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Posts posted by StevieAus

  1. 13 hours ago, chalawaan said:

    There's plenty wrong with tax avoidance. Mainly that it's only reserved for the elites of this crappy planet. I was almost put in jail for daring to have an measly few kilos of gold outside of Australia (all declared) whilst being a permanent expat!

    Think it's BS? Ask a good overseas tax accountant. I lost a lot of my super unwinding that at prices lower than I bought, to avoid becoming a criminal fugitive. 

    My super is still in Australia returning good rates tax free 17.5% for half of it 34% for the other half last year.

    The Fund and Government know I’m here.

    Maybe your overseas  accountant is not that good.


  2. 21 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

    If this Swiss man is charged with any offence at all, the Thais can kiss goodbye to attracting the high rolling Foreign people that they are so desperately seeking.

    The potential 1 Million or so Digital Nomads Etc Etc Etc, will just say " <deleted> that, if I cannot defend myself , and what is mine, without prosecution."

    You really think the people you refer to follow local news in Thailand?
    If you were worried about crime you wouldn’t visit any country

    Have a look what happens in London any night of the week, the police admit the armed gangs are out of control.


    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Geir Rasch said:

    I think there was a new regulation regarding bank interest last year. Every account holder must make sure your tax-ID is connected to your bank accounts. Every bank must report interest paid on every account to the revenue department. 
    Interest below 20.000 bath are exempted from tax, but banks are imposed to withhold  15% tax on interest. If your account is connected to your tax ID you can claim that tax back (before I think you just got a document from the bank and used that to claim back).

    If you pay tax to Thailand you can in no 90/91 claim interest back, or take it as part of your total tax if the interest is below 20.000 bath.
    I read this on Sherrings early in 2021. If it is confusing what I have read, you should look up Sherrings on the net.

    Thanks for the information I will follow it up.

  4. 29 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    I don't think so. Women have to make contributions to their own State pension. Women in the UK have equality ????

    Thanks, women in Australia have their own pensions too also it seems more rights than men.

     My question arose out ofUK men receiving a State Pension married to a Thai who obviously could never have paid into the system

    My Thai wife is lucky she gets 100% of mine if I die but it’s time limited.

    Wonder sometimes if I should eat the food she cooks great as it is !!!!

    • Like 1
  5. 44 minutes ago, ebean001 said:

    in the USA, up to 80,000 die each year from the flu. maybe down to 60,000. i think the main thing about the flu is it dies out in the summer. Also, the world does not seem to care about all these deaths. USA provides vaccines good for the year but not enough get the shots. even if they did, the flu seems to come back each year. CDC in USA seems they like huge funds from the gov but does not do much is my opinion. Covid is not going to stop unless people stop from getting it. each person is responsible to prevent themselves from getting the virus. A person who gets it, in some cases, (not all)  has failed society...again, in some cases. they have kept it going. nothing will stop it. not even the summer months. We have to stop it  or the deaths will continue. 

    Totally agree with all of the above.

    I look at what’s happening in my own country Australia young antivaxers fighting with the police.

    I am old enough to remember kids at school recovering from polio wearing iron braces on their legs.

    I am sure they would have loved access to a vaccine.

    There are sad and stupid people around.

    • Like 2
  6. 17 hours ago, briley said:

    What if you only have income from bank interest?


    I've just got about 1.5 Baht interest on which tax has been deducted. I got the impression that I had to do a return or face 200 Baht fine. Hopefully I am wrong.

    I receive bank interest and In ten years I have never filed one and have never received a fine.

    I have a expat friend who is on a low budget, files one and gets the tax refunded.

    We have a small motel and a block of ten apartments in my wife’s name she didn’t register and got a small fine. 
    Each year she now goes to the office with with the accounts and pays no tax.

  7. 7 hours ago, 2 is 1 said:

    Other hand they want to drag as many farang's in country what they can.Then they slap you in face whit free hand. All these storys going forward to ear's of people who was still thinking spend holiday in Thailand. Thailand never ever going to see over 20 million tourist / year!

    The reality is that the majority of those you quote above will probably never see the inside of a government hospital.

    For those who are foolish enough to travel here or in fact to any other country without travel insure they deserve to pay.

