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Posts posted by DrPhibes

  1. 2 hours ago, dutchweller said:

    I have been separated from my wife and 3 year old since mid February...

    I hope I can return {to pack our house and GTFO of Thailand permanently 

    I'm right there with you, problem is my teens are finishing their last couple of years of HS.  Given they are doing very well and the friends they associate with are the same, I hesitate to upset the good thing apple cart.  But as soon as they graduate...

    • Like 1
  2. 14 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

    Only surprise here is that the flight was ever available to begin with. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect any flights available from UK, EU or USA in July. Possibly later in the year, but don't hold your breath. I've been stuck in the USA for 2 1/2 months with no end in sight. Intended to come back for a month to attend to some essential business and now locked out. My entire life, wife, house, apartment, motorbike, car and 3 dogs and 3 cats all in Thailand and stuck here, locked out and away from my home. Biggest concern now is whether I'll be able to get back before the New Year to extend my "Retirement" permission of stay. 

    Ya, I'm stuck in SoCal (good weather though).  Came in Jan 12th to work until mid April and got caught in lockout of Thailand.  Have teens, a wife, and 2 yr old.  Am looking to see about having them come here for the kids summer off (they all have US/Thai passports so can repatriate back to LOS if necessary).

    • Like 1
  3. 11 hours ago, JCP108 said:

    I agree that I don't want to simply wait for a vaccine. For one, it may never come. Also, vaccines aren't 100% effective anyway. I must return to the U.S. shortly to deal with some family stuff. I don't want to wait for a vaccine in order to return here. At this point, not sure how/when/if I will return here. But, U.S. policies are getting more restrictive about bringing citizens of other countries in. So, not hopeful I can get my Thai wife there easily if I do get stuck there. Her U.S. visa before we were married took 14 months from start to finish and it had no unusual complications.


    Antibody tests are not without issues, though:




    And how are you flying back to the US at this time?  I have a family in Chiang Mai that I am contemplating bringing to the US for the summer months since there is no way I will be let in until who knows how long.

  4. On 5/24/2020 at 10:29 PM, Ryan754326 said:

    After cancelling my flight home twice, EVA gave me a refund of $500 on a $860 round-trip flight, which I had already used one way. 

    It took about a month to get the money back, but they paid up, and I was happy with the amount I was refunded. I booked a new flight home with another airline for $640. I feel like I made out okay. 

    I guess it depends on what kind of ticket you have.  I just received a refund for my return trip LAX to CNX and instead of 1/2 ticket cost I only received 2/3rd of that 1/2 amount.  I await an e-mail to explain why the reduced amount.  

    • Thanks 1
  5. 4 hours ago, SiSePuede419 said:

    These so-called USA guys must be Hicks in the sticks, because Coronavirus tests are available in every major city in America.


    Now, it's not easy, might have to make an appointment and wait a week or two.


    That's probably a major hurdle for the low IQ Americans you heard from on TVF. ????

    Major problems for us stuck in the US while family is in LOS are A. The Thai Embassy and Consulates (if open) are only dealing with Thai citizens trying to get home and diplomats, can't get a visa.  B. Find a flight as only repatriation flights allowed in to Thailand right now.  C. $100,000 policy that specifically covers COVID-19, have yet to see one of those and have been looking (my policy is over $100k but can't get anything specifically saying covers COVID-19 in writing).   D. A number of declarations that Thailand is going to selectively allow foreigners depending on country of origin with the US being down the list due to the rates of infections and deaths (and until an agreement signed between the two countries).  I have already braced my mind and heart to the fact that I may have to wait until next May (due to work schedule) before I will get back to my teens, my 2 yr old, and my wonderful wife.

  6. 1 hour ago, uhuh said:

    You cannot fly EVA because you are not allowed to transfer in Taipei.

    No foreigners are allowed to enter Taiwan,  not even as transit passengers.

    Only Taiwanese and foreigners with residence in Taiwan. 

    The Taiwanese government has stated they want to keep it this way until a vaccine is available.   


    Yup, I finally gave up on EVA and requested a refund for ticket into Chiang Mai.  Between crazy current admission requirements and flight restrictions through Taipei with a 5/31 deadline to change ticket to a different date that is a total <deleted> shoot.  I have been away from my family since Jan 12th...

  7. 1 hour ago, fredwiggy said:

    They did give a stuff about their families as they were working to take care of them. The almighty dollar is necessary to live. Some people came here and found love, but had to go back home to work. They didn't want to lose that love, so keep coming back until they are retired to take care of them,and send them money while they are away, making that money to send. There are those that stay in their countries and go back and forth just to have sex with their Thai wives or girlfriends and have no intention of moving here to stay. Some of those likely have girlfriends or wives back home, so they want their cake .............., but we're talking here about those that want to be with the ones they love, and NEED to work so their families won't be without the necessities.

