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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. I'm not an anti-vaxer just anti MRNA jabs. The reason measles is still around is because people aren't getting vaccinated. It's a vaccine preventable disease unlike Covid where the vaccine does not prevent someone from contracting or spreading the virus.
  2. Not sure why 'someone' gave the HaHa emoji. Just looked it up and now remember that the kids do get a jab for measles at schcool. MMR jab. Same as I did when I was a kid and I'd imagine everyone else on this forum unless their parents are/were anti vaxers. Why the kids haven't been jabbed is an unknown. Worse than Covid for kids that's for sure. Nearly 61,000 deaths last year. Vaccination for this disease is essential.
  3. I thought kids got measles jabs at school.
  4. Lesson 1. How to make bt600 last a month. As for 65 unless something has happened isn't 60 the forced retirement age or is that just the govt. sector? All up it's an advert for private sector financial advisors and is directed not at the general population. This is not news.
  5. Interesting. Seems like Kalasin will miss out. Not sure why though? Also they say 15 provinces but mention 16. Just brilliant.
  6. Quite right you are. Over a five day period 3 people died either with or from covid either with or without serious comorbidities. This is obviously quite serious. Almost 100% of people who show positive to Covid in hospital recover. This is obviously quite serious. The WHO calls the new XBB.1.16 a sub-variant under monitoring not a sub-variant of concern. This is obviously quite serious. If you think that covid which is now Omicron not Delta and has been around for going on 18 months is serious then fine. No manner of charts, expert opinions or scientific data will change your mind.
  7. Keep your mask on mate. Keep washing your hands and I'm sure you'll be ok. Keep those jabs up to date too. Very important. Oh, and avoid crowded places.
  8. How many masks do you think? Oh no! Not washing their hands every 5 minutes. Surely if Omicron is so dangerous there would be 10's of thousands in hospital after Songkran. Is this the case? No it isn't.
  9. Exactly. Showing off and then panic because they think their dying. Dope can be pretty strong and if someone doesn't know what to expect then sure they might panic. It's just ignorance to the effects of the drug. As for little ones eating cookies that's not good and the parent/parents have a lot to answer for.
  10. I would love to see the evidence for increased accidents. I bet you it would be cannabis was found in their system. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the chemical in cannabis that makes people feel “high.” Tests can detect THC in the body for several days or even weeks. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324315 As for adverse reactions: An overdose occurs when a person uses enough of the drug to produce life-threatening symptoms or death. There are no reports of teens or adults dying from marijuana alone. However, some people who use marijuana can feel some very uncomfortable side effects, especially when using marijuana products with high THC levels. People have reported symptoms such as anxiety and paranoia, and in rare cases, an extreme psychotic reaction (which can include delusions and hallucinations) that can lead them to seek treatment in an emergency room. https://nida.nih.gov/publications/drugfacts/cannabis-marijuana#:~:text=Marijuana smoke irritates the lungs,higher risk of lung infections.
  11. "In Thailand, Khao Phansa or 'Vassa' takes place in the eighth lunar month, the day after the full moon. The festival marks the start of the rainy season." It's a quote so I'll source it but this is well known. Leading up to Khao Phansa there will be a story on here about how this marks the begining of the official wet season. Happens every year. It's a bit later this year. August 2. Last year July 14. Yes it will rain before that and yes it will rain in May. https://www.holidify.com/pages/khao-phansa-1238.html
  12. And you're point of view is Covid is dangerous and takes lives. Ok. 99.28% recovery rate of those with covid in hostpital. Of course this is only those who are in hospital. For the rest of the population who get covid (many probably don't know they even have Covid) they don't go to hospital so I'm guessing the recovery rate for those would be 100%. From 2 deaths to 5 deaths over a 5 day period in a population of 70,000,000 plus we don't know the details. Old and sick? People with severe comorbidities? Young and healthy? Died with or from? Which do you think? No agenda the figures speak for themselves so there is no need for this alarmist nonsense.
  13. I think that's the point @KhunBENQis making. A 150% increase of a small number is still a small number but sounds more dramatic. Just more alarmist nonsense.
  14. Well seems like being legal or not it's happening. Legalising it would make little difference apart from not making it criminal offence to which no one is being charged for (I've seen off duty coppers vaping) and take away the chance of the BIB fleecing tourists. I agree though. More consideration is needed from vapers.
  15. Just goes to show how lucky Thailand's been with a currupt general as PM who had little in the way of political experience but gained power through a coup d'etat and remained in power by changing the constitution, shifting the goal posts during an election and having supprt from his paid off cronie generals etc in the Senate.
  16. + they'll bring in Chinese workers The use of Chinese labor on BRI projects has been a contentious issue. The governments and populations of host countries usually seek to increase the proportion of local hires on such projects, to increase local income and skills transfer. Chinese firms, however, seek to keep labor costs down while accommodating Beijing’s political preferences. https://www.cfr.org/blog/who-built-labor-and-belt-and-road-initiative
  17. Here's a less alarmist way of looking at. Recovery rate as of 24 April is 99.28%. As for lung inflamation I'm not sure about this as Omicron is an upper respiratory infection. Maybe lung inflamation is from secondary infections? Don't know. Deaths? Well again possibly these are people who had severe comorbidities or elderly or both as was the 1st recorded death with, not from, XBB.1.16. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/thailand/
  18. Sex toys, dope and vaping. All should be legal and Thailand could actually become a member of the 21st century. Alas the minority consevative Buddhists rule the roost.
  19. So was this the only person the BIB helped. Not according to the article. "....helping tourists with their luggage, including a well-known lawyer." Well how many tourists? Seems like childish cherry picking from someone who has completely lost it.
  20. Good on her. Well done. I do, however, think she may of had some of that famous (6th and not real som tam) som tam salad the day before and ......som tam afterburner. Just kidding. Good on her. Very strange catagory though.
  21. Breaking through Thailand’s current policy making hindrances or How to Make it Look Like we are Fighting Corruption, not Giving Ourselves a Big Trough to Feed from and Make it Look Like we are Helping the People.
  22. I love elephants. Saw one open a manderin by very, more like very, very, very softly treading on it, taking out the flesh to eat and discard the peel. Thais who where there at the same time were as amazed as I was. An animal that can very easily crush a human skull. Something I will never forget seeing.
  23. Probably rates higher than us. The elephant that is. Saddly some cultures just do what they do. Most animal and animal parts smuggling is for the Chinese. I went to a wedding here once and there was shark fin soup. I refused to eat it. They didn't understand. It's a status thing for them never mind that they just cut off the fin and throw the shark back in the water to die. I really do not like this side of Asian culture.
  24. Balancing between US, China I'm not sure if balancing is the right word. Maybe on hands and knees.
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