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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. You can take the girl out of Thailand but.... you know the rest.
  2. They would do what they're trained to do, save lives and treat injuries.
  3. What's the betting Thaksin gave the orders and Srettha was just doing as he was told.
  4. And they'd know all about that...... hand picked puppets.
  5. When the signal from the pilot says buckle up... it's best to do so.
  6. The government seems to like rubbing shoulder with fugitives.
  7. Breakfast, lunch and dinner was also on the agenda with a little sightseeing..
  8. Begging for investment again..... how about Thailand investing in Thailand, or don't the millions of tourists spend enough.
  9. The only wealthy ones are the tattoo artists
  10. The reverse maybe the news headline, when the neighbour feels like he's bored with CCTV and wants something real.
  11. It takes more than that to change mindsets... start with manslaughter charges.
  12. Fines don't cut it... confiscate and destroy the jet ski if found to be illegal...
  13. I doubt very much if any bag will identify that this is the 10 year old rice... by the time it hits the streets bags will have been switched.
  14. And we trust the samples were verified as being the stock piled rice?
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