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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. Maybe this has something to do with it. Fat diabetic people hospitaslised / dying with covid.
  2. Big pharma and the medical proffession are two different beasts. That's not to say that many within the medical proffession did not profit from this.
  3. As to more people being intubated for things other than covid sure I didn't provide evidence. It's a guess but an educated and reasoned one. Plenty of people with serious lung disease need to be intubated. Cancer patients. TB patients. Pulmonary heart disease patients. Road accidents victims. The elderly suffering from organ failure. The list is extensive. My 'guess' therefore is there are more people being intubated for these conditions than for Omicron. You say 19 people on ventilators (up 36% from the wk before so then there were only 6) well which do you think would be more? You just have to have a smitten of reasoned thought that in a popuation of around 70,000,000 people most being intubated isn't because covid. As for not showing evidence that Omicron is a mild viral infection for the magority of the world's population there is no need to. This is an indisputeable fact as I said.
  4. Come on now. If they're being intubated it's because there's something else going on. I reckon the number of non-covid patients being intubated in hospitals for non-covid related problems is a lot higher. It even states in the article... and I mean you just can't ignore what's being said and what has been said about Omicron since it booted Delta off the face of this planet. Yes, people will still die with or from Omicron but people die from the flu. The common cold can be enough to tip some people over the edge but let's keep it in perspective. Omicron and all it's variants so far show as being a mild infection for the vast majority of the world's population. This is an indisputatable fact. It's what the medical and scientific community have said and will continue to say as long as the virus remains the Omicron strain.
  5. Sorry tend to disagree. Not the medical profession but big pharma and the owner/owners of all those masks piled up in warehouses don't.
  6. I assume your talking about vote 'buying'. Normal part of Thai elections. I remember the Taksin election in 2004 I think it was. A militaty helicopter stacked with loudspeakers was flying around telling people to vote for him. My 1st year here. I couldn't believe what I was seeing or more to the point hearing as it was very very loud.
  7. Not a chance. Thais hate it except for those that benefit from it. Corruption is rife top to bottom. To clean up corruption would probably mean sacking all those in positions of power and that aint going to happen. Local authorities, school directors, government depts, politicians, police, armed forces etc, etc.
  8. Intertesting comment as a US senate investigation paper just released is saying that the covid origin may have come from an infected palm civit illegally sold to a wet market as meat from someone in the Wuhan institute. Interesting.
  9. This rubbish is exactly why those who are ingnorant of the facts will panic.
  10. I mostly agree with but the pandemic isn't ending, it's ended.
  11. That's why I said 90 day reporting but yes I should have included in person. My post, however, of which you only quoted 3 words "7 days after" was to highlight the fact that 7 days after or 15 days before is inclusive of the expiry date.
  12. 90 days is 15 days before and 7 days after but keep in mind this is inclusive of the expiry date i.e. so if the expiry date is the 1st of the month this means you have up to and inlcluding the 7th. 13th would be the 19th.
  13. Alleviate concerns driven by the media. Seems most on this platform were not concerned. I mean I wasn't. I admit I did start wearing 2 masks and washed my hands every 5 min. but I wasn't concerned. ????
  14. Yey. Let's welcome back the Chinese. Wonder how TAT factors this in to their always over inflated predictions.
  15. Many Thai's just get the sniffles and go to hospital so they're going to be busy. Really though this is just more alarmist nonsense.
  16. Sorry I would love to agree with you but there is one fatal flaw in what you are saying ..... logic and we just can't have that here.
  17. I believe there still is an exit tax on flights so why not just increase that for everyone. But your right about the fools. I've been calling these empty headed idiots thought bubble masters for a long long time.
  18. Indeed. Just went back for a look. I definetly got a bit muddled up. Cheers.
  19. Thailand: Domestic gas production? Yes. Mainly Gulf of Thailand. Imports the product? Yes. Mainly Myanmar. Hope that answers your question.
  20. You seemed to have misunderstood my post. I didn't actually address the payment it was about the numbers. Airlines might not know who's who but immigration does so surely a programme could be put in place to share these details and come up with a more accurate number of actual tourists. As for the queues already being long enough the payment will make absolutely no difference as it will be added to airfares or charged when getting a tourist visa if border crossing. Border hop probably have to pay at the border.
  21. It's the CCP and the dictator Xi Jinping. Saw the other day about Russia planning naval excersises in the region. If it all goes pear shaped Thailand will do the usual thing and not become involved. Let's hope China has the sense not to invade Taiwan. If they do do you think the US will roll over and allow it? If they don't it's on and the world's f############. All in the hands of the madman Xi.
  22. Human rights activist and Kremlin critic Vladamir Kara-Murza sentenced to 25 years jail for critisizing the war in Ukraine. Yep that's sure democracy at work. Fantastic example of free speach.
  23. Are you sure Russia pretends to be a functioning democracy? I absolutely sure no one else would see Russia this way. Bit like calling China a functioning democracy.
  24. Only satatistically in this case so I wouldn't hold your breath.
  25. Fair enough but surly immigratin can. Seems like TAT are looking for a way out for their always over inflated predictions. As for the reduction maybe part of that is as many Russians who have already got out of Russia has peaked. Just a thouight.
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