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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. It's worth too much money, customs must be slack at the border, police are too busy around the country, internet crime suppression are on extended lunch breaks.. illegal yet easy and widely available
  2. Did they any meet stiff opposition or did they come quietly?
  3. Maybe the governor should put some of that bulging tourist revenue to good use and not in the bank
  4. With apple sauce and two slices of bread
  5. Lucky it doesn't snow here.... they cold add a zero Yesterday had a heavy downpour here for about 30 minutes, washed away the dust and freshened up the air a bit..
  6. Using the tradesman's entrance
  7. Sounds like a destination to steer well clear of
  8. Lack lustre pointing on the left.... not a happy bunny
  9. She's in a sticky situation...
  10. Any negative feedback will be ignored... this is a done deal.
  11. Who could imagine Thaksin siting in that prison cell... not a chance. Money buys favours
  12. Who also took the room keys and his car?
  13. Seems she was trying to do the right thing by helping her new husband out of a tight spot... as it turned out he was an a-hole... regardless of how much she had or lent him. The fact that she did it means she's a good one. Whe people are knocking her I don't understand
  14. The family should pay to get him home and out of the clutches of the Thai hospital. At home the NHS will take care of him, as a taxpayer he has made contributions..
  15. It's not safe, I ride every day with my head on a swivel and I double check everything around me, and behind.
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