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Posts posted by DrPhibes

  1. 1 hour ago, gregk0543 said:

    Ok Thai Visa always has a solutionist. Here is mine. Immediately send a drone to the car to get some good shots and prove the bodies are in the car. 


    Then you need to start making a bamboo bridge out to the car. Send in a few burmese....


    But I would not like to put other people in danger so a good drone survey would be the go. After that wait. No use spending a hundred thousand to extract this car.


    The closer pics you have been seeing in the news are from drones.  No way to get down to there, 500 ft down sheer rock walls with no shoreline and ice cold rushing water.  Closer drone pics have already seen there are bodies.  If you look at the latest ones, there are blur patches where the bodies are in the car.

  2. I know this area, lived in CA most of my life.  The car plunged down a 500ft cliff into a raging river with no shoreline and rock walls.  Car was found downstream where it had been carried tumbling in icy water (snow runoff).  Even if they survived the fall, the trip tumbling down the river would have killed them. 



  3. On 8/10/2017 at 6:09 AM, thehelmsman said:

    I eat it pretty regular when I'm in SoCal. Good beef broth, noodles, rooster sauce and oyster sauce. I like it with rare steak.

    If you get back to SoCal and find yourself in Ventura county, go try Pho Saigon in Port Hueneme.  Our family fav for over 15 years and we know pho.  The broken rice plates are also yummy and fresh/deep fried rolls are pretty good.  Ask for Jimmy and say "Hi!" from Chiang Mai Lee.

  4. Good info.  I have a couple of Q's.  My father-in-law bought a piece of land in Chiang Mai about 12 years ago, he gifted the property to my wife 3 years later.   He subsequently passed away.  My wife then gifted the land to her mother on 12/11/12  when it looked like she was going to get foreign citizenship.  Land office value about 1,000,000 baht, sale price is going to be 50,000,000 baht, sold in Mom's name. 




    1. Will the land office use the ownership date of original purchase since gifted within the family or the 12/11/12 date gifted to mom (which will be less than 5 years).


    2. Is this calculator still accurate as of 5/9/17?  http://www.acuterealty.com/calculator.asp ?  If accurate, if we don't push the sale date past 12/11/17, she could owe about 1,600,000 baht in fees/tax withholding (not counting realtor fees) vs about 300,000 if can use Dad's original purchase date.


    3. I believe the new gift tax law limits gift to child/grandchild/to 20,000,000 each person in a calendar year or else gift tax on the excess paid by the person receiving the gift, correct?


    If there is another section of the real estate forum I should be at, please let me know.


    Thank you for your time reading this.

  5. On 5/5/2017 at 11:41 AM, mtls2005 said:

    In at least some of those countries, the $$ are intended to be an investment in a legitimate company, and the company operated as such, employ people, pay tax, etc. Even then, I suspect there would be a time to serve before the PP is issued.


    Most countries which offer these "investment" schemes have third-party workarounds. I know the EB5 visa program in the U.S. ($500,000 bumping to $1,000,000 soon) is greatly abused; and buying some real estate can be qualifying.


    Time qualification is in the far-right column.


    I would imagine there are some countries where a sliding scale of "investment" can result in instant citizenship and a passport. Of course said passport may not be useful without visas? And as those countries change management/ownership (Venezuela, Ecuador, Montenegro, etc.) one might get hit up for a renewal fee?



    Answer to the Visa question for Dominica (my 1st choice).



  6. 2 hours ago, thaihome said:

    I am at a loss to understand why people bring this subject up with immigration officers who have not mentioned anything about it. It is obvious the enforcement of the TM 30 form is spotty  at best and those offices that are requiring it initiate the conversation on the topic. If you are not asked about it, just don't bring it up. If they want it, they will tell you. ?




    Immigration here in Chiang Mai is pretty serious about it.  However, does not seem to be uniformly enforced in the country. My guess is where there are larger concentrations of Falang, there is more enforcement.

  7. Just arrived in Mae Sai from Chiang Mai to cross over and back for my 90 day multi non-O (me driving).  Very quick and efficient on crossing over into Myanmar and back.  However, there had to be 12 passenger vans (at least) that endangered us and their passengers along the way.  It was truely crazy how they would try to pass in opposing traffic, blind curve, up hill.  Just nuts!  It is the drivers, not the vans that are the problem to be dealt with.

  8. 2 hours ago, KarenBravo said:


    Not here in Phuket. I talked to Immigration in Phuket Town and in Patong.

    When my missus and I went to Immigration to register the address, they told the missus that as it was a private house and that I lived there, then there was no need to re-register if I left the country to work and then came back to Phuket.

    I have left Thailand and come back many times. I have now had two extensions of stay and I had no problems. So far, I have only registered my address once.


    Anything to do with ANY government department cannot be split conveniently into "Not correct" and "Correct".

    Depends on location, the person you ask and interpretation, but, I would have thought you would know that by now......


    It is this way in Chiang Mai.  My Thai wife rents the house from the owner. When I leave the country and return (last time 2 mo ago)  we have to take the rental agreement with the TM30 down to Immigration for a TM30 reporting (now in Promenada as of this date) within 24hrs.  She and the owner are equally responsible for the filing.  Chiang Mai Immigration confirms this is what is supposed to be done.

  9. ELP, Yes, Supertramp, ELO, Pink Floyd- My Fav bands in the 70's.  Loved their shows in Los Angeles (The Wall concert in LA has to be the best I have ever seen).  Was a DJ on cable radio at California Lutheran College in the 70's.  Later on was standing in line for the 10th anniversary showing of the Rock Horror Picture Show in LA somewhere and had some guy dressed in a dinosaur suit hand me a flyer for some new band he had called the Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo.  That guy in the suit was Danny Elfman.  I wish I had kept the flyer.  Man I miss that music!

