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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. That will be billed later to Over-time
  2. The guy in the middle thinks it's Dec 25th
  3. Silly old bugger, invite a female to your room hide everything
  4. It already was, and toilets attract flies
  5. So call the police, not pick up a stick
  6. And Chinese have been paying off Myanmar Generals to turn a blind eye,
  7. That's not going to end well... just scream your bloody head-off if a guy comes near you offering sweets
  8. Good work, businesses and the girls are working flat-out to keep up
  9. She's going to get a concrete overcoat, best leave him to it and go find another bloke
  10. It's worth too much money, customs must be slack at the border, police are too busy around the country, internet crime suppression are on extended lunch breaks.. illegal yet easy and widely available
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