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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. Yep. Amazing how many people try to get food in. <deleted>. Don't know if you know this stuff but I took some natto (japanese fermented soybeans that really smells but I like it) into Aus. I declared it, they didn't know what it was, I openned up one package and the customs officer took several steps back, looked like they were going to throw up and basically said "go for Christ's sake go now". Always declare food going into Australia.
  2. So I guess they can get the water from their taps which probally isn't going to be much better. Something odd about this story as the range of this is huge. Top of the NE to the S. Very odd. Maybe there's another agenda at play here.
  3. This is why Australia is the most bio-secure continent/island/country in the world. If you think allowing bio risks in to possibly decimate agricultural industries then that's your opinion. South Australia has even more bio secruriy in place. Interstate travel into South Australia is guarded by customs for the same reasons. Fruit fly is a big one.
  4. Ah! Silly me. I thought this was about bio secrurity. Guess not. People bringing in fruit which may or may not have a bio risk is not the problem it seems. It's those pesky people putting fruit in their hand luggage that will damage the Thai economy. We need all the money we can get because we owe the Chinese a lot of money.
  5. Complete nonsense. Sugical masks do absolutely nothing when it comes to Omicron and as Omicron is about as bad as a cold for most people there is no need to wear a mask and as for pm 2.5 an N95 or similar mask is effective but only when worn 100% properly. Disposable masks are worthless for pm 2.5.
  6. I think singing and dancing politicians should be banned globally at all times. It's so very, very cringe worthy.
  7. Vaccinated against what? Omicron? Basically everyone by now has been exposed to Omicron. Many probably do not even know they have had Omicron. I had a bit of a nasty head cold a few weeks back. Maybe it was not a cold but it was Omicron. Don't know didn't test and pretty much fine after 3 days. Natural immunity exists throughout the population. Switzerland has just announced that they have stopped the vaccination program entirely. Vaccinations will now only be done after a doctor consultation. "Continue to reduce community transmission of COVID-19 across Thailand RTG encourages COVID-free settings and booster vaccinations." Unbelievable that in the face of all evidence they are still pushing the line that vaccination stops transmission. Masks off, no more jabs and let's just get on with life.
  8. Well it's decrimanalised. Chuwit's a crim. Why put this buffoon on a pedistal. Badly thought out policy? Well of course. TIT. When it comes to policy IMO TBT rather than TIT is more appropriate. TBT acronym for Thought Bubble Thailand.
  9. This is just a rubbish comment. Why not legalize sex toys? Answer is that religion, sorry Buddhism is not a religion (LOL), holds a lot of sway as do the ultra conservatives. This is a country that will pixalate a tongue on TV. Many years ago I saw an add on TV where this rather hot looking girl was in an icecream commercial. She was licking an icecream. Tongue was pixaleted. This was during one of those stupid soapies. Plenty of guns. Not pixalated. They only pixalate guns when they are being pointed at someone. Just so puerile.
  10. Well when I go shopping (not for imported goods) the exchange rate doesn't come into mind usually. Things have gone up and everyone (except those who don't care because they have lots of money) know this to be a fact. Having the 2nd lowest inflation rate does not mean there is low inflation. As I said above this is just pre-election propaganda. It's a deflection. As for price gouging IMO this is global crime just look at the energy sector. All time high prices and all time high profits. It's an interseting fact that in a depression the rich get richer.
  11. Oh no!!!!!!! Would this mean no more BIB brown envelopes?
  12. Quite so but they usually die young. Rather sad really.
  13. Great article. I'm 100% sure that the majority of Thais would agree. Utter pre-election propagana.
  14. I had another thought. Before 12:00 pm I can also do this drunk. Just empty headed idiots running the show. TIT.
  15. Just like the last one. Remember TIT. No need for independent observers. Always free and fair elections here.
  16. Let's say a few is 3-5 so if you speed through a red light not wearing a helmet through the other 95-97 checkpoints you'll be ok.
  17. Isn't it registration for pre-poll voting NOT actual voting?
  18. Interesting. I thought they used nets.
  19. Being that Thailand pushes it's neutrality stance, if everything goes pair shaped and war does come to this region vis a vis China invades Taiwan I guess this ship and the subs will come in handy for illegal fishing in the region. p.s. Thailand has never been colonised because the English in Burma and the French in Loas and Cambodia thought it would be a good idea to keep a country between them. A neutral space if you like. So the question is why? Why are these ships and boats (a sub is a boat not a ship) needed?
  20. Me: "Doctor I sprained my ankle." Doctor: "I think we should do an xray." 2hrs later Doctor: "Your ankle is fine. It's only sprained" Doctor: "You should take the pills." Me: What are they?" Doctor: "Paracetamol and antibiotics." Cost: Bt2000.
  21. It's a good idea. I wonder if you can filter out disgusting (unclean) squat toilets. Needing a pee for me can be a problem sometimes and the lack of toilets on the BTS etc systems is problematic.
  22. This is a policy not a backhander. Really doesn't matter the whole thing is bent. TIT. CORRUPT.
  23. I didn't go past the 1st point because this is probably happening as I type.
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