Last night I went to a clinic with my wife about a problem she was having and decided to ask the doctor about my dizziness which started after my COVID vaccine last year and was especially bad yesterday. The doctor in the US I saw last summer had said both my eustachian tubes were congested and so I brought this up with the doctor and asked him about it. Immediately he dismissed the very idea and didn't even bother to check. He did however check my blood pressure which was a little high yesterday (no idea why) and gave my some pills.
This isn't the first time this happened and it's the reason I don't even bother with them anymore. They'll make any diagnosis within 5 minutes just by talking with you, no tests required apparently and they always get it wrong. It's a shame because dentists in Thailand are very excellent and at least as good if not better than in the US.
Anyways, in the US we have what we call private practices which in my experience have been entirely competent and generally speaking we don't go to hospitals unless there's something more serious. In Thailand however, are hospitals your only choice? I'd like to have a doctor that at the least isn't trying to see each patient 5 minutes at a time.
I'm in Chiang Mai (Mae Jo/Mae Rim area), does anyone have any recommendations for a doctor I could see to diagnosis this again and see if they can confirm the original diagnosis by the doctor in the US? I'll go to a hospital if I need to but that seems overkill for such a thing.