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Posts posted by toofarnorth

  1. PPT asked are ..........................do strange things happen just at the right time.

    I think if we want something we have to go and look for it.  If we need something the world provides.


    Many years ago , about 1963 as I was going to English classes at a nearby Tech. college then , one Sat. morning as in those days A sat. morning at work was par for the course , I ran for the train and saw I had minutes to spare by the station clock. I thought I must get a watch ( last one was broken ).

    I could have sat in any compartment being a quiet Sat.   I got on the train and a watch was sitting on the arm rest , I nearly put my elbow on it.

    Another time same year and going to the station on leaving the college at about 7pm it had been snowing . I had a couple of cigarettes and a couple of matches , they were damp and wouldn't light.

    The train before had gone and light snow covered the platform , Walking along virgin snow I saw a black patch on the platform , I looked down and it was a Ronson lighter , not only that but it worked.

    Coincidences but perfect timming.

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  2. 48 minutes ago, nigelforbes said:

    The problem here is is the increasing number of vehicle owners who spray paint their license plates white, in order to avoid detection by camera's. It's a prolific and obvious problem that nobody seems to care about, some of the abuse is so blatant with owners saying the black paint peeled off, not that the plate was painted white...horse poo..

    Yes I was getting my Forza taxed and tested last week and a chap brought in a Honda Wave and he was getting black paint put on his numbers.  I hope he got a bill for this.

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