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Posts posted by hotchilli

  1. 2 hours ago, transam said:

    Yep, even where I am I rarely see a traffic cop, and there are zillions of them...So, where are they, why isn't there commanding officers giving out tasks daily to the troops...


    Any idiot can see folk will do what they like if there is no officialdom loitering out there to nab 'em.....

    Because they're all out collecting bribes from all their business connections...

  2. 7 hours ago, Cuchulainn said:


    In 1,000 notes, well yes!!! :thumbsup:

    Yep just another angry Thai venting their anger in the only way they know how... fists & feet
    By the way I noticed something lost in translation.. 1minute 20 seconds into the video

    check-out the translation on the door.. what's an "Inwuiry officer"?

    the kid can't count but his excuse is he was only 5.. what's the grown up officers excuse for not being able to spell?

  3. Ok from watching the video, yes the boy was totally to blame for running out into the road, alas most kids do at some point in time

    some don't live to tell the tale.

    The driver had virtually no time to react due to being blinded by the parked car, but should have stopped to give assistance, but as we all know in Thailand it's better to flea the scene rather than risk being a victim of instant karma by witnesses or family.

    What is a mystery is why she initially stopped, became a bystander and then gave a false vehicle description, why didn't she just keep going, possibly she did stop but then saw the extent of the injuries & panicked?


    Not to detract from the main post which is an all too familiar occurrence:


    The boy - Khanat Piakaew - is recovering in hospital in Nakorn Pathom east of Bangkok.

    Unless Nakhon Pathom has been secretly relocated overnight without anyone's knowledge it is actually west of BKK

    I understand Thai's have problems with geography on a global scale but this is inside Thailand!

  4. 4 hours ago, fruitman said:

    How can he steer a big bus like that if he's also on the phone? He should loose his license forever but i see many idiot busdrivers every day in BKK, also on the phone while driving. I never see police on patrol though so this is their fault.

    I was once in a similar bus to this one in central BKK, the driver was as erratic as this one which go my attention.

    As I looked forward to see what the problem was, he was texting with both hands & steering with his knee under the wheel...
    I managed to walk to the front & told him to stop so I could get off, as I glanced back about half the passengers followed me, the rest must have had a death wish or been immune to Thai drivers.

  5. I'm a keen hobbyist looking for any redundant tobacco pipes that may be laying around here in Thailand,

    I have an interest in refurbishing, repairing or using as spare parts.

    Any manufacturer, British, Irish, American, European, Asian, any design style, condition or age considered.

  6. Quote: 

    Sanit said that he had set up a committee to get to the truth of the matter but it was his opinion that the injuries of the dead man were superficial and did not result in his death. If it can be shown that he died from heart failure then police would be in the clear, he said.


    News flash... news just in from the coroner's office, autopsy proves heart failure... BiB nothing to worry about here!

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