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Posts posted by StevieAus

  1. 16 minutes ago, PatOngo said:

    Probably not, it was just a simple <deleted> up by authorities! Totally incompetent in the event!

    Totally agree, the only people allowed to enter Australia are citizens or those with permanent residency.

    Those people are met at the airport by Border Security/ Police/ Army and take to a hotel where they have to remain in the room for 14 days.

    They have more than enough people in uniform here to do the job.

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, balo said:

    There are other ways to do this.  Yes arrive in a plane, then staff will make sure you wear a mask and gloves and you are not allowed to touch anything with your hands .  A car will take you to the quarantine hotel.  And guards will make sure you will stay inside the room for 14 days.  

    They did this in China with westerners, so could also work in Thailand. 

    It’s happening in Australia as well but only with citizens or those with permanent residency as they are the only ones allowed to enter the country. 

    • Like 1
  3. 23 hours ago, Henryford said:

    I am assuming that Pattaya/Thailand will be pretty much wiped out for 2020. I doubt they will get a vaccine any time soon either. They haven't for the cold/flu/HIV virus in 100 years. Eventually they will have to raise the lockdown and accept the impact of further infections. The longer they leave it the more people will suffer.

    No flu vaccine?

    I have been having the flu vaccine each year for the nine years I have been living in Thailand and for many years before that when I lived in Australia.

    I agree that it hasn’t been around for 100 years but then neither have I.

    • Haha 1
  4. On 4/2/2020 at 7:00 PM, tweedledee2 said:

    AirAsia is allowing voluntarily cancellation of all flight bookings made before Mar 23 for departures thru May 31.  I cancelled my flight using "AVA", 2 days before I received the flight cancellation notice email from AirAsia.  They do not issue refunds. They offer unlimited re-booking till Oct. 31 for the same route or a credit of the total fare amount to your "Big" Member account valid for 365 days for future bookings. The latter was the better option for me. Just click on "AVA" and follow the instructions. When complete a reference number will appear and you will receive it by email. If round-trip you'll file 2 claims.

    Thanks for your response found that since original post

  5. 7 minutes ago, drbeach said:

    Indeed. Cambodia is worse than even Thailand when it comes to how they treat foreigners. The country has been a place for foreigners who are at the "end of the road" for a long time. It's bad enough when you get in trouble there during normal times, but during a crisis situation it's absolute hell. Except in the unlikely event you're an Aussie who lives with their Khmer wife on a farm and are self-sufficient.

    Surely that cannot be correct I recall posts on this site by expats who had left Thailand extolling the virtues of Cambodia.

    Strange how things change, nice place to visit but would not like to fall sick in that country.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 2 hours ago, bbi1 said:

    10pm-4am curfew comes into effect today. If this doesn't work then the following week there's talks of a 24 hour curfew. If someone has a medical emergency and needs to go to the hospital immediately, how can they go there during this curfew time in BKK? I'm presuming there's no taxis on the road due to the curfew. How to go with no transportation in BKK? Been thinking about this scenario just in case.

    There is a form of transport called ambulances used to transport sick people to hospitals.

    I doubt that they would be banned and do recall seeing them on previous visits to Bangkok.

    • Sad 2
  7. 6 minutes ago, Liverpoolfan said:

    Expecting this to go nationwide soon.

    could be a precursor to a more permanent blanket ban on alcohol all together.

    them in charge have been waiting for an excuse to ban it outright for years.

    I think you are way out with that prediction there are some pretty big alcohol producers here who have a lot of wealth and power.

    Why do you think there are such restrictions on who an produce alcohol and such huge taxes on imported alcohol especially wine

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, jesimps said:

    In reply to the puritans on here, most people are not addicted to alcohol, but enjoy a drink in the evening to help them destress and relax. It's been part of my social and home life for the past sixty or so years and I want it to continue. I honestly can't see the point in banning its sale apart from a further attempt to stamp govt authority on the people. I bet you a pound to a penny that the powers that be have large supplies of the finest wines and spirits at their disposal. Again a case of "don't do as we do, just do as we say".

    I was refused a purchase at Big C after 6pm last night, but bought two bottles of Sang Som at the local mom and pop shop on the way home.

    Totally agree dam these puritans, I don’t smoke, I don’t do drugs, I don’t gamble and I don’t have a gik.

    Surely I can have one vice yes I enjoy a drink and bought some today from Makro and Tesco Chiang Mai Province

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Lancashireman said:


    Had the same thing happen some years ago on a flight to Australia the plane was late arriving due to some inconsiderate person dying on the flight and us having to return to Kuala Lumphur

    The original destination airport in Queensland was closed and we were diverted elsewhere

    Perhaps those who didn’t want to chip in for the car were from Yorkshire do you think ???

  10. 2 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

    If you go to a local travel agent and cross the young lady's palm with silver ( ie: a couple a hundred Baht), she might well be able to help you out?!

    Thanks Andrew never thought of using the traditional Thai method this was for a short holiday booked a year ago so it’s not that we had to go

    We live north of Chiang Mai so my wife suggested if they are open we drive down and visit their office

    PS if there is a young lady at the travel agent I might go on my own

  11. 9 minutes ago, nausea said:

    Well, at first I thought it was a joke, like you're panicking over a flu epidemic; now everyone is running around like a chicken with its head cut off I'm taking it more seriously. I'll self-isolate until they work out a vaccine or herd immunity kicks in. Luckily, for me, it 's not so difficult - retired, no close neighbours, almost a year on my extension. The positive thing is that this is a big incentive to kick the smoking habit. The negative thing - I really miss my weekly swims. Anyway, the fiction of going home to the UK and throwing myself on the mercies of the NHS, should some potentially very expensive life threatening situation develop, has gone down the drainhole, it's pour the whisky down my throat darling£; which gets me first - the disease or the alcohol is a moot question. Ha!

