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Posts posted by StevieAus

  1. On 12/14/2021 at 7:10 PM, Screaming said:

    I would agree that travel insurance be mandatory for visiting Thailand. There are so many dangers here including the bad food, traffic and STD's. If you cannot afford healthcare including the ability to pay for your death, you should not come here.

    Obtaining travel insurance doesn’t seem to be such a problem as they tend to exempt from the coverage existing conditions and usually it’s only for a relatively short period of time.

    The problem appears to be obtaining hospital/ medical cover if you are over 65 years of age and living here long term.

    As this travel pass requires you to have coverage of

    $US 55,000.00 for the period that you are stamped in, which could be up to a year if on a retirement extension, it would appear that many long term expats are in fact prevented from leaving the country if they cannot obtain the insurance.

    • Like 1
  2. On 12/13/2021 at 5:35 PM, kimamey said:

    Well if you're going to take that attitude then I won't bother coming. ????


    On a serious note I've said it's up to my wife what she does assuming she outlives me of course. It will also depend on where I am at the time. I'm not sure how easy it would be to pile up some logs, bung me on top and set fire to it if I'm in the UK? How multicultural is the UK? To be honest if I'm dead then I won't have much say. If I'm in Thailand and my son and daughter or my sister want to come that's up to them and I know that's what my wife would want. I'm sure they could afford it if they wanted and my son could probably pay for all of them if he wanted. If I'm in the UK and my wife isn't there's enough money for her to travel over. If she wants of course. Which I'm sure she would. Wouldn't she??

    I was born in the UK and emigrated to Australia at a relatively early age I recall my late father telling me don’t waste time and money coming to funerals as there is nothing you can do and we will not know you are there.

    I followed that advice and visited them when they were alive and have applied it to friends.

    Re myself I know that my wife will ignore my request as it’s a cultural issue linked to saving face etc.

    It doesn’t really matter as by then it it will be her money she is wasting


    • Like 2
  3. On 12/12/2021 at 10:04 AM, DrJack54 said:

    Think you make a good point and perhaps expats could think about.

    Of course very personal thing and opinions will vary.

    I have made it VERY clear to my family (in Oz) that I don't want anyone coming to Thailand if/when fall off the perch and under no circumstances my remains repatriated to Oz. 

    I have also made it very clear that after my demise I don't want her spending money wining and dining the locals for three days.

    We have a local crematorium not far from the house where I am quite happy to be disposed of without an audience.

  4. 17 hours ago, IvorBiggun2 said:

    Wrong wrong wrong.

    I think you are confusing the fact that the NHS will not refuse to treat anyone whatever their status however regarding payment is another issue depending on whether you meet the criteria for free treatment

    I can tell you from personal experience at a large London hospital about three years ago my Thai wife who is also an Australian citizen and passport holder required treatment

    This was given immediately and there was a suggestion she might need to be admitted for an operation

    There is also a reciprocal agreement between the UK and Australia for free emergency treatment

    A person appeared and we were told that if the treatment didn’t meet the definition of emergency treatment we would have to pay and forms were produced that we were asked to sign

    It didn’t particularly matter as we have world wide medical and hospital cover

    I suspect though that in many cases recovering payment after treatment is another issue.

  5. On 11/8/2021 at 6:30 AM, DrJack54 said:

    Think you will find that it's not for the duration of stay.

    It's required for the period that you will be stamped in for.

    That's down to how you enter be it visa exempt, tourist visa, reentry permit etc.

    Doesn’t that amount to the same thing in practice ?

    I am on a retirement extension recently renewed, so if I left tomorrow and returned in say a month I would have to have insurance until the retirement extension expires in November next year.

  6. On 11/3/2021 at 8:33 PM, RichardColeman said:

    Don't know what's worse 6 travellers with covid or only 1500 arrivals a day - rate is currently half their prediction of 1st 5 days now.


    Be also interested to know where they were all from- dodgy vaccines or certificate - or just plain unlicky

    The vaccines don’t have to be “dodgy”

    No vaccine gives you 100% protection, or didn’t you know that?

    • Like 2
  7. 20 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

    The solution to the ones entering illegally is simple.

