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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. I passed my test in a Triumph Toledo, my first car was somewhat less appealing a Ford Anglia 105E. However I did buy a Cortina MKII 1300cc a year later... pure luxury.
  2. My school friend was from a gypsy family, he had an older bother. The two parents lived in one caravan and the boys in a second one. Both caravans were spotlessly clean, very well decorated and very expensive. The old man drove a Range rover, the elder son had a brand new tranny van and a Ford Cortina MKIII. They did my old mans drive and 45 years later it's still as good as the day they did it. They were the salt of the earth and worked bloody hard.
  3. Near where I live I know 5 teachers, ages range from 25-45 all 5 have bought new cars this year? Some seem to be doing alright.
  4. Gouging... no other term for it.
  5. Seems his message didn't get across to the public on his whistle stop tour of the nation when he was steam rollering his plan through.
  6. Anyone else noticed that Anutin has gone very quiet since steam-rollering this through?
  7. I thought only well behaved multi millionaires were invited?
  8. Same here... she was smoking hot ????
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