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Posts posted by dinsdale

  1. 7 hours ago, webfact said:

    Somchai said that as most vote buying is done through canvassers at the village level,

    Take out the word 'as' (context remains the same) and that's how Thaksin got in and stayed in.

    Upcoming election? Never trust a military junta. There may well be a 'security' situation which 'justifies' more delays. 

    Maybe I'm just a cynic. We'll see.

  2. 3 hours ago, webfact said:

    Elephant Devours Durian In Daring Dawn Raid

    I don't think elephants need to be "Daring". I once saw an elephant given a mandarin. Placed it under it's foot. Applied what could only be the smallest amount of pressure, split the skin and took out the flesh of the fruit. I along with a few other people (all Thais) who saw this were amazed. Highly intelligent creatures. 


    “It’s not the same elephant,” he said. “They trade off who comes here.”


    What a great comment and I don't mean this in a disparaging way. They really are smart and it seems this lot like myself are hooked on the stuff. Magnificent fruit. 

  3. Pitiful, just absolutely pitiful. Good on her for her achievement but this happens world wide. 


    This is from 2012 in Australia.


    Allan Stewart, 97, will graduate from Southern Cross University today with a Master of Clinical Science.

    But it's not his first graduation. Mr Stewart earned a place in the record books when he graduated with a law degree at the age of 91.

    Today he retains that title with his fourth degree. He undertook his first degree in dentistry in 1936.


  4. Absolutely correct. BKK is a fantastic destination. One of the best attractions is the street food...oh dear! One of the best attractions is the hordes of Chinese tourists...nup. Mmm. Bent coppers ...maybe not. Cheap? I don't think so. Feel free to add to the list.

    They're doing they're best to ruin this country.

    Still, nice to see the 'PM' giving a thumbs up to the Daily Mirror, a highly respected publication. :cheesy:


  5. 8 hours ago, tryasimight said:

    What percentage...I'm curious...do you have verified figures?

    Over 90% at a guess (although I have seen figures of up to 98% mentioned on this site) of prostitution in Thailand is for Thais. Places like Pattaya, Pukhet, Sukhumvit are just a drop in the ocean. How many karaoke bars, 'massage' shops do you think there are in Thailand that are not in tourist areas? I do not live in a tourist area. I live just outside BKK and I reckon if I went 1 hr in any direction there would be 100's. Think of Issan. Thousands of karaoke bars. I don't think one really needs "verified" stats to know that most prostitution in Thailand isn't for 'servicing' foreign tourists.

  6. 11 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    "Sin City" not just for the tourists

    Absolutely ridiculous 'journalism'. Pattaya represents a small percentage of prostitution nationally. Does, however, bring in tourist money for everyone who works there and other similar tourist areas, to support themselves and their families which is more than the 'government' does. Sin City? Thai's murdering/killing people and getting away with it. 'SIN'? Corruption. SIN? ABSOLUTE RUBBISH STORY. ABSOLUTE RUBBISH HEADLINE.

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