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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. Another leader who has some very strange ideas. France was/is a beautiful country with beautiful people, yet it has been hijacked by politicians who have systematically torn it into pieces.
  2. Bring it on Putin... your days are numbered.
  3. At least the have elections...
  4. Maybe using the same mathematical formula that TAT uses for tourist expectations?
  5. Peed someone off I would surmise?
  6. That very much depends on the phone user.
  7. Thailand needs to get it's fuel prices into order, although already subsidised heavily any rise gives the opportunity for others to increase prices due to increased production costs.
  8. After two days in hospital and a fractured skull he's made a full recovery? He may suffer future problems from that or there was no fracture?
  9. I'm with you... I don't get the fascination. If it's medicinal and helps yes... as for all the Thai fads... sprinkled on your food or drinks ridiculous.
  10. If I was cynical I would say this was a plot by Anutin to distract the population during 2021/2022 regarding Covid that has decimated the economy and tourist trade for the last 2 years. Rushing the bill through before thinking it through and all it's ramifications. Now legal no-one really knows what they can or can't do with the stuff, although some are already stuffing it into anything they can sell. Another complete and utter farce.
  11. Instead of the back yard as before?
  12. Anutin steam-rollered this through and should be held accountable for his ridiculous actions on this farce. But we know all about accountability in Thailand.
  13. That was not what I said... DO NOT TWIST MY POST.
  14. None... 3 month in the local barracks... that'll learn-em.
  15. Warned once and served two summonses... just go get-em.
  16. I 'm sure they will find all the evidence they need for a conviction.
  17. Who turns around and greets you in baratone ????
  18. Would that be the one taking a dive too?
  19. Agreed, "model" prisoners who are no threat to the public should be employed by local authorities to do such work, road cleaning, klong cleaning, general litter picking, keeping parks etc tidy. A win win for all concerned.
  20. Clean the prison Karzi?
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