    I am lucky that what I do for work is a 3 month deal in the US to support us for the entire year in Chiang Mai.  We moved there from the US to give our teens their other culture at a time they would remember before all of us heading back to the US for college.  I don't spend another day more than I have to away from my family.  But now I'm stuck here in the US just as my work ended with no clear idea of when I am able to return home.  Our 3rd child together is 2.5 yrs old.  I need to be there on so very many levels.  If there is somewhere to register our particular problem, I'd like to know.

    • Like 2
  8. On 5/20/2020 at 8:46 PM, BritManToo said:

    Loads of bars, beer, loose women, things to see, cannabis and nice (but reasonably priced hotels).

    I always stay here, Garden Village Guest House and Pool Bar. $12 night in their best air-con rooms by the pool and beer served 24/7 at 50c a glass.



    Add a sweet young thing next to ya who actually does love you and no money or health worries... Heaven

  9. 29 minutes ago, mrfill said:

    A small aside...


    Sad news about Florian Schneider from Kraftwerk who passed away yesterday.


    One of the greatest and most influential bands ever.

    When I need to get some serious work done, I put on Autobahn.

    • Sad 1
  10. 17 hours ago, HenryC said:

    What about expats with families in Thailand who make their primary residence in Thailand - stuck abroad for work and cannot return home? My situation.


    Had enough of this country not recongnising people with families in the proper fashion. All the hoops you have to jump thru to get a visa, especially if you are not married. I've got a kid there and have supported the economy for 17 years, invested money etc. Why shouldn't I get a residency permit on the basis I am father of, and supporting a Thai national. Last straw for me.


    We should start making Thais in the UK do a border run to France every 90 days.

    My situation at the moment also.  Not knowing when I'll be able hold my wife and pester my teens with dad jokes in person and bonding with my 2yr old at a critical time sucks.  However, I have used this opportunity to show my family with the effort of daily video calls showing long hrs of work just how devoted to them I am to them and that all you can do is ride the wave of unexpected change and use it to propel you forward.  I guess I'm more of a "when life gives you lemons, make Limoncello!" kind of guy.  They have enough things to be concerned about, I will not be one of them.

  11. 14 hours ago, seabass69 said:

    Shouldn’t this be in the Money Laundering Forum?????????

    Ya beat me to it!  On the lighter side, toilet paper is being hoarded here in the US (stuck until normal air travel).  The thought is that it will become the post-apocalyptic new currency so, instead of green backs, we will be using brown notes.

  12. 1 hour ago, wmccpa112253 said:

    Form 114 FBAR (foreign bank and financial accounts) is required if:

    1.  If you have financial interest in or authority over one or more accounts in a foreign country and the total of all accounts exceed 10,000 USD at any time during the year.


    2.  The form 114 has to be electronically filed each year before June 30th (separate from your tax return).  


    3.  Dividends and interest earned on these accounts is reported on your personal tax return and any withholding taxes on the foreign accounts can be deducted as a foreign tax credit on your personal return.



    If you have more than $200,000 in foreign financial assets (assuming you are single and living overseas) on the last day of the tax year OR the value is more than $300,000 at any time during the tax year, YOU have to file form 8938 (which is part of your personal tax return).  This form reports detail info on your foreign accounts and the Maximum value of the accounts during the year.  Very similar to Form 114.


    Wayne CPA CFE

    More than a couple of clients that do not have to file due to non-taxable disability pay and no taxable Social Security but have to keep over 10k in a Thai bank for the retirement visa renewal.  We just help them file the FBAR and that's it.  Dr. Phibes E.A.

    • Like 2
  13. 17 hours ago, johng said:

    It's idiots burning everything !! fields,forests,plastics,rubbish..add in the black smoke belching  pickup trucks,lorries and tour buses for some good measure.

    Let's not forget to add in the smokey charcoal breakfast setups on the side of the road in the morning.  Down a couple of roads near me you can't see more than 100 meters when they get going.

  14. We were just in Phuket at the nosebleed time period between Xmas and New Years for a dive trip (when kids out of Int'l school).  About 3 weeks before leaving CM there was hardly a room for rent for Phuket on Agoda and those that were at crazy prices.  We snagged a place in Kata (never stayed in Kata before) about 1.5 weeks before our trip for a very reasonable price (and was not full the whole time we were there).  As it got about 1 week before leaving, we were seeing a sudden explosion of places available all over Phuket on Agoda, many at under 1/2 price from what they were just a week or so earlier.  Some restaurants in Kata were VERY dead and some very busy but not completely packed.

    • Like 2
  15. 20 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    Good for you. I'm 76, and love my Yamaha TTX.

    My test of whether I am too old for the scooter will be when I can no longer balance it with my GF riding pillion.

    Wife made me give up my ZR7 about 2 yrs ago and I'm only 61.  Something to do with starting a family late in life and such nonsense.  Miss the bike, but did result in a lot less bitching.  You chose your battles.

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