    At the moment, they arrest them. Check them for Covid. Incarcerate them and then send them back.

    Of all of the recent migrants, NONE have had Covid.

    So, register them. Give them temporary papers and let them work in a controlled environment.

    After a probation period, make their papers more permanent.

    I don’t know where you source your information from but I live in the North of Chiang Mai Province and some of the Burmese apprehended in the last week or so did test positive for Covid.

    • Like 1
  8. 17 hours ago, Pedrogaz said:

    As a 67 year old long term resident here with a home, partner, cars etc......paying outrageous taxes on cars but getting nothing back. I would go back to Europe if I hadn't invested so much on this racist country.

    The government should allow all longer term (one year plus) resident to access the Thai government healthcare system for a reasonable fee instead of forcing us into the claws of these morally bankrupt private hospitals and insurance companies that charge foreigners much more than Thais.

    Anybody can access government hospitals in Thailand.

    I have used a well know private hospital in Chiang Mai for ten years or more and their charges are the same for Thais and non Thais.

    You need to understand that private hospitals are what the name suggests PRIVATE they are not funded by the government.

  9. 3 hours ago, TheFishman1 said:

    I totally agree with the above post the thia pass And my case having to buy 11 months of insurance is way too expensive I am trapped here do away with all the past and all the stuff you have to do to just go visit somebody for two weeks and want to come back. TAT

    As a matter of interest what are the rates for the period you mentioned and are they refusing cover for “older” persons and those with pre existing conditions?

    Fortunately I took out cover when I was 61 which would cover me if I wanted to travel but have no interest with this nonsense, but have a couple of friends who may have problems.

  10. On 11/2/2021 at 11:35 AM, KhunBENQ said:

    In a safe. I don't want to use a bank safe box here.

    Yes the safe doesn't weigh a ton, it won't withstand heavy machinery tools but in a neigborhood like ours no professional robbers will break in unnoticed.

    Only few members of the family know about it.

    Has not been transported by outsiders.

    In a room with sturdy window grilles and a robust door with cylinder lock and proper fittings.

    So no opportunity for petty criminals.

    Number wheel combination known to me and the daughter.

    After reading your post I have decided that I am no longer paranoid about security only seriously concerned. !!!!

    • Haha 1
  11. On 2/7/2021 at 8:34 AM, Peterw42 said:

    That is simply not true, a res cert IS required to buy/sell a vehicle in thailand. Always has been

    Maybe in your part of Thailand.

    In the past ten years I have bought 4 new cars and one new motorbike and have never been asked for a residence certificate.

    Driving licence renewal Yes.

  12. 4 hours ago, nickmondo said:

    although Greta is a pain in the bum, and cant stand the girl.........she would have more chance of getting stuff done than these overpaid numptys that the world calls leader.

    you only have to look at Biden and Johnson to see what a state the world leadership is in.

    luckily i will be dead a long time before all the problems are irreversible, and i dont have kids.......I know that sounds selfish.....but when you look at the world leaders (with the exception of William and Charles) none of them have a clue, and care nothing about the world, only themselves.

    William and Charles?

    I read a report recently about Charles lecturing the Australian Government concerning global warming.

    Perhaps he should lecture the UK government about the soaring cost of gas in order that his subjects don’t have to decide between eating and keeping warm this winter.

    • Like 1
  13. On 11/2/2021 at 12:48 PM, Kwasaki said:

    Until the likes of other western and eastern countries get to start cutting emissions don't see why Thailand should do anything. 

    Totally agree. Until China India and the US do something which I cannot see happening the rest are just being taken for a ride.

    • Like 1
  14. 40 minutes ago, Orinoco said:

    Your right.

    Oz is the best place on the planet,

    shame it's full  of Australians.

    But no worries the true locals  will have it back from you soon. !!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL.

    will be well funny watching that.

    Fair Dinkum mate.




    Totally disagree, that’s why I decided to leave and live in Thailand.

    As far as the original locals are concerned, the government has given  much of the country back to them arising out of the Mabo Lands Rights Case.

    Unfortunately due to lack of accountability most of what is generated, plus the millions they receive each year in welfare etc ends up in a bottomless pit or against the wall.

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