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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. Yet they say no sensitive material was released, the post contains a lot of conflicting statements??
  2. Cheap rubbish from the mother land is hard to beat.
  3. Should be... but we all know how it rolls in Thailand.
  4. Thailand has no laws to protect victims of the above crimes.. really ? Or just not the backbone to enforce them against influential persons.
  5. The government measures are actually keeping away tourists [not those who have connections here] plus the still very low vaccination rate. Thailand or I should say the Government shot itself in the foot last year and is still paying the price for that now. Until the vaccinations [double doses] are up to 80%+ and the ridiculous hoops to come are dropped, nothing is going to change fast.
  6. It's a bit like watching the magician doing a card trick... you know the cards are rigged but it still makes for a good show.
  7. He'll survive, and get his minders to do some overtime in backroom chats.
  8. And there was me thinking a vote was a freedom of personal expression... silly me.
  9. And how much is that costing the government? In with one hand-out with the other.
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