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Posts posted by DrPhibes

  1. 11 hours ago, Damrongsak said:

    I guess I had an informal wedding in addition to doing the official thing at the Amphur.  No monks, other than feeding some passing monks at 0 dark 30 in the morning.  Then there were odd things throughout the day, like putting a bowl of fruit and flowers by an ancestor's picture on the wall.  I kept asking if we we were married yet.  We finally fed and boozed about 100 people and they dropped us off at my house later in the evening.  They hooted and hollered and left, thank God. Maybe a $500 USD wedding with food and booze to spare.  Stuff was cheap 41 years ago.

    Yup, my experience also about 18 yrs ago.  About $500 for everything (except sinsot).  Crazy night and day.  The night before, all the guys about 4 sheets to the wind, I was taken out with a large hoe to kill the cow we bought (part of the $500) for the feast the next day. They were convincing me that I needed to hit the cow from in front to hit the spinal cord just behind the head.  Being a hunter in my youth, it was not the dispatching of the animal as much as the method.  Another 1/2 bottle of Mekong for each of us and I was ready.  As I worked up the animal in me to do the deed raising the hoe to crash down with all my might, I was taken down by 4 guys who were laughing and me very confused and amped up!  It was all a joke to see if I would do it.  Even more interesting was how they did in the cow.  They fashioned a long sharp bamboo spear and went in the chest from the front to sever one of the major heart arteries and comforted the cow as it bled out.  Very humane. 


    The guys philosophy was that no man should marry unless drunk and hung over or else he would not do it.  I took their advice, and am happier than <deleted>.

    • Haha 2
  2. 8 hours ago, wes360 said:

    The problem with the elite visa is what do I get for half a million bhat ? Why should we pay half a million bhat to stay in Thailand just because we are under 50 or not married to a Thai if we was we would only have to pay 10,000 for 5 years, at least with a ed visa I'm getting something for the extra money I'm paying to stay here, like my new visa will cost me 68k bhat but I will get training 2x a day 6x a week for one year and get to stay here for a year a elite visa will cost me 100k a year and I get some free taxis and other stuff I'm not interested in, always makes me laugh how everyone on here (I don't mean you) is always pushing the elite visa like it's worth it how many people on here that is over 50 or married to a Thai have a elite visa ? 

    Actually, quite a few TV contributors have had negative things to say about the Elite Visa.  The contributors are just offing you some ways for you to stay here you may not have thought of.  Unfortunately, this is not our country.  We are only guests and like any guest, the host may decide to hand you your hat when the host does not like you anymore.  If you have followed what has happening here over the last few of years where free visas are given out like candy on Halloween to guests from certain countries while the requirements for the rest of us staying here have increased, such as bank deposits in the bank of 800,000 3 months seasoning prior to retirement extension and then have to keep 400k minimum in the bank all year round, you get what the picture.  The message is clear.  You want to stay here, you have to pay and be bothered by the like of TM-30 and such so the agents can keep money coming to the IO's.  You can always walk out of the door yourself if you don't like the party.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 19 hours ago, Gumballl said:



    Now if only the long-lasting series itself would die.

    Ah, Dr Who.  Grew up on Dr Who. 


    Who could ever forget the decision of the 4th Dr not to eradicate the Dialeks for good!  My daughter really got into it after the reboot.  So much so, her 10th B-day party was all Dr Who.  Inspired by her love of the show, I went a little overboard (no such thing as an ex-engineer), Red Velvet Tardis cake, Cassandra Lasagna, and all.  Even took a Tardis shower curtain and made the guests go down a narrow hallway to pass through the curtain to enter the big party room (It's smaller on the outside).  How many things (aside from a good book) can you share from generation to generation such as this.  We even went to the sold out (for months) 50th anniversary (Day of the Dr) Sonic Screwdrivers and all at the movie theater (it was broadcast live to 94 countries and shown in 3d at the same time in other countries if no simulcast).  My kids will never forget that generational bonding experience.  Yes, not every episode or Dr. was a knockout, but that does not matter.  It is the idea of the show that has made it so iconic.  RIP Terrance, I can't thank you enough for the memories.







    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Ashto said:

    Extract of an email today from Thai Elite attached. I’m sure they’ll tell you if you ask them.