  10. 3 hours ago, grumbleweed said:


    It's probably just a tiny oversight on Prawit's behalf, but...


    A democracy is not controlled by an unelected body populated by the army, where it has already been stated that the result of any election may be ignored. Not to mention living under a constitution that was hoisted upon the populace and could not be discussed without the risk of "thought adjustment"


    This lot are beginning to make Orwell's 1984 look like the ultimate libertarian society




    'the sovereign power belongs to the Thai people'   I guess some people are more Thai than others...

  11. 21 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:


    Thanks for your opinion.  However, whatever way you look at it, prostitution involving girls or boys who are under the age of 18 is illegal, in almost every country with Thailand being no exception.


    Thank you for responding to my post,


    While I am very open to all aspects of perception of reality, there is a belief that the law somehow changes basic biology and socioeconomics like magic.  The law is just a hammer that is applied with discrimination no matter what country you live in.  Even if you gave all the poor the road to education leading out of poverty that takes work, there will always be people who will take the lazy way out no matter the ethical consequences.  I believe that if your country has a legal age of consent, that's it no matter what.  Personally, I have known ladies who came from sever economic conditions, paid their dues on their backs, and emerged to become some of the most interesting people I know.  They never looked at it as being bad, it was how to get from point A to Point B while making guys happy and grateful along the way.  They were supported by their clients more than their "fees" in their effort to raise above.  Some went on to become very successful people.  It is not prostitution I have a problem with, it is forced prostitution that I would take the legal hammer to.  As good example of a more logical application of this is Holland, red light district to do what you want to do, all regulated, but outside of it, laws are tough.  Keeps it out of the local neighborhood.


    Thanks for your thoughts, that is what progressive discourse is all about!

  12. Look, throughout human history men have been paying for it.  That is a fact of life.  I'm the male of the species, my basic biological role is to try to get with as many women as I can.  Look at how much social and religious programming has to be thrust upon us to try and keep us males from knocking up (or trying to) every women we can get our hands on.  Some of the smartest women I know (as in rocket scientists) said they absolutely understand this, acknowledge it, and accept it to their benefit.  Given all this social hassle to put up with to get laid, many find it easier to satiate their needs through hiring some.  No hassle, just get what you need to keep your head clear to do something productive without sex in your mind every 10 seconds.   So far in my personal experience, I think the Japanese are the most realistic about this fact of life in their daily lives.  It is a basic biological need to be satiated and not just for men. 


    As far as age for sex, that has been subjective in history as well.  You might want to educate yourself on the history of the age of consent https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_consent .  The situation is, while our life spans have been pushed out, the biological aspect of when we get the urge to merge has not.  In fact, because of good nutrition and such, girls are coming into estrus at an earlier age.  As far as sexual maturity from a psychological level, I have met some 15 yr olds here in Thailand that were more naturally mature enough for sex than some 30 yr olds I have been with in the US.  Just my opinion.

  13. My TM30 experience.  Have to step out every 3 mo on multiple O non-imm visa.  Sadly, the TM30 law has an "or" in it.  So it is the house owner "or" the Housemaster.  Housemaster definition includes the renter (Thai or Farang) of the house.  My Thai wife rents the house, she is on the lease, I'm not.  Came back from Laos 2 weeks ago, house owner was in BKK, so it was our responsibility to file a TM30 (have the .doc version on my computer so can easily make changes, thanks Don's Life http://donslifeinthailand.com/Immigration_Forms.html ) within 24hrs of me being back in the house, which we did.  Luckily, we are in Chiang Mai, just popped over to the airport Imm area bld 3 behind the regular immigration office (Pomenada Imm office won't do these), handed them my passport, the TM30 doc, the wife's ID card, and the rental agreement.  Ten min later I had the new stamped bottom portion of the TM30 handed to me to staple in my passport.  I would take travel docs to show when you got back from overseas just in case.

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  14. 1 hour ago, elviajero said:

    With respect you would save yourself a lot of time and money if you learnt how the visa/permit to stay system works. If you already had permission to stay based on retirement you could have changed to marriage without needing to get a new visa.

    • The visa you now have will allow you to come and go, but the maximum you can stay in the country, every time you enter, will be 90 days.
    • At the end of each 90 days you need to leave, or you can apply for a 60 day or 1 year extension of stay (subject to meeting the requirements).
    • If you exit every 90 days you can immediately return until, on or before, the expiry date of the visa ('enter before').
    • If you don't want to do border runs every 90 days you should have got a single entry visa and applied for an extension of stay based on marriage or changed the reason for an existing extension. However, any of the 90 day entries made with the new visa can be extended by 1 year as long as you've 400K in the bank or a certified (by your embassy) income of at least 40K pm.


    Ditto, Just returned after my first step out on a non-imm O, wanted it this way to see how things went. If OK after the next year will head home and then may go Elite or the potential new 5yr visa that may be coming out.  No money in Thai bank hassle, just leave every 90 days.  No 90 day reporting and it gets me out of the house!  BTW, don't go to Vientiane thinking it is a vacation spot.  It is just to turn around and go back to LOS situation.  Next time Myanmar or Cambo!

  15. 3 hours ago, anotheruser said:


    I am afraid that the "party car" is as dry as if Elliott Ness were  the bartender and has been that way for a couple of years now. I guess there would be no music either so it would just be below average train food to party with.


    Hold me closer Ed, it's getting dark...  Noooo!  One of my favorite things to do in transit from CNX to BKK!  Eliot Ness!  You mean this guy?


    " Doubts raced through my mind as I considered the feasibility of enforcing a law which the majority of honest citizens didn't seem to want"


    That Eliot Ness?  Sure could use him about now in the world...



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