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Posts posted by hotchilli

  1. 21 hours ago, seajae said:

    how stupid can they get, people have died but they will not make the people that own the buildings repair or fix them so that it cannot happen to anyone else, seems once again profits are put before peoples lives. Instead they tell people to take short showers, shows just how pathetic the mind set is here, dont fix the problem blame the guests.

    What you have to do is realise this is Thailand:
    A tourists life is cheap & replaceable...
    repairs/replacements cost hard cash!
    Thailand wins every time

  2. I have a Thai female friend who has just quit her job because of a male colleagues behaviour!
    She's worked in the customer support office of a well known large Japanese car dealership, it begins with the letter "H"

    She's been there for 6 years with a good record, he was moved here from another area because of a similar occurrence).

    He first established himself as the "man" in the office by using bully-boy tactics, he then started to approach her in a sexual manner

    taking every opportunity to be near her, leaning over her at the desk so as to accidentally touch her etc etc, then it was asking her out for a date, followed by she should have a man like him by her side.
    He got her Line id from somewhere & barraged her with mail, some of which was very obscene regarding what he would like to do.

    I said to her to take her phone & show the boss at the dealership as it was hard evidence & proof of harassment, but she refused to do it, saying as a younger girl it wasn't the right thing to do... not the "Thai" way of things..

    She slowly became a wreck, waking each day dreading the day ahead, eventually she left, now out of work & in financial difficulties!

    He continued his barrage of torments by mailing her asking why she left & that he could take care of her!!

    One evening we were out with her family & she just broke down crying, I asked her what was the problem, she showed us the latest messages on her phone, he was sending her threatening mail saying he would stalk her until she submitted to his wishes.. no need to elaborate here what they were but I'm sure you can guess!

    I have a friend in the police who I asked what could we do, he agreed not to make a huge issue about it but said he would have a quiet chat with the man. 

    We hatched a plan where she asked to meet him at a convenient place outside for a chat, as he arrived & sat down we both joined him at the table, my officer friend in uniform & myself as a witness.
    They had a conversation where it was made very clear that the officer was speaking & he had to be quiet and listen.
    The officer said that he would make sure it stopped immediately or it would go to court using the messages as evidence of harassment!

    Thankfully it has ended in as much as he has stopped the messaging & has actually relocated again..

    Unfortunately we are still trying to coax my friend back to normality as she is still stressed about the whole issue.


    It makes me wonder how many others are treated like this in the workplace & don't have the support infrastructure to make a complaint, or indeed bosses that actually give a s**t !!


  3. 13 hours ago, Toronto said:

    It appears that this country and it's inhabitants are becoming increasingly violent. I'm sure it's not my imagination. 

    I tend to disagree with your observation:
    I believe the Thais males/females have always been violent, observations have taught me that when they snap it's like lighting the blue touch paper, sit back and watch them go up like a rocket.
    The only difference now is that with mobile phones & social media it's being captured & posted where as before it was going undetected!

  4. 2 hours ago, davidill said:

    This is obviously a "free standing" tower crane. It would have been interesting to have inspected it prior to anyone touching it. A couple of things in the photo look strange. RIP to the unfortunate workers. Condolences to their families.

    Everything on a Thai building site looks strange !!!!!!

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