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Posts posted by DrPhibes

  1. Good example of what's going on.  We booked two rooms (connecting) in resort at Karon Beach for a total of $85 USD/nt in mid October.  That same exact 2 rooms are now $619 USD/nt for the time period of Dec 23rd - Jan 3.  They also want mandatory 5,000 baht per person for a new years dinner.   I can see 2x or 3x low season, but over 7x low season?


    The crazy thing is that when looking for Phuket lodging, a lot of the resorts are showing booked.  Having 5 adults makes it tougher to find rooms for a good chunk of resorts unless you want to rent 3 rooms. Looking at AirBnB now.

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  2. 14 minutes ago, nchuckle said:

    Don’t book until much nearer the time when it’s finally penetrated their thick skulls that they’re not gonna get those prices.

    I presume you’re looking via hotel booking agencies (Agoda etc). Just booked Ko Lanta for next week and noticed the pricing has been coming down since first looking a few weeks ago. Try Hotelscombined.com which screenscrapes all the agencies. 

    Ya, Agoda and direct booking at hotels.

  3. 5 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

    Instead of band aid's they need to revamp the whole country much like a lot of the world you have to fun for the whole family especially kids


    Imagine how a hotel in Bangkok would do if it had a water park

    The young people have some money but the family rules.

    So, why would I travel 1/2 way around the world to stay in a hotel to hang out at the water park when that kind of thing is in every country?

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  4. On 10/12/2019 at 8:29 PM, onera1961 said:

    I think all US insurance has unlimited coverage including Catastrophic insurance after you meet your out of pocket expenses.  It is mandated in ACA. However, in recent years, after Trump admin removed the penalty for buying non-ACA compliant insurance, lots of deceptive insurance are spreading rapidly. I have a Catastrophic insurance with an HSA master card that currently has close ot 500K BHT, accumulated over 10 -years. My out  of pocket expense is 7600 USD which I can easily pay using my HSA master card. I paid 70K BHT in 2017 in Bangkok hospital and 3K Euro in 2016 in Amsterdam. 

    Better read your insurance policy.  My large US insurance company, Anthem, only covers 6 months out of the country in a calendar year and only for life threatening treatment for my policy (good coverage in the US, not cheap).  Already had to use it once here in Thailand 3 yrs ago for hospitalization due to severe dehydration and it was a bitch to get them to settle.

  5. 2 hours ago, Artisi said:

    I sure that the majority of tourists were previously flocking into Thailand just for craft beer. 

    At least we have some fresh craft beer here in CM.  There is a single craft beer producer (CM German Microbrewery) here in CM and my once a week trek for real beer is satisfied.  About as good as it gets here in the North for fresh beer.  Coming from Fort Collins, CO and all the micros there.  This is at least some fresh air.

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  6. 5 hours ago, legend49 said:

    Or higher. Downtown CNX you can count those tourists on your hands no need for a calculator. But its all good news I am sure they will find more hospital countries to visit.

    Yup, was down on Niemannheiman last Sat. with the wife on our rare downtown Sat date nite and it was at least 30:1 Asian vs white guys/gals.  It was somewhat vibrant near Maya (their rooftop entertainment is pretty good for the youngn's) but as we got down some of the side streets is was pretty dead.

  7. 3 hours ago, WhatupThailand said:

    I think when he said "Risky", he meant to say "Frisky" which makes more sense.


    Sure it is up to a Country to make their Rules and Laws, but normally it is done with some form of Common Sense. Not like a herd of Buffalo's in a China Shop.


    But like they say S*** Rolls down hill, and the Stink is driving many away.

    So now we have the Land Of Stink to deal with.



    Did not realize you beat me to it!

  8. On 9/29/2019 at 8:19 PM, kingofthemountain said:


    no it's not an ''issan thing''

    it's more a farmer thing

    how do you think they can communicate from one ricefield to another if they don't speak loud?


    Agree, sort of.  In the wife's village, some of the houses are not that far apart and since all the windows are open during the day, it is not uncommon to see a conversation going on between the houses and they are not yelling.  Have seen the wife in one room downstairs talk to the maid who is upstairs deep in aother room with just the door open.  She counts on how echo of the house to carry her voice.  Wife has two conversation voice modulations, loud and mumbling.  years of pointing this out to no avail.

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