    No headless chickens at this house

    Don't panic Mr Mannering !!

    • Haha 1
  12. 2 hours ago, madmen said:

    The screws continue to tighten 

    As has been happening in other countries.

    In Australia non citizens have been banned for a couple of weeks anyone else arriving has been taken under supervision of the police/army/ border security to a hotel room that they cannot leave for 14 days 

    The police and army have been patrolling parks etc and ordering people to leave

    No more than two people together in a public area

    State borders sealed

    I have relatives in the U.K. over 70 they have to isolate for 12 weeks another friend 55 because she has asthma received a letter ordering her to isolate for 12 weeks

    Look what is happening around the world

    Thailand is a relatively free and open country

    • Like 1
  13. I am interested if anyone has had any dealings with Air Asia recently regarding the cancellation of flights to Australia.

    We were booked to fly Chiang Mai- Sydney at the end of April but obviously are not going, in any event according to their website they are not operating the flights on the days we booked

    It is not possible to contact anyone by phone and their online chat system must be overwhelmed as it doesn’t seem to work.

  14. My understanding is that most items imported into Thailand attract some form of tax unless from an ASEAN country.

    I got caught a few times when items were shipped by courier companies 

    (eg DHL etc) also the companies want to charge you an additional fee “ for clearing customs”

    Now I will only order items if sent by mail

    Re the 100% rate referred to if you import a motor vehicle I believe it is 300%

  15. 3 hours ago, theonetrueaussie said:

    I laugh when I see all the people here saying to man up and pay the amount you would in a western country...If people want to live by a western countries laws then go live in a western country. Most women here ship the kids off to the grandparents to look after so how much of that 30k will even be used for the kid...

    As others have said if not married, name not on birth certificate then be thankful you dodged a bullet and be smarter next time...Don't allow yourself to be a walking ATM!!

    Obviously never heard of DNA testing and you call yourself

    “ theonetrueaussie” what a joke

  16. On 4/1/2020 at 2:27 PM, Dazinoz said:

    Agree. I guess only difference is that "farang" ask if obligation. Thai men just take off. That last point maybe a bit generalised but EVERY single girl with a child I have spoken to the father just took off and left. And I have spoken to quite a few.

    I don’t think it is generalized as that has been my experience too.

    There are exceptions however and although slightly different my wife’s brother went to the trouble of obtaining custody of his daughter when he and his wife split up.

    I agreed with his actions and after several years it has proved to have been the correct t thing to do.

  17. 23 hours ago, smedly said:

    I wish every western tourist that ever visited Thailand was here right now to experience this - it would take a very long time to forget about the treatment they received - in fact it would leave such a sour taste I suspect they would never be back

    I think you will find that the majority of genuine tourists who ever visited Thailand, certainly the many who have visited me over the years, have never had a problem.
    Just as the majority of retirees who live here, including myself and many friends, never have a problem.

    • Haha 1
  18. 13 hours ago, ivor bigun said:

    well i have had treatment in 3 govt hospitals ,not as an in patient ,i have always been treated well and not charged a vast amount 

    That’s been my experience as well although not three hospitals.

    On one occasion I was taken by ambulance which unlike my home state in Australia was free.

    The treatment and service was excellent and the cost minimal.

    • Like 2
  19. On 3/31/2020 at 9:55 PM, sirineou said:

    Well think about it.

    You are in your home country and you have a decision to make,. You only have one ventilator and two patients, of equal health and age, One is Your countryman and the other one is a foreigner. Not only a foreigner but a foreigner who always looks down or you, and talks bad about you at every opportunity.

    Which one would you choose??I say the foreigner is screwed.  


    Must be very sad where you come from, in my home country it’s needs based not the color of your skin.

    • Like 2
  20. 5 hours ago, Dazinoz said:

    I had a child with a Myanmar lady in Thailand. We were not, and still not married. Her and my names are on the birth certificate but because she was from Myanmar, me Australia and baby born in Thailand the birth certificate listed him as no nationality. He chocked on his milk at 6 weeks, died on the way to the hospital, revived but suffered brain damage from being without oxygen for so long. As he was stateless I applied for him to become Australian Citizen by Descent. This took about 7 months but finally happened then I got his Australian passport. In that time his mother started neglecting him (we were not living together by her choice) so I went into discussions with Queensland state adoption. Now he is in the care of a wonderful foster carer in Australia.


    I guess what I am saying is not married but still managed to get all this done as his father.

    I genuinely admire you for the action that you took particularly in view of your son’s disability.

    Unfortunately there are many and it’s not only in Thailand, who think that children are dispensable to be thrown aside to become a responsibility for others.

    I obtained custody of my seven year old son in Australia in the days when it was unusual for a father to gain such rights and there were no single parents pensions for men.

    I have no regrets and he remained at home until he married as an adult and during those years did not obtain one cent in support from his mother.

    I shake my head in despair when I read posts asking is there an obligation to support your child.

    • Like 1
  21. 13 hours ago, graemeaylward said:

    Exactly!!! As in the early days of HIV/AIDS thousands of causes of deaths were put down to other causes, pneumonia caused by having no immune system being one of them!! 

    I don’t know what the legal requirement Is in Thailand, but in many Western countries the specific cause of death has to be recorded, as in your example pneumonia.

    • Thanks 2
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