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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. They always mention nationality so we don't all get lumped together as merely foreigners. A little discrimination goes a long way here.
  2. haha but seriously, calling homosexual sexual predators "LGBTQIA+" as if they're some protected minority group is pretty sick and needs calling out.
  3. The farang hordes are bad enough but Thailand has opened a whole new can of worms with so many Indian tourists in the country.
  4. True but the Jewish diaspora is going to get blowback for it. Oct 7 was basically a PR disaster for Jews globally. People are strongly divided on the issue and it gets heated pretty quick. Now the common Jewish expat in Thailand is in the middle and getting paranoid. Not a good place to be in for sure.
  5. LGBTQIA+.... by which they mean some perverted mentally ill gay man dressed as a woman. Probably sexually abused themselves and now taking it out on the world.
  6. racist....🥱 Look at the photo again. Those are not your people. They will totally dominate you given a chance. Get with the program and stop being a chump.
  7. I'm with Thailand on this one. Muslims can't be assimilated and are a problem waiting to happen. Those people pictured below are presumably citizens in some Western country that have the exact same rights as you do except the live in a parallel societies. The West invented the idea of so-called "human rights" and so they discard it as well. Learn from Thailand on this one and get rid of these people while you still can.
  8. Trans is a "the king has no clothes" moment for liberals. It's obviously farcical nonsense so how much you can believe the lie proves how loyal you are the to the king.
  9. It's kind of like how it would be a sin to put down a dangerous dog that killed a child but then you eat deep fried chicken every morning for breakfast.
  10. What kind of music festival is this that it requires 600 people to keep order? Is it like the American night club where some homeboy gets dissed and then a gang war breaks out?
  11. Already seen two forest fires last week around where I live probably dozens more in the region and they will continue to start new ones. Unless they get rained out It's going to go downhill fast like it does every year.
  12. well aren't the people smoking half of the offense taken? If it was well dressed professionals smoking it would honestly bother me less.
  13. Look here they are violating some beach in Mexico. It's a traveling colony of imposters and they hit Pai hard for sure. https://x.com/BowTiedPassport/status/1896228428346692041
  14. Some substantial part of the population has zero ability to have consideration of others, it's like they live in their own little bubble and block out everything around them. They clearly aren't teaching consideration to their kids, just how to obey their elders. It's serious societal problem here if you ask me but it's not on anyones radar.
  15. That's how they attract their big bottomed mates.
  16. I hate Songkran now. It must be the only holiday in which participation is mandatory. I'd accept buckets of water for one day or water guns for 3 days but buckets of water for 3 days is a bridge too far. I've also never lived in an area where there was a single safe street I could get too, there's a always a blockade with drunks and kids making escape impossible unless you want to get soaked.
  17. He's at serious risk for assignation now when this is over. He wrecked the country and got thousands of people killed. Western governments and media are to blame too for fueling this. What's amazing is that it was a mere 6 months after America abruptly pulled out of Afghanistan and people still went for another needless war overseas. Flags on their social media and front lawn, the whole 9 yards.
  18. What do you pro-Ukraine war guys really want? Are we going to fight a proxy war for decades or is time for full scale war with Russia? Ukraine can't win on their own so it's time to escalate if you want to continue. However this went down really doesn't matter but for me it's a good thing this is unraveling before it gets even worse than it already is.
  19. That's where all this is coming from? Maybe if it was a long term expat or a forum member that would be more relevant but random tourists shouldn't have their e-begging publicized on a public forum in my opinion.
  20. so Thailand deports them for the typical reasons people get deported here (I never heard of them accepting refugees long term and how would they legally work anyways so probably working illegally) then Muslims in Thailand do terrorism on the Thai public as retaliation. Sounds like a no-win scenario for Thailand to be messing around with any of these people. That includes the Thai public, expats and tourists.
  21. that's what he article implied to me. For all the woes with tourists they aren't bombing cities to avenge their fellow tourists previously done wrong by Thailand. Obviously these aren't groups you should be risking, if that's really what's happening here.
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