four.
  10. Lucky it was after closing time and not during peak hours ????
  11. I bet he didn't get a "hello handsome man either"
  12. Are there any un-corrupt officials in Thailand?
  13. Previously they had tried growing pineapples but found that every part of the production process required chemicals, which were not only expensive but meant they were forced to use toxic substances on their produce. The couple say they run the plantation out of love and passion rather than trying to become wealthy. Says a lot for all the other toxic fruit and vegetables that are the majority sold in Thailand.
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