    They do not know what they are talking about.  A hotel will not issue you a TM-30, it is electronic reporting and the government will have it on record.  If you rent a place, you are equally on the hook to make sure a TM-30 has been filed.  If your landlord will not do it, you must do it and you will be fined if not done on time. That is the bulk of the bitching that is coming from expats that rent, we are on the hook to make sure it is filed or we get fined or denied 90 reporting or denied or fined for visa extensions.

    • Like 1
  5. 17 hours ago, bluesofa said:

    Not only the freezing cold aircon, but beer is now banned on trains. They just don't realise when they screw up what was an enjoyable experience. They have lost income from selling beer, plus what used to be an excellent service.

    Yes, it was very sad that a young girl was murdered by a temporary SRT employee, who was not only drunk on duty, but also a drug addict. IIRC he got the job through a family member working for SRT.

    The rubbish knee jerk reaction was to ban the sale of alcohol.


    What do I know, I'm just a customer who enjoyed the train service twenty years ago, until a couple of years ago and now have to put up with a rubbish service that claims it's an improvement. Pah!

    Not to mention the Disco music, glitter ball hit by lasers, and cramped dancing in the dining car at 9pm on the BKK to CM route.  Was the bomb!

  6. 20 hours ago, 55Jay said:

    Ah, is this another installment of The Big Nose who's Thaier than Thou, thing?  :coffee1:


    Anyway, sure, I like Thai food but don't chain myself to it.  Why?   I really enjoyed Arabic food, and the food of their various slaves, while living in the Gulf for many years, but I didn't do it 7x a week.  Nor did I with Greek living in Greece.  Or Japanese living in Japan.  I wasn't choking down hot dogs and hamburgers every day in the US of A either.


    I've recently developed a craft beer fetish after a couple months abroad, so I'm all into that, spending over the odds in Thailand for it, but it's a nice change of pace from swilling the local Thai <deleted> soaked in ice cubes.  You gotta live a little! 

    Agree with the craft beer.  Chiang Mai German Microbrewery (only microbrewery in the North) just reopened here in CM after being closed for few years.  I used to live in Fort Collins, CO with a thriving independent brew scene.  This is a welcome treat!

    • Like 1
  7. 15 hours ago, Lovethailandelite said:

    Watch and observe what happens over the coming months. Unless you are working or married, you will not get a visa in the region. Those people will be expected to apply for extensions in Thailand, not get visa after visa.
    Others will need to apply for visas in their country of passport. The days of visa after visa are coming to an end.

    Agree, I have been in Thailand for 3 years on a Non-O with my wife and kids here.  Teen kinds in school, all on the up and up.  Go back to the US to work each year and get my 1yr Non-O as a US citizen each time I leave for Thailand.  Have to step out of the country every 90 days.  Go to prepare for my first step over the border this year and discover I only have a 6mo visa.  After several calls to the Thai officials here and the US Thai consulate in Los Angeles (who would not return any e-mails), I can not get my visa fixed.  It must be extended in Thailand.  My reasoning is that I have too may Non-O stamps in my passport and they want to make sure I am truly married and living with my wife.  Had I not caught it early, I would not have time to get the 400k transferred in a timely manner or would have overstayed. 

  8. Wife out of town so had to go shopping heading to Big C near the Index Living Mall around lunchtime.  I take the road behind it so I don't have to deal with the Super Highway and cruise for somewhere to eat before shopping when I ran across the Chiang Mai German Microbrewery.  Google showed me it had closed (as in permanently) in 2015 but there were new signs on it so I went in.  It has indeed reopened since about Feb 2019.  Had been closed due to legal stockholder problems that have now been resolved (so I was told).  Ended up having a liter of Weizen Bock (not cheap but tasty) and Schnitzel (yummy!).   Will go back again for the pork knuckle (supposedly their special).  They will have an Octoberfest custom brew starting around the end of Sept and owner wants to live stream Ocktoberfest from Germany during that time.  I guess this is the only real microbrewery in North Thailand and coming from Fort Collins, CO and all their microbreweries, this was refreshing.  Will be treat myself to a fresh liter every once in a while ????

