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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. More automation and less manual workers needs....
  2. Electrical appliances or wiring reaching their expiry date.
  3. Touch the mini bar and you're in serious trouble
  4. Offer a different opinion to someone else's?
  5. So this hotel will be closed down and the owners jailed... ? didn't think so.
  6. The cost of producing invoices...
  7. I bet he did... and some more on top.
  8. Blacklisted from every airline in the world I hope... hope that triggers his stress levels even more.
  9. The lame duck president couldn't pour a cold beer... Someone else is running the country... into the ground.
  10. I wonder if the new owner has insured it?
  11. Sorry missus that doesn't work.
  12. Eyes on the road and less gas when you're unsure
  13. She was pished as a newt and minus the door key, bright ideas often fail when in that state.
  14. Good on them, hope they get a reward each
  15. Still not allowed.. bye bye.
  16. I wonder what they're saying now that it's all been exposed and an influential person is on the case....
  17. Let the investigation take it's course...
  18. Trouble is Thakisin mixes business with pleasure.

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