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Posts posted by DrPhibes

  1. On 8/23/2013 at 6:00 PM, RaysFan said:

    Mexican food is probably my biggest craving since I've lived abroad... I'll give this one a try for sure. I like Miguels, but its just not the same as back home. If it was in America it would be very very sub par.

    Side note... Why dont they do free all you can eat chips and salsa in Thailand? I mean, they charge western prices, and Mexican food here isnt expensive to make (other than the cheese). Just something I really miss... It kind of defines what a Mexican restaurant is to me.

    Anyone know a place to get good mole?

    Have you tried Salsa Kitchen near Mae Chok Plaza?  We are probably supporting 10% of their gross income.  Born and raised in SoCal.  Sorry, just realized a lot of other Salsa Kitchen responses.  I do find the one near Mae Chok Plaza seems better than the one in town.

  2. 4 hours ago, toofarnorth said:

    I bought a bottle for a mate last week as it was his 65th bithday.  Just to say " There you go a large Black Cock just what you have always wanted "   Funny thing is it is rather good and from my local off licence was 140B for 70cl.  Not as good as the Sothern Comfort last week from over the border ,75cl ...400B

    Yup, brought 3 330ml bottles back last year from LOS to my gay friend in Palo Alto CA who is an engineer/mixologist for a party.  The party conversation kept revolving around "just how much Black Cock have you had in you today".  All 3 bottles gone in the first 3rd of the party, late comers kept thinking there was a ebony stripper that had shown up and left.  Funnier than hell!

    • Haha 2
  3. 34 minutes ago, atyclb said:



    less polluted?? thailand and indoctrination and rote learning as well as a culture that does not stimulate creative thinking or intellectual curiosity 

    Living in Chiang Mai, has kinda smog for about 3 mo, the rest of the year is pretty nice.  The kids are going to an American curriculum accredited International School that encourages creativity and independent thinking.  Stand by my post ?

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, tomster said:

    If their kids are at school the parents would be able to get a Guardian visa (extension to stay based on your foreign childrens education).


    No mystery, very common visa.

    Correct on the Visa for their kids in a Thai school.  Have a couple of Chinese families renting the two houses next to me here in CM.  Wife and kids are here while the husbands are back in China working.  They are very well behaved, even have kids from other families (who have to work in China to make money) living with them and attending an English speaking international school.  They are not like your typical Chinese junk tourists.  Very friendly, clean, and proactively helpful.  They just want what every parent wants, the best they can provide for their children's future.  Instead of being in some pollution choked Chinese city ingrained with doctrine and rote learning, they opted to leave their family and friends to come where the level of pollution is much lower and the level of freedom of thought is more along the lines of western education.  They have brought money over and invested in condo's (since that is all they can really own) and bank CDs.  To tell the truth, overall, could have had much worse neighbors. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  5. 21 minutes ago, tigermoth said:

    Chinese also are the owners of the vast number of new condos here and want over priced rents and inflated sale prices.

    The Chinese I have met who are living here in CM have been decent people.  Most are trying to give their kids a more well rounded life.  They are also trying to get their money out of China.  Most realize there is an economic reckoning coming and the doors allowing movement of money out of China for the avg Joe (unless business and investment) are closing as we speak.  Condos are the easiest way to put money into something tangible and prove to the Chinese (and Thai) government it is investment.

    • Like 1
  6. So not 3mo back from the US, and both kids have cracked the display glass of their Note 4's I brought back.  Looking for Gorilla Glass 4 or higher.  Digitizers are intact.  Have had 2 other phones glass repaired at the independent guys at Central Festival, but neither lasted.  Thanks in advance!

  7. 22 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

    Sure..in 1967 it was big laugh..


    Otherwise they are doing an extremely dangerous job..


    You do realize what the concept of "dangerous job" is.don't you?

    Yup, I do.  767 dives around the world Including Truk wrecks to the engine room of each wreck if obtainable, deepest on non-mixed gasses 207ft.  A bit of levity helps take the edge off the fact that you are so serious for such a long period of time.  These are unique individuals and I highly respect them for their efforts. Yup I do..

  8. 2 hours ago, connda said:

    Any religion that promotes pedophilia really need to be rethought and brought in line with present day laws and morality.  Wedding, no less bedding, a prepubescent girl is unconscionable.  What may have been accepted in the 7th Century AD is not acceptable now.

    This pedophile crossed the line.

    I am in no way condoning sex with kids, but you have to have some historical perspective about this.  Age of consent has only very recently hit the ages we see now despite sexual maturing occurring sooner (better nutrition and health environment) .  Given that age of consent in the US is now way older then when kids become sexual beings, it is causing many problems in the US for normal sexual behavior from even when I was a kid (70's).  There are mid-teens now with felony records and on sexual predator lists for the rest of their lives (basically making them unemployable) for acts that, if caught during my time, would have meant a meeting of the parents to make sure every one understands what happened, and a caution that the parents should keep a closer eye on their kids.  This shows the difference in the application of laws from when I was young to the present day.  The application when I was young was based on common sense of the police officer in front of you, now it is the law period.


    Anyway, using the US as an example on age of consent:


    "While the general age of consent is now set between 16 and 18 in all U.S. states, the age of consent has widely varied across the country in the past. In 1880, the age of consent was set at 10 or 12 in most states, with the exception of Delaware where it was 7.[2] The ages of consent were raised across the U.S. during the late 19th century and the early 20th century.[3][4] By 1920 ages of consent generally rose to 16–18 and small adjustments to these laws occurred after 1920. The final state to raise its age of general consent was Hawaii, which changed it from 14 to 16 in 2001." Wikepedia. I am a Dad with a teenage boy and girl.  We have spent a chunk of time with open discussion of their sexual maturation over the years.  There is not anything they can not talk to us about.  We are considering a move back to the US but are very concerned about the criminalization of kids we see in the States.  We are also considering Germany (age of consent 14) which seems to have a more natural logical approach to this subject.


    Around the world, most countries have the age on consent as between 14 -16.  Spain (almost all beaches nude OK) just recently changed theirs from 13 to 16, the PI is 12, Japan 13 unless local laws designate higher, some places illegal until married.  Different cultures, different rules.


    From the dialog in what has been reported, it seems the guy has married her with a binding agreement with the family, but she will not be in his household and sexually active with him until she is 16.  Arranged marriages are still commonplace in a good chunk of the world.

    • Like 1
  9. 9 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

    So far the team have had all their expenses paid and have been made visa and work permit exempt, including having the honour of being made personal guests by the King, probably the highest honour any foreigners could be bestowed in Thailand.


    I have no doubts the British rescue team will gain a lot of work out of this, now news of their fantastic achievement has gone worldwide. It`s going to be;  we need a rescue team, who we gonna call?


    I`m sure these guys will go down in history and always remembered as the British team who performed a miracle in Thailand, and that alone is worth it`s weight in gold.



    They need a team name, hmm...something sunder, something like thunder, fly to rescue, Thunderbirds!, Thunderbirds Are Go!

  10. So I have a 16yr old boy and a 14 yr old girl.  Their Thai is kinda passable and am looking to keep them off screens during the current summer break.  The boy likes cooking, can get him Thai cooking classes but can't seem to find foreign cooking classes in CM such as Italian or French.  The girl is into dance (no poles) and is looking for hip hop type classes taught in English.  Any suggestions would be helpful.  Thanks all in advance!

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