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  8. On 9/26/2021 at 1:17 PM, Kwasaki said:

    No problem with the Old City Historical Park where we live Muang Kao (Old city) if that's what you mean and it had never been affected the water in the park lake is still not full. 

    There is lots of moats and ponds all around the area that are still not full where excess water would be sent if there were any danger of the park flooding. 

    The local govt have done a great job over the years clearing out waterways.

    Much the water seems to go down hill to New Sukhothai.



    That’s good news I live in Northern Chiang Mai province and over the years have taken many friends from overseas to visit.

    I always ensure we are there on a Saturday night so we can visit in the “ dark” as well as daytime.

    For me it’s a surreal experience not to be missed.

    • Like 1
  9. On 9/27/2021 at 8:39 AM, Hawaiian said:

    My brother-in-law, who is a M.D., spent over ten years as a researcher in the U.S..  He is very meticulous and prompt.  Now I wonder where he picked that up from?

    I have formed the same conclusion that geography and location have an influence. Since we moved to Thailand ten years ago my Thai wife is slowly moving back to “type” as it were.

    • Like 1
  10. 44 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

    To my knowledge the thing is the rain storms have been particularly heavier this year and not spread out. 

    Never ever seen Sukhothai hospital under 1 metre of water before or Big'C'.

    Our Old City village is high up so we have had no problems for years. 

    Has it affected the historical site down there would be sad to see it damaged.

  11. 18 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

    To my knowledge the thing is the rain storms have been particularly heavier this year and not spread out. 

    Never ever seen Sukhothai hospital under 1 metre of water before or Big'C'.

    Our Old City village is high up so we have had no problems for years. 

    Has it affected the historical site down there would be sad to see it damaged.

  12. 16 minutes ago, Denim said:

    Yes.....but it's not ever season when you expect to see Noah float by giving you the bird.


    This was the worst rain I have ever seen here. Heavy and non stop for 24 hours. Route 21 north to Petchabun blocked by flood water spoiling some peoples holidays. LOcals say the last 2 days have been the worst for about 40 years in this area.

    No I agree this year has been heavy the last few years have been lighter certainly where I live.

    • Like 1
  13. 33 minutes ago, Purdey said:

    The Thai government will not discriminate against certain foreigners due to the uproar it would cause. Not sure why white guys are happy to suggest such things when back home no government would dare. The Thai government is fair enough to discriminate against all foreigners as a whole.

    Anyone who remembers Russian oligarchs and Saudi princes buying up London properties will know how the locals got quite upset (jealous maybe a better description).

    An usufruct agreement on property in Thailand guarantees you won’t get kicked out within 30 years at least, by which time you will have passed on to the the land of free pastures.

    Congratulations on the most rational and factual quote of the day on the subject.

    Our home, adjoining land, other land and two business’s have my name on them by way of usufruct.

    Somehow I don’t see myself reaching one hundred years old and not sure if I want to and in the meantime if things go “ mango shaped” to quote Rooster which I doubt, I will take my chances arguing for a fifty percent split in the Divorce Court.



    • Like 2
  14. You do know that it is currently the wet season when it tends to rain ?

    I understand that the currently downpours are the tail end of a storm from Vietnam.

    Here in Northern Chiang Mai Province it seems more than last year.

    My brother-in-law’s big pond is usually an accurate gauge it’s full at  the moment unlike last year.

  15. 2 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    Awesome Thailand, UK/US  never got even close to this percentage of the population in one day. Makes me proud to be Thai, but felt <deleted> after my vaccine on Friday.  

    Can't believe there are two negative Normans complaining already. 



    I am surprised that if you have been using this site, you haven’t noticed that it is full of negative Normans.

    Yet despite their complaints and negatively towards everything Thai, they choose to stay rather than return to their Utopian homeland.

    • Sad 2
    • Thanks 2
  16. I subscribe to Tea Time TV which gives you access to most if not all UK TV stations.

    You can go back eight days fast forward pause etc.

    Its not free but for me at 1800 baht for three months good value.

    You need a good internet signal.

    I know some people consider it an anathema to pay for anything online but I am not part of that group.

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