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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. You assume wrong. The idea of posting the map was to show where the major concentration of fires are i.e. Myanmar, Laos AND Northern Thailand. This is a cross border situation. Fairly sure that if there were no fires at all in Thailand and Myanmar and Laos continue to burn the situation in the North of Thailand would still be very bad due to the predominant wind direction at this time of year.
  2. Take a look at this fire map from a bit earlier today. Myanmar and Laos. It's about the wind direction. Not sure what other countries would be affected from Thailand's burning. https://firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/
  3. I know someone who got done on a Friday evening. Choices were wait in the lock up until monday go to court and the fine is Bt10k or pay us Bt20k and drive home.
  4. The bigger picture.... https://firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/map/#d:2023-03-30..2023-03-31,2023-03-30;@102.8,20.3,6z
  5. This is just a snapshot of Thailand as a whole. Corrupt top to bottom. Before anyone accuses me of Thai bashing Thais well know this to be the case.
  6. Refrain from drinking alcohol and drink responsibally are two different things. The former being do not drink alcohol the latter is self explanatory. Of cource this is an uttery rediculous utterance. Think about how many Thais drink alcohol on Buddhist holidays where alcohol sales are 'banned'. Personally I have no problem buying alcohol on these days apart from I can't get it from 711 etc. Fine by me because the mom and pop shop 50 metres from my closet 711 sells beer cheeper.
  7. This is a bushfire or wildfire for my US friends. Pretty much only a few ways these can start. Accidental, lightning or deliberate. All countries that suffer from bushfires/wildfires know that prevention of the 3 is neigh on impossible especially so for the last two.
  8. So it will be pretty much the same as having a cold at least symptom wise. A few weeks a go I had a headache, bit of a sore throat, sneezing (double sneeze one directly after the other. Never before to my memory) and a bit of a cough. Felt pretty ordinary for about 3 days. Didn't test. Covid? Common cold? Air pollution? Who knows. Hope it was covid as my immunity will get another boost from the last time I had Omicron around 6 mths ago.
  9. As the article mentions the tail of the manrove horseshoe crab has a carapace around its tail. This is basically a shell. The bottom pic is the mangrove horseshoe crab.
  10. or be killed. Thing is I reckon the poor Russians are sent in and the rich ones are leaving in droves and buying up property where ever they can.
  11. I thought the Russians were refugees. Previous headline Thailand Welcomes Russian Refugees. (cant remember when this was but not long ago) Future headline Thailand expells Rusian Draft Dogers
  12. Yes. There is ideal and there is reality. Reality is TIT.
  13. What about the other 8 squeezed into the cabin who would normaly be in the back. Just more empty nonsense from the empty headed ones that have these thought bubbles. This will be the 1st real Songkran for many years. Maybe in BKK/greater BKK things will not be as much fun. The provinces who knows but I would imagine more than 4 in the back.
  14. I'm guessing there is a bit of a language thing going on here otherwise the person who wrote this has no idea about the difference between work at home and digital nomad. Quality stuff or maye it's AI. Thai version. Moving on from this is this... Yeh right! "without the fear of a backlash" I'm your superior. How dare you ignore my communications. I have lost face. What are you going to do about it? As for this is now law fairly sure drink driving etc etc etc is unlawful. No more commuting? Thailand enshrines work-from-home culture in law
  15. Horseshoe crabs are delicious (and expensive) but as @SABlokesays the story is about identification/misidentification so a comparasion would've been nice. Perhaps they were worried about getting the pics mixed up LOL. Which is which?
  16. Whatever you think of dope this guy is an idiot just like the rest of them. Nothing based on any evidence just big noting throw away lines. Thailand will never advance as long as corrupt, uneducated cretins run the show. It's a real pity but the rich, corrupt minority run things. Anutin legalised pot as a political ploy. Nothing more. It was not about society. No one has ever died from a dope overdose. The same thing cannot be said about alcohol. Mental illness and dope. Sure this is a problem but the illness already exists. The same can be said for alcohol. Some people can go through life with absolutely no problems from drug taking be it legal or illegal, and some others can't. It's a shame that these idiots reduce any productive conversations on this down to some puerile, uneducated, selfserving endevour.
  17. Pity is that a rational argument will never change the mind of the irrational. Alcohol I like but it's different for different people. Sorry you had a bad time with it. Unfortunately the uneducated of this world who have their 3 cups of coffee a day, maybe a packet of cigs, drink alcohol and are fine with it or are not (drunk driving, domestic violence, fighting etc.) view dope as some demon drug a drug that was demonised by a political decision. Coca Cola use to have cocaine in it. Boy I wish it still did. What a happy world this would be.
  18. Thai people believe in ghosts. A turtle coming into your home is good luck. Lottery numbers seen on trees etc, etc. Not a great reference IMO. One has to wonder who is doing the smoking.
  19. You forgot the brown envelopes of which he has for sure handed out thousands of big fat ones. Guy's a criminal.
  20. Sorry but this is complete and utter nonsense. It's a herb. You dry and smoke the heads. As for self medication George Bernard Shaw wrote "Alcohol is the anesthesia by which we endure the operation of life". Nice but one could replace alcohol for weed. There would be less societal damage this way.
  21. I'm very laid back thank you very much. I for one suppport the legalisation of all drugs. The Portugal model is something you should look at. Crime down. Prisons emptying. Employment up. Drug dependence down. But you are right I'm not quite laid back enough. Another toke I think. ps I have read the bible cover to cover and have read an unabridged version of the old testament. I am in no way religious because I think faith is just silly but it is a good read.
  22. Oh dear god good try. I suggest a small toke for you, relax and read your bible. I would go for the old testament. Really good novel. Try and read the unabridged version. I might be wrong but burning babies alive springs to mind. Definitely not something someone who has had a chuff would think of doing. Also not sure what the elderly (???????) potheads have to do with it. The one's I have met have been very laid back nice people. Way to go in my opinion. It's the yaba here that's the problem. Not weed.
  23. I think you should all wake up. Marijuana is a very, very dangerous drug that will lead anyone who smokes it down the road to mental illness and harder drugs. That's all I've got to say except for I believe it's time for a beer and a bong. Ahhhhhh! That's better.
  24. These warning levels are not given or changed lightly. Interesting. Australian Foreign Affairs shows no such warning.
  25. Understand but if KN95 an N95 masks which I believe have been tested for pm2.5 are not fitted properly then there really is no point. It just becomes a fashion accessory. Interestingly there seems to have been no scientific and peer reviewed studies about the efficacy of mask wearing and covid-19. Funny really because the year the Chinese let covid out was the same year or time thereabouts that PM 2.5 was making the news and people were wearing masks for the pollution. Again if not properly fitted they are next to useless.
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