    • Like 2
  9. 3 hours ago, teutonian said:

    Income earned overseas may be repatriated into Thailand tax exempt the year following. Technically you should park it somewhere and then bring it in. 

    however, transferring money for purposes of purchasing real estate is never questioned as far as I know. 

    Yup, that is what I do for my business.  Have a few accounts in the US and clearly show the amounts in the account I send money from has the money put in the previous year only and not sent over until the next year with no deposits in the year I move money over.  Keeps things clean.

  10. 40 minutes ago, Sumarianson said:

    I hope the efforts result in a positive outcome for us all. I offer my thanks to you for your efforts. As a bolster to this, many of my Thai friends see the TM30 as disruptive and an unnessary chore. However, they were not inclined to provide a signature on the petition. Their reason eludes me but I can guess at it. I agree with Mavideol that something drastic has to be done about the 800K in the bank business. I am currently planning to leave Thailand and a daughter here as I cannot contend with the measures. I have my own bought and paid for condo and new car all of which I am selling to move home. Strictly because of the financial burden of these new rules. My money is in the UK and the £ has lost over 10 baht for every £ in the last few years ( I have been here 7 years) this represents a massive reduction in my finances. The new rules mean that you have to transfer enough money to survive for the period that the 800K or 400K cannot be touched. It is a rediculous requirement. It would be better if after a period of stay more than say 5 years that you can use a purchased condo or a new car as collateral. Along with showing long standing sufficient funds in a foreign bank account to cover the next year of extension. This would eliminate those using money that is not theirs to gain an extension and relieve those of us who come here to live with our families honestly and in full compliance with the law. 

    These new laws mean that I cannot spend as much in Thailand with my family because of the extra burden and the exchange rate which is now pitiful. I have already warned my family of this. Change this before it is too late and you loose your expats.

    The reason for not signing is a concern that you are handing over a list of "trouble makers" to the government.  I would sign in a heartbeat if there was a level of anonymity.

  11. Please, does anyone know if a witness is required for Chiang Mai for non-O based on marriage extension?  The Thai Consulate in Los Angeles only gave me 6 months Visa instead of the normal year based on marriage and having to do the extension for the first time (go back to the US every year for 3 mo each yr and get a new non-O each year).  I think the consulate rep saw too many Non-O's in the passport over the years and decided to make me go through the extension process to verify we are really married.  Thanks in advance.

  12. 31 minutes ago, LivinLOS said:

    Signed when it was less than a 100.. and yet its a paltry 2xxx signatures !! 

    Wake me up when these have any effect tho.. 


    Fact is Thailand always is like this, immigration, land offices, amphurs, DMVs, etc etc etc.. The only consistency is the inconsistency. 

    I would sign it if it did not give the Thai government a list of troublemakers to consider visiting or deporting.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Gumballl said:

    Where did you hear/read about the September cutoff of transfers thru BBK NYC?


    Btw, why not just make a one-time deposit 800K into your Thai savings account? You would then not have to worry about the monthly transfers. If you do not have 800K available in your savings/portfolio, then perhaps Thailand is not the place to retire.

    Regular ACH transfers is what he is referring to.  You can still send wires or, if your bank is set up for it, IACH transfers.  Just found out about it myself so looking into IACH transfers from my bank or send wires for my 2x/yr money transfers.

  14. 18 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    1/2 Yes you can.

    3. For a one year extension of stay (it is not a visa)  based upon marriage to a Thai you only need 400k baht in a Thai bank for 2 months.

    4. You can apply for he extension during the last 30 days of the 90 day entry or when you have the had 400k baht in the bank for 2 months.

    5. You apply for the one year extension of stay at the designated immigration office for where you are living.

       When you apply for the extension based upon marriage you will get under consideration stamp that allow you to stay in the country until it is approved with a report back date 30 days from when you apply for the extension.


    You cannot apply for a non-o visa at a embassy or consulate that allows you to stay for a year without leaving the country. You can get a multiple entry non-o visa that is valid for one year from the date of issue that allows unlimited 90 entries until it expires.

    Hi Joe,


    As for #3, do you have to keep a minimum in the bank for a certain amount of time after the extension is granted as you do for other types of extensions?  Thanks for all your time in keeping us